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河北省衡水市深县唐奉中学高二英语月考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Pity you didnt attend Lucys birthday party last night. You know the coming exam. Im to _ it. A. do B. get C. put D. take参考答案:D略2. The teacher stressed again that the students should not _ any important details while retelling the story. A. break out B. bring out C. leave out D. put out 参考答案:C3. Whoever_acrimecanneverescapefrombeingpunished.A. commits B. doesC. makes D. earns参考答案:A4. -This is a wonderful place for a picnic!-_, Mary. No newspaper men, no film fans! Why not come more often?A. Sounds great fun B. It couldnt be better C. It is up to you D. It is our turn 参考答案:B5. You can not imagine what difficult we had in the snow.A. walking B. walked C. walk D.to walk 参考答案:A6. It was in the factory _ I worked _ I got to know her. A. where; where B. that; that C. which; that D. where, that参考答案:D7. He didnt _school yesterday because he had to _ his sick mother.A. attend; attend on B. join; attendC. go to; see D. join in; attend to参考答案:Aattend school “上学”; attend (on/upon) sb. “照顾、侍候某人”。8. “You cant catch me!” Jane shouted, _ away.ArunBrunningCto runDran参考答案:B本句的谓语动词是shouted,所以应选现在分词做伴随状语。9. Today _ people learning English in China is increasing rapidly. A. a number of B. a good many of C. the number of D. a great deal of参考答案:C10. Instead of lending a hand, Jim just stood by, laughing at us in trouble. Oh, its _ of him to be so cold-hearted. A. conventional B. typicalC. ridiculous D. aggressive参考答案:B11. -Where is the monitor? - I dont know. He _ to the school library. A . went B. must have gone C. might have gone D. should go 参考答案:C12. When we arrived in the deep night, we found there was no food _ as all the shops were shut. A. left B. available C. remaining D. convenient参考答案:B13. The little boy who likes painting is _ the world of different colours. A. absorbed B. absorbed in C. absorb in D. absorbs in参考答案:B14. When _ different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities. A. compared B. being compared C. comparing D. having compared参考答案:C略15. Police have_to the public to come forward with any information which mighthelp them in their inquiriesA.asked B.convinced C.demanded D.appealed参考答案:D略二、 新的题型16. My friend, Lily, took up teaching as a career after she 61 ( graduate) from Liaoning Normal University in 2010. In the past 7 years, she 62 (go) through very hard days. During the most difficult days, she was so stressed out 63 she even thought of giving up. 64 she didnt. This is because she knows that problems will not leave by themselves. So she tries to deal with them. As time goes by, she enjoys being a teacher gradually. She has come to realize that being a teacher is the right 65 (choose) she has made.As 66 matter of fact, she has benefited a lot from being a teacher. Her students are between 12 and 16 years old. 67 (surround) by these young kids, she never feels lonely. And she feels herself becoming young and 68 (energy) with these kids around her. Whats more, because these students are always open to new things , she can also learn something new from 69 .After so many years of dealing with students, Lily now really has a better understanding of her students. Meanwhile, no matter how difficult the problem is, she has a better way 70 (solve) it.参考答案:61.graduated 62.has gone 63.that 64.But 65.choice66. a 67.Surrounded 68.energetic 69.them 70.to solve17. Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context. We are concerned about what we eat because what we eat every day has 48._ great impact on our health. Therefore , we should make every effort to change our bad eating habits. As we all know, baked or fried foods may be tasty , 49._eating too much of them will probably result 50._some illnesses .Moreover , some food that costs us a great deal of money and is not healthy is junk food. 51_ people like to eat differs from culture to culture. Compared with people in the West ,Chinese people used to eat more grain and vegetables ,and less meat .However , things are quite different now . With the rapid economic growth of our country , we now also eat a lot of food 52._ is high in sugar and fat .We are running the risk of eating out 53._ considering the ba
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