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安装文档十月总结二Author:jun.zhanCreation Date:十月 29, 2012Last Updated:十月 29, 2012Document Ref:MD120Version:1.0Note: Title, Subject, Last Updated Date, Reference Number, and Version are marked by a Word Bookmark so that they can be easily reproduced in the header and footer of documents. When you change any of these values, be careful not to accidentally delete the bookmark. You can make bookmarks visible by selecting Tools-OptionsView and checking the Bookmarks option in the Show region.文档控制更改记录3DateAuthorVersionChange Reference十月 29, 2012Jun.zhan审阅NamePosition分发记录Copy No.NameLocation1234Note: The copy numbers referenced above should be written into the Copy Number space on the cover of each distributed copy. If the document is not controlled, you can delete this table, the Note To Holders, and the Copy Number label from the cover page.目录文档控制ii个性化调用请求,报表,存储过程1利用FORM个性化调用请求1利用FORM个性化跳转块4利用FORM个性化增加web link7Form个性化修改标准Form的LOV8利用FORM个性化插入或更新数据库11解决和未解决的问题13已解决的问题13未解决的问题13Note: To update the table of contents, put the cursor anywhere in the table and press F9. To change the number of levels displayed, select the menu option InsertIndex and Tables, make sure the Table of Contents tab is active, and change the Number of Levels to a new value.解决和未解决的问题 13File Ref: 十月总结二 个性化调用请求,报表,存储过程本文将详细介绍个性化的应用仅作参考利用FORM个性化调用请求主要内容1)利用全局变量直接调用请求2)利用全局变量调用存储过程在调用请求Setp by Step 截图利用全局变量直接调用请求: 利用全局变量调用存储过程在调用请求:利用FORM个性化跳转块主要内容1) 利用内置直接调用块(不含From操作)2) 利用内置传参数给from,在from中做逻辑处理后跳转Setp by Step 截图利用内置直接调用块(不含From操作):利用内置传参数给from,在from中做逻辑处理后跳转: eg:在销售订单的订单头模块的活动中启用功能销售回款计划,只有当订单为登记状态时,才允许进入。1、先在when-new-form-instance触发器中添加菜单项; 如果只需要在某个特定的块启用某功能的话,在表单个性化的活动中的已在块中启用选择启用的块; 2、在菜单项special41触发器中校验逻辑是否成立3、在菜单项special41中启用功能。 在参数中直接输入=SELL_HEADER_ID=|:ORDER.HEADER_ID 被调用的form中处理和在from中调用function一样。a、定义parameter: sell_header_idb、在form级触发器when_new_form_instance中定义if :parameter.sell_header_id is not null thengo_block(FUNS_HEADER);DO_KEY(EXECUTE_QUERY);end if;c.在block级的pre_query中定义 PROCEDURE pre_query IS BEGIN IF :parameter.sell_header_id IS NOT NULL THEN copy(name_in(PARAMETER.sell_header_id), FUNS_HEADER.sell_header_id); END IF; END;If the Functional Design included a Technical Overview section, duplicate that information here and add additional details.利用FORM个性化增加web link主要内容 1) Login to your responsibility2) Go to the Forms you need to personalize3) Open personalizations forms : Help/Diagnostics/Custom Code/personalize4) Enter sequence as 1 and in description enter Init Web URL menu5) In condition tab, enter trigger event as WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE6) Click on Actions tab. Enter sequence as 1 and Type = Menu.7) Choose Menu Entry (any of the special menu entries). Eg. Special 126) Enter menu label ( eg: Web URL )8) In Enabled in Blocks field you can choose for which blocks the specialmenu needs to be enabled or leave blank to be enabled for all the blocks of the forms9) Go back to the main block where you entered Init Web URL menu.10) Enter a new record with sequence as 2 and in description enter Launch URL11)In Conditions tab, enter trigger event as SPECIAL1212) Click on Actions tab. Enter sequence as 1 and Type = Builtin.13) Choose Launch a URL for Builtin Type13) Enter the argument as your URL ( eg : ) and click Apply now button.14 ) Save .15) Exit form , logout , login and go to your Forms again.16) Go to Tools menu. The new special menu ( Web URL ) entry will be displayed. 源文档 Setp by Step 截图Note:Form个性化修改标准Form的LOV主要内容 修改LOV中的值等参数 源文档 Setp by setp本文结合一个简单的Form做描述,这是没有个性化之前的LOV,LOV取自表FND_USER,没有做任何条件限制首先打开Form的个性化工具,点击菜单帮助诊断自定义代码个性化:一、选择触发器事件以及触发器对象 在打开的个性化窗口中如下图,其中触发器选择WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE,触发器对象选择HEADER.HEADER_ITEM(对应LOV的Item),保存:二、确定触发器动作1.创建LOV的Record Group切换活动标签页,首先创建Record Group,为了简单起见,写死了一个查询条件,只出来两条记录:2.修改LOV的Group Name属性在值对应那一栏填上之前创建的Record Group的名字:最后保存退出,重新打开Form,就能看到效果了三、总结 Form个性化和Custom.pll都是可以用来个性化Form的方法。当使用Form个性化修改LOV,用来创建的Record Group如果含有Form中的某个Item作为条件时(比如供应商地点的LOV中要以供应商作为条件),这时候如果把带有参数的查询条件作为Record Group的变元就会有问题。因为个性化中创建Record Group的时候认为变元是一个字符串,我们加入了类似:PO_HEADERS.VENDOR_ID的字样它是不识别的。所以当遇到这样的情况,可以使用Custom.pll
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