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一. 现在完成时的构成 :现在完成时由助动词havehas+动词的过去分词构成. has 用于第三人称单数,have用于其他各种人称 .二. 现在完成时的用法 : 其用法主要有三种I. “已完成”用法 :表示一个过去发生并终止的动作对现在造成的影响或结果.这一类情形可以细致分为下述两种情形. 1)表示开头于过去的动作刚刚终止.常和just, now, already, yet,not yet 等不确定的时间状语连用.Li Ming has just turned off the light. 李明刚刚把灯关上.(说明现在灯关上了) Ive finished my homework now. 现在我已经做完作业了. (说明可以交作业或做别的了)2)表示过去动作的结果,现在仍残留着.一般不用时间状语.I have lost my pen. 我把笔丢了. (说明过去某时丢的, 现在我仍没找到这支笔)She has become a teache她r. 已经当了老师.(说明她现在仍是老师)II. “未完成”用法.表示动作或状态从过去某时开头,连续到现在,可能连续下去,也可能刚刚终止. 常和表示一段时间的状语连用.如 today, this week( month),lately,recently,these days, in the past few days,during the last two weeks,since,since yesterday,since 2 days ago,since 1991,for a long time ,for a month,so far,up to now, till (until ) now 等.He has lived here for 30 years.他住在这儿三十年了.(现在仍住在这儿) Theyve known each other since childhood.他们从小彼此相识.(现在仍在往来) How long have you studied English? 你学英语多久了?(现在仍在学)III. 体会性用法 :表示从过去开头到目前为止这段时间中反复发生的动作或多次显现的状态.常与频度副词如 often,always,every week,twice等连用.I have been to the Summer Palace twice我. 曾经去过颐和园两次.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载He has always said so他. 总是这么说 .三. 现在完成时的时间状语Ia. 用副词 already 和 yet.already 一般用于确定句中, yet 一般用于否定句和疑问句中.如: We have already finished our homework我. 们已完成作业了.They havent finished their homework yet.他们仍没有完成作业.b. 用 ever 和 never.多用于否定或疑问句中,表示 “曾经”或“从未“等.如: -Have you ever been to the Great Wall你. 曾经去过长城吗 .-I have never been to the Great Wal我l. 从未去过长城.c. 用表示到说话为止的过去时间状语, 如 just,before,up tonow,the past few years等.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载例如: I have seen her before,but I can not remember where我.不起在哪里见过.以前见过她,但记可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载He has been there three times the last few day近s. 几天他去过那里三次了.d. 用包括 “现在 ”在内的时间状语,如now,today,this morningmonth,year,term 等.例如:-Have you met him today.-No,I havent. 今日你见过他吗?我没有.How many times have you been there this year.今年你去过那里多少次?II 短暂性动词不能和表一段时间的时间状语连用.如: come, go, arrive, reach,hear, close, leave, begin, start, lose, buy, fall, join, die, get up等.但假如要保留表一段时间的时间状语,必需将动词改为连续性动词.现归纳总结一下由非连续性动词到连续性动词的转换如: fall asleep illbe asleep ill get to know knowbegin,start be on open be openbuy haveget up be updie be deadgo out be outcome be in可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载close be closedarrive be herejoin be in, be a名+词finish end be over leave, move be awbaoyr,row keepgo to school be a stucdaetnctha cold havea coldbegin to study sctuodmye back be backput on wea或rbe on如: He has been a soldier for three year他s. 参军三年了.His father has been dead for two years他. 父亲去世二年了.The film has been on for 5 minutes电. 影已开头五分钟了.We have studied English for three years.我们(开头)学英语已三年了.四. 几点留意事项I. have beento与 have gone to的 区分:have beento表示“去过某地(现在已经回来了) ”,可用于各人称.have goneto表示 “去某地了(说话时某人不在当地) ”,常用于第三人称,前者可与 once ,never,several times等连用,后者就不能.如: They have been to Beijing twice.他们去过北京两次.He has gone to Beijing . 他去北京了.II. 不行连续性动词现在完成时的否定式, 已变成一种可以连续的状态, 因此可以和表示一段时间的状语连用.如: I havent left here since 1997自. 从 1997 年以来,我始终没有离开过这儿.(错) I have received his letter for a month.(对) I havent received his letter for almost a month.练习一.用 since 和 for 填空1.two years2.two years ago 3.last month4.19995.yesterday6.4 o clock7 4 hours8. an hour ago 9. we were children 10. lunch time 11. she left here可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载12. He has lived in Nanjingthe year before last.13. I ve known himwe were children.14. Our teacher has studied Japanesethree years.15. She has been away from the cityabout ten years.16. It s about ten yearsshe left the city.二.单项选择.1,Both his parents look sad . Maybe theywhats happened to him .A.knewB.have knownC.must knowD.will know 2,He hasbeen to Shanghai , has he .A. alreadyB.never C.ever D.still3,Have you met Mr Li?A. justB. agoC.beforeD. a moment ago4,The famous writerone new book in the past two year .A. is writingB.was writingC.wroteD.has written 5,Our country a lot so far .Yes . I hope it will be even.A.has changed ; well B.changed ; good C.has changed ; better D.changed ; better 6,Zhao Lanalreadyin this school for two years .A. was ; studyingB. will ; studyC. has ; studiedD. are ; studying 7,WeXiao Li since she was a little girl .A. knowB. had knownC. have knownD. knew8,Harry Potter is a very nice film .Iit twice . A.will seeB.have seen C.sawD.see9,These farmers have been to the United States . Really . Whenthere .A. will they goB. did they goC. do they goD. have they gone 10,youyour homework yet .Yes . Iit a moment ago .A.Did ; do ; finishedB.Have ; done ; finished C.Have ; done ; have finishedD.will ; do ; finish11,His fatherthe Party since 1978 .A. joinedB. has joinedC. was inD. has been in可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载
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