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王者英语口语 -10大颂扬经典句1 You are a real genius. You have a lot of talent.你真是天才。 /你有很多天分。2 You really did a good job .你干的特殊杰出.3 Your English is really amazing.你的英语真的令人诧异.4 You are a wonderful teacher.你真是个了不得的老师。5 You look great in your new coat.你穿这件外衣真是帅呆了.6 Your hair looks great。你的发型看上去棒极了。7 You always know the right thing to do .You always know the right thing to say.你办事总是很得体。你说话总是很得体。8. You really have an eye for beauty.你真有审美眼光.9 I admire your courage.我真佩服你的士气.10 I wish I could looks as young as you.我要是能讲那么好的英语该多好啊.speak English as good as you王者英语口语 -10大感谢经典 句1 Thanks a lot . / Thanks a million.特殊感谢。万分感谢。2 Thank you for everything .3 Thank you for all you ve done for me .感谢你所做的一切.感谢你为我所做的一切.4 Thank you so mush for seeing me off.感谢你来送我.5 Thanks a million for all your kind wishes.特殊感谢你的美好希望.6 I t s very kind of you to help me.你来帮我真是太好了.7 You re so hpeflul / thoughtful / considerate.你真是乐于助人 / 太周到了 / 太爱惜了.8 I really appreciate your help .特殊感谢你的帮忙.9 I m very grateful to you for all of your help.我真的感谢你全部的帮忙.10 Thank you anyway./ all the same .仍是要感谢你.王者英语口语 -10大与老外见面的经典句1 Welcome to China . Welcome to our city.欢迎到中国来 . 欢迎到我们的城市来 .2 hope you re enjoying your stay here.期望你在这里过的高兴.3 I ve heard so much about your country.我早就听说过你们国家很多事了.4 A: How long have you been in China .你在中国多长时间了?B: I ve been in China on and off for about five years.我在中国来来回回差不多有5 年了.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载5 Is this your fist trip to China .这是你第一次来中国吗?6.How long here on planning to stay.你预备呆多久?7 Are you here on business or for pleasure.你来这里出差仍是游玩?8 Whatyosur impression of China so far.你对中国的印象如何?9 Are you used to the life here .你习惯这里的生活吗?Does the weather agree with you.你适应这里的气候吗?10 How do you like Chinese food.你觉得中国菜如何?Are you used to the food here.你习惯这里的食物吗?Does the food here agree with you.这里的食物合你口味吗?王者英语口语 -10大请老外帮忙的经典句1 Could you help me with my English, please .你能帮忙我学英语吗?2 Could you please speak a little more slowly.你可以说慢一点吗?3 How do you pronounce this world .word这个单词怎么发音?4 How do you say this in English .这个英语怎么说?5 Tell me what you really think about my English.请实话告知我,我的英语怎么样.6 Can you read this sentence for me.你能把这个句子给我读一下吗? 7 Could you listen to me read there sentences.these听我读一读这些句子,好吗? 8 Can you give me some advice on my pronunciation.你能就我的发音提一些建议吗?9 Please feel free to correct my mistakes when I speak to you.我跟你说话的时候请订正我的错误.10 Do you have any advice for learning English.你对学英语有什么建议吗?王者英语口语 -10 大请外国伴侣签名和拍照的经典句1. Would you please sign my book.你可以在我书上签个名吗?2. Could I have your signature.我可以请你签个名吗?3. Could I have your autograph.我可以请你签个名吗?4. Would you mind signing this book for me.你可以帮我在这本书上签个名吗?可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载5. Can we take a picture together.我们可以一起拍张照吗?6. Would you mind taking a picture with me.你是否介意与我拍张照?7. Can I have a picture taken with you.我可以与你拍张照吗?8. Let s take a picture together.我们一起拍张照吧.9. Would you write a few words of encouragement for me.你能为我写点鼓励性的话吗?10. I hope you will sign my book for me and write a few words of encouragement.I will read your words when I need inspiration.我期望你能为我在我的书上签个名,再写几句鼓励性的话.当我需要鼓励时,我会读你写的话.王者英语口语 -10大描述中国的经典句1 China is a great country.2 The Chinese are a great people.中国是个宏大的国家.中华民族是一个宏大的民族.3 Chinese people are very friendly .中国人民特殊友好.4 The history of China is long and rich.5 Chinese culture is very unique and interesting.中国历史悠久丰富.中国文化特殊特殊好玩.6 China has the largest population in the world .7 China is a vast land, rich in tourism resources.中国是世界人口最多的国家.中国地大物博,旅行资源丰富.8 China is developing very quickly.9 Beijing will hold the 2021 Olympic Games.北京将举办2021中国进展很快.年奥运会.Guangzhou will hold the 2021 AsiaGames.广州将举办 2021 年亚运会 .10 Great changes have taken place in China during the past twenty years.在过去的 20 年中,中国发生了很大的变化.王者英语口语 -10大时态经典句1. I like English very much.我特殊宠爱英语.2. I will call you later.我会给你打电话的.3. I didn t have breasktfathis morning.我今日早上没有吃早餐.4. I m working on my English.我正在努力学习英语.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载5. I was working the whole weekend.我周末始终在工作.6. I told you I would come.我告知过你我要来的.7. I have never been to America.我从来没有去过美国.8. I had not even finished school when I got my first job.我找到第一份工作时仍没有毕业.9. I have been learning English for ten years.我学习英语有十年了.10. I m going to take the KINGLISH Intensive Training Camp this summer.我这个暑假要参加王者英语强化集训营.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载
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