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Unit 6 Reading:I vbeeen studying history in China1. Analysis of the textbook:The topic of Unit 6 is ” Howlong hav e you been collecting shells. It is tal”kingabout how long have you been doing things .Ss will learn to use The Present Perfect Progressive, let students learn to talk about and share ones own hobby and collections.The content of the lesson is related closely to students actual life.The article is about a man, Leo, who is interested in Chinese history-learning. All designed activities in this period encouragestudents to use the reading strategies.This can help students improve their reading skills and abilityof understanding. Students can learn some important and useful phrases and sentence structures as well.2. Analysis of our students:Students in my classeshave been studying English for more than fiveyears.They also keep strong interest in English study.Their attention can be scattered easily. This lesson plans to present the text through some activities,such as investigate, role-play, game or the cartoon, etc to strengthen students interest and attention.3. Focus points:1. How to use the reading strategies for comprehension.2. Get the further understanding of the article.4. Difficult points:1. How to improve Ssspoken language.2. Comprehend and analyze of long and difficult sentences.5. Teaching aims(1) Knowledge aims:Vocabulary:dynasty, character, Jewish, emperor,capita,l Russian, foreigner, certain.K ey expressions:be instyle, the more, the more, live/be far from, certain/sure to do sth./ that+clause,(2) Abilityaims:1. To masterthe skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.2. To train students how to use the strategy of reading.3. TocultivateSs abilitiesofmemory,observation, imagination,and analysis.6. Sensibility and Value:To be interested in learning about Chinese history and Western history.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载7. Learning Strategies aims:By the means of guidance and cooperation1. Focus onstudents self -learning可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载2. Select the useful information from the materials8. teaching methods:1. Task-based teaching method2. Audio-visual teaching method3,competition method.The main aim of learning English isto cultivate studentsfour sk ills and their可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I lml ainly use Task-basedteaching method, and Audio-visualteaching method. So I ll let the Ss to get a betterunderstanding of the key structure of the text and grasp the reading strategi.eIs ll givethe Ss some tasks and arrange five kinds of activities: discussion, role play, scanning for questions, watching CAI, and having a competition.9. Teaching aids:PowerPointcardscomputerThe use of multimedia in teaching image is intuitive and easy to understand the picture. It can increase classroom capacity, inspire students to learn English and improve teaching effectiveness.10. Teaching procedures:Step1: Duty Reports1. Greet the class as usual and check the homework.2. The student makes his/her duty report.Goal: Train the speaking and listening abilities of students according to the duty report. This can be feedback to check other students whether they grasp the language points we have learnt.Step 2:Revision and Lead-in1. Revisiona. Revise the knowledge we have learnt by the means of activity survey. Do you like collect coins. snow globeHow long have you been collecting coins.b. Discuss the dynasties which the different coins belong to Goal:Ss may get familiar to the words“ dynasty ”2. List questions- Competition(1). How many Chinese dynasties can you think of.(2). How many famous characters from Chinese history can you think of. Make a list. 3. Can you think of famous characters from the history of other countries.Make a list.Ss may discuss the results in groups. Then I make a conclusion by using PPT. At last we decide which group performs best. The winner may get a star for可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载prize.Goal:Broaden their eyes on history and culture learning. Dealwith some new words and phrases.Makethe class be active by the competitionduring the whole process.Step3:ReadingInterview Ss how they think of history1. Scanning for the questions 1. Where is the writer from.2. How long has the writer been teaching in China. 3. When did the first Jews come to China.2. Find out the new words. Let them guess from the context.New words:Jewish, emperor, European,capital,Russian, foreigner, certain,Finishthese questionsusing readingstrategy.Tell students they can find information quickly without reading the whole text.This activity provides practice in“ scanning ” . Read out the reading strategy forthis unit. Let Ss doa race. Encourage them finish these questionsas quickly as they can. Ss who do a good job will get a star
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