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参考译文世界应迅速采取行动遏制病毒传播 参考译文 世界应迅速采取行动遏制病毒传播 BBC news with Julie Candler. 朱莉 坎德勒为您播报 BBC 新闻。 The head of the World Health Organization is warning that the international community is facing a tipping point in the fight against the new corona virus outbreak. Tedros Ghebreyesus said the world should act quickly to contain it. New cases have been reported in Italy, Israel, Lebanon, Iran and South Korea. 世界卫生组织总干事警告说,国际.在抗击新的冠状病毒爆发的斗争中面临一个转折点。Tedros Ghebreyesus 说,世界应该迅速采取行动来遏制病毒传播。意大利、以色列、黎巴嫩、伊朗和韩国都报告产生新病例。 President Trump has dismissed it as a hoax reported warning by U.S intelligence that Russia is trying to meddle in Novembers presidential election. Mr. Trump accused democrats in congress of launching another misinformation campaign. 据美国情报,俄罗斯正试图干预 11 月的总统选举。特朗普总统驳斥了这一说法,称这是一场骗局。特朗普指责国会的民主党人发起了另一场虚假信息运动。 Jurors in the sexual assault trial of the former American firm producer Harvey Weinstein have ended four-days deliberations with instructions from the presiding judge to resume on Monday. Earlier, they asked justice James Burke if they can give split decisions on two of the most serious charges, but were asked to continue their deliberations. 美国前制片人哈维韦恩斯坦性侵案的陪审员结束了为期四天的审议,主审法官指示于周一恢复审议。早些时候,他们询问了法官詹姆斯伯克,是否可以就两项最严重的指控做出分歧决定,但被要求继续讨论。 Afghanistan is looking forward to a tentative reduction in hostilities after an agreement between American and Taliban negotiators. If the truce holds, the two sides will sign the first phase of a peace deal on February,29th. 在美国和塔利班谈判人员达成协议后,阿富汗希望暂时减少敌对状态。如果停火得以维持,双方将于 2 月 29 日签署第一阶段的和平协议。 Thousands of Algerian protesters have taken to the streets, marking one year since the start of the demonstrations that led to the eventually downfall of president Abdelaziz Bouteflika. Anti-riot police didnt intervene to disperse the crowds. 数千名阿尔及利亚抗议者走上街头,纪念导致总统布特弗利卡最终下台的示威活动开始一周年。防暴警察没有出面驱散人群。 The opposition leader in Venezuela Juan Guaid has called for a demonstration outside parliament in Caracas on March,10th to try to reignite his campaign to replace president Nicolas Maduro. More than 50 countries recognized Mr. Guaid as Venezuelas leader. 委内瑞拉反对派领袖胡安瓜伊多呼吁 3 月 10 日在加拉加斯议会外举行游行,试图重新点燃他取代总统尼古拉斯马杜罗的竞选活动。50 多个国家承认 Guaido 为委内瑞拉领导人。 Italian archaeologists have unveiled the remains of a temple dedicated to Romulus, the citys mythical founder. The site goes back to the 6th century before common era. 意大利考古学家揭开了一座供奉罗穆卢斯神庙的遗骸,该遗址可追溯到公元前 6 世纪,罗穆卢斯是这座城市的神秘创始人。 BBC news. BBC 新闻。 听力原文 BBC news with Julie Candler. The head of the World Health Organization is warning that the international community is facing a tipping point in the fight against the new corona virus outbreak. Tedros Ghebreyesus said the world should act quickly to contain it. New cases have been reported in Italy, Israel, Lebanon, Iran and South Korea. President Trump has dismissed it as a hoax reported warning by U.S intelligence that Russia is trying to meddle in Novembers presidential election. Mr. Trump accused democrats in congress of launching another misinformation campaign. Jurors in the sexual assault trial of the former American firm producer Harvey Weinstein have ended four-days deliberations with instructions from the presiding judge to resume on Monday. Earlier, they asked justice James Burke if they can give split decisions on two of the most serious charges, but were asked to continue their deliberations. Afghanistan is looking forward to a tentative reduction in hostilities after an agreement between American and Taliban negotiators. If the truce holds, the two sides will sign the first phase of a peace deal on February,29th. Thousands of Algerian protesters have taken to the streets, marking one year since the start of the demonstrations that led to the eventually downfall of president Abdelaziz Bouteflika. Anti-riot police didnt intervene to disperse the crowds. The opposition leader in Venezuela Juan Guaid has called for a demonstration outside parliament in Caracas on March,10th to try to reignite his campaign to replace president Nicolas Maduro. More than 50 countries recognized Mr. Guaid as Venezuelas leader. Italian archaeologists have unveiled the remains of a temple dedicated to Romulus, the citys mythical founder. The site goes back to the 6th century before common era. BBC news.
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