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可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载PEP Book 3教案设计可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载教学课题: Unit 5 What Would You Like.课时:第四课时内容: B Lets learnLets do课型:词汇教学教材分析: 本课题围绕“餐具”开放教学,教学内容与日常生活亲热相关,不难激起同学们的学习爱好,利用回忆Pass me the French fries的. 基础上,学习 Pass me a plate,pleas句e. 型.教学方法: TPRTeaching aims:a. Beabletounderstand,sayandrecogninze“spoon,fork,knife, chopsticks,plate”b. Beabletounderstand someordersaboutpassing andusingthe tableware .eg: Pass me a plate,please. Use the chopsticks.Main point: Be able to understand, say and recogninze the new words.Difficulties: Be able to understand some orders about passing and usingthe tableware .Teaching aids:a. T: plate, fork, knife, spoon,chopsticksb. T: wordcards, tape recorderc. S: plate, fork, knife, spoon,chopsticks可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载Teaching process: .warm upListen to the tape recorder and do Book 1 P51 Letsdo . 导入:T 示 Sarah 的头饰 :Who is this girl.Ss: She is Sarah.T: Yes.Sarah is a good girl. Shes helpful at home.Now she s in the kitchen. What is she doing. Lets go and see.课件示课本 Lets learn 的图并进行会话让同学一边观看一边听.板书课题: Unit 5 B Let s Learn Lets do. Presentation. New words1. platea. T: What can you see in the kitchen(. 用鼠标指“盘”)S: 个别同学 plate.T示实物并示范读 :plate,再领读并强调 aei.b. 全体读小组读个别读c. T: Who can spell the word“plate”.指名同学口拼 师在四线格板书.d. 强调利用形近区分记. plate盘 plane飞机e. T: Now I need a plate. Pass me a plate,pleas跟e.两个同学说了之后,板书Pass me a plate,pleas再e. 进行全体练说.2. Spoon, fork, knifea.T: show pictures of tableware on the blackboard What do Americans use. choose the right pictures.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载S: Fork, knife, spoon(同学选出图贴在四线格的上方) 师接说 Yes.边指图,边说 fork, knife, spoon,边板书c. fork.领读 fork,并强调 or 组合的读音,再小组读,个别读. 全体口拼再个别闭着眼睛口拼竞赛. 练说: Pass me a fork,please先. 两人小组练再个别上台呈现.d. The same way to learn “knife, spoon.”and practice“Give me a spoon. Cut with the knife.”3. chopsticksa. T:If you want to have some noodles,what can you use师.自问自答 You can use chopsticks.边 答边呈现筷子并把筷子图贴在四线格上面b. 板书 chopstick学习: chop 先用色笔重板 chop(领读,小组读,个别读)学习: stick(领读,小组读,个别读)合成 chopstick,强调 chopstick 以一对显现,所以加 s(用色笔加上 s)d. 竞赛拼读 chopstickse. T(边呈现边说) :I can use the chopsticks接. 着练说 use the chopsticks.4. 听音正音( Read after the DVD)5. practiceGuessing game:Whats in the box.把一种餐具放在盒子里面,让同学猜 Do as I say,no as I do.按我说的做,不要按我做的做 Lets learn 的会话内容可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载1课件示 BLets learn 并会话 师板:Mom, can I help. Yes然.后领读.2practice:Mom, can I help. Yes. Pass me a plate, please先. 两人小组练再个别上台表演 .Lets do利用课件 1. Listen to the DVD2. Look, listen and do.3. Listen, read and do.4. practice in group.Extension1. 以下的伴侣会用什么餐具? 课件示 : Sarah, Amy, Mike, ChenJie, ZhangPeng.2. Sarah, Amy, Mike吃饭时,餐具是怎样摆放的. (让同学动手摆一摆) .Consolidation课件示可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载一,二 ,可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载三,25413.SummaryT:这节课,我们学习了 5 个与餐具有关的单词以及 2 句话.(同学齐读一遍),仍有 Lets do 部分的内容.Homework:1. 听,读 P61 各 2 次,表演 Lets do .2. 完成“英语小屋”的内容 . 教学反思:本 堂 课 的 内 容 有 点 难度 , 三 会 单 词 5个 spoon, fork,knife, chopsticks,plate,以及 2 个句型.幸亏近段的单词教学中,我接受强调字母或字母组合的发音以及分音节法来教新单词.经过这段时间的训练,已有一些同学能利用这些方法来学习单词并记住单词的拼写.Lets do 部分,是让同学通过看课件仿照, 再用实物加肢体语言进行表达,整个过程,同学仿照的活敏捷现.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载总的来说,整堂课利用多种教学手段,气氛愉悦,老师教得兴奋, 同学学得兴奋而且用心.板书设计:Unit 5 B Let s learnLet s doMom,can I help.a plateYes.Pass me a forkknifespoonplease. thechopsticks可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载
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