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Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Complete each sentence using the correct word or expressionfrom the box.1.Until people learn to embracesustainabledevelopment, we will continue tofearfulthreatsolutioncomplicatedskepticalsustainableinvesthelplessnesscommunityelectiondependenceindoorlandscapefertilehumidhabitatispirationrestoringoriginaldiversityYour answersustainable2.She is now concentrating on a(n)originalas a shoe designer.3.Your answerCorrect answeroriginalcareerThere is a fundraising concert this weekend sponsored by theenvironmental-awarenesscommunityYour answerCorrect answercommunitycommunity4.The problem of air pollution has no easysolution;people have been workingon it for years.Your answerCorrect answerdamage the environment and use up natural resources.Correct answer sustainable5.u solutionsolutionThe harshlandscapeof the Sahara desert makes it difficult for plants togrow or animals to survive.Your answerCorrect answer* landscapelandscape6. Jake has always beenskepticalof people who refuse to recycle.Your answerCorrect answer skepticalskeptical7. I f farmers in this country were able to grow more food, we could reduce ourdependenceon foreign farmers.Your answer* dependence8. My father likes to spend his weekend Your answer* restoring9. Mylittle sister was always&of them are harmless.Your answer fearful10. Zoos and aquariums makean effortCorrect answerdependencerestoringold cars.Correct answerrestoringof spiders until she learned that mostCorrect answerfearfulthe natural habitat for eachto recreateof the animals on exhibit.Your answerCorrect answer habitathabitat11. Its that feeling of I helplessness that makes most people think that nothingcan be done to save the environment.Your answerCorrect answer* helplessnesshelplessness12. Thethreatof global warming has made many conservationists worried.Your answerCorrect answer* threatthreat13. The painter took herinspirationfrom the wonderful landscapes of SouthAmerica.Your answerCorrect answerinspirationinspiration14. Carrie will vote for the Green Party in the nextelectionbecause she agreeswith their ideas.Your answerCorrect answerelection election15. The 0nginalplan was to start a small garden, not become a farmer!Your answerCorrect answer originaloriginal16. We could endlessly debate climate change since it is such a(n)complicatedissue.Your answerCorrect answer* complicatedcomplicated17. The tropical rainforests of South-east Asia are some of the mostfertileplaces on Earth with thousands of plant and animal species.Your answerCorrect answer* fertilefertile18. The diversity of life found along the AmazonRiver is greater than anywhereelse on Earth.Your answerCorrect answeru diversitydiversity19. In my opinion, the government needs to agriculture.Your answer* invest20. Since Greg lives in the city, he has a small grows fresh vegetables.Your answerCorrect answer* indoorindoorinvest . r . .more money in farming andCorrect answerinvestind00r,.greenhouse where heSection B: Complete each sentence with a suitable word.21The celebrity decided to use her fame to raise awarenesschange issue.Your answerCorrect answerofthe climateofof22. I wish my cousin would just goawayso I can discuss my financial problemwith my husband.Your answerawayCorrect answeraway230. It didnt dawnonme until yesterday that you might have wanted to go.Your answerCorrect answeronon24The idea came to me in a momentinspiration.Your answerCorrect answer* ofof25. The politician called I into question the statistics about global warmingYour answerCorrect answer* into26. Where on earth did you ever come up Your answeru with27小Susan quickly realized that she was debating her professor.Your answer* out28 lFor years, the government has been throwing moneypollution.Your answeru at29The original plan was put into practice longcame about.Your answerintowith that ideaCorrect answerwithoutI of her depth when she triedCorrect answeroutatIthe problem of airCorrect answeratbefore the revised versionCorrect answer* beforebefore30. It downed ronme that I had forgotten my fathers birthday.Your answerCorrect answer ononPart II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.(31)environmentallyTwo years ago, I decided that I wanted to build a(n)-friendly house. I knew that it wasnt going to be cheap, butI wanted to (32)investin a responsible homethat my children can alsoenjoy for generations to come.Much of the house was very (33)complicated
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