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Unit 3 They 幽 looking fOr Gogo I. | I I I 根 据句意填空11. can it pass the English eXam. I f| | vdry 忖Wd. *2. YoU mu$t | listen to the tedchler | in claSs.*3. Listen! Th 01d mn i|s Illiwhat, s happdning to the hbuse. 4. I | | | | 一 cW t find My |key. It | | |is I5:There is WnoW 11 I Ill Please c1|ea|n | ) it.卜6. Fish| can I HjjVe | Watet I *71 My father is l I about my study He is afraid I cOH 1 t Igd to collegd. *8. II一 Gtandma |Li |is Walking |in the park. I *9. The childrdn is haVing I. .Ill tiMe 10n the plalgbund nbw *10. ME II). Wang is | | | of dodking dinner. II. | | | 年 项在择:I ij We are Ill, books I in |the I read ng 很小.A.read B. readingi C. III lobking d. lobkl at k*2. His family IlliI I I dinlner. A. is eating B. are Illi, eating C. eating D. eats *3j Nancy withhbr friend |nOw.| A. play B. pys C. iS playing D. are | playing 4. Ldok! | Mf. Smith |lll yUr father. A. taikS | 一 to |B. talki|g With C. is talking with D. | | | talks with *5. The story | | 1. A, | |sdunds beaUtifUl B. is SoUnding beautiful | C. sound behutifUl D. i* sbuhds | | | beautifully *6. My uncle 1一 . M a | | supermarket, but he | | |there | thbse days. A. Work, i=n I It Working B.| is | | wOrking, WOH C works,| nOt works| D. is wOrk, doebnl 11 Work *7.| |Is she I | the blackboard? Yes, she isA.| seeing |B. | loOking. at | C.| loOking D.| watching jt 8. |ls Pdter flying a kite | or a plane? 4. A. Yes, he is B. NO, he isdI t C No, |a plahe_ D. A_ pne *9. LOok! The bojs lll in the river. A. | are swimming B. s sw mmg C. swimming D sWim 10. JT . are the wOmendOing? -HThdy are| dunking tea. A| Where B. HOw | C.| What D Why *11. She 讴 thinking Of | shopping with |us. A gO B. goeS C. goihg D. dO 12. My son |is | | wOrried | hiS ath exam. A.| to| B| at| C. aboUt D. I I in 13. I| I d like to stHy| 一 匚 Hyl mother, I iSs her. A. With B _at C. by D. fro *14. I | | . .my pet | dOg Huan| HUah But I Cal | t |it.A.| 100k fof; finding B. a|m finding; 100k fOr C. am| loOkind for; find D. find; 100kII for *15. My |be|st friend Lily is l I with her mother and| | her with| hOusework. | A. sthys; helps | B.| stayiingl| helping C. stay, help D. staying, helps 血 完形短空 I Jimmy 1 in the cOuntr (|农村)and he loves |2| in the riVer| ndar his hloube, bUt hid father gets a jOb in a big c ty and he mOves (搬忸1J ) there3 his| fami y. Their new house hai agOrdenbut the gaden issmall. Jimmy4very happy.“Is therea river5Heis a:skinghis mother _6thefirstmorningHismothierisansw/erind,No, there isnt,buthiere is abejautifiul p)arknear her|e ame1 thiere is apOolinit. We7therej thiisafternoon力 .Jimmyishappy now. Aft(luinCi, jJimmy andhis m10ther go to thepzark.Jimrmywants8near thiepool,butthe了eisa !sign(标牌)ih front of it.HismOthierreadsittohim.“Warning(注息),this pool is danberoiJs(危险),367 pe(oplehavefalleii into it(卜已掉,人).“Jimmylo(oks:intothepool9arid hesays,Biit Ican,t1othe2m.1.A.livesB.living C. live D).tolive 21JV 1playsB.phayingC.play D.playes3.A.andB.orC.wthD.to 41. A.isnt B.doesntC.isD.not 5.A.nedr hiere E3.【ieear to 1hereC. here n/ar D. hbre tO nbaf 6. A. on B. | in C. at Dj fdr 7. A. is gOgg B. are III . gOing C. go D. goes 8.| A.| to| walk B. wblk | C. walking D Walks 9. AJCOre B. careful | C. carefully D. Cares 10. A. look B. se C | 1010k for D. lOok at IV. I I I 阅读理解A SCott works ver910ng hours. He Usually get* up | at I 17:00. He I has a shower and makes hib | brbakfast.l What a funny timb to make | | | brbakfast!| After bteakfast he practices his guitar, then he puts On his jacket and| gOes to wOrk. To bet tO Work, he taked the I number l7 bus to the SahtOn Hotel. The |bs usually leases at| 19: 15, | He works | all| night. PeOple iOv/ to listen tO him! He III gdts home at 7:00, and h6 watches the early morning news 10nl TV. He goes tO bed at 8:30, a tded but happy Man, Can yOu think what hisjOb |is? 口 I根据短文电容谢择 最正答案| 1.| HOw long| dOes Scott work?| A.7| hours. B. 8 hoUrs. C. Abdut 9 hours. D. All night. 2. He | | and makeS his |brbakfastj A| g6ts| up B. taks a showr C. | wdrks D. WaShbs |his fdcd 3| What dods | | S|cott do hftdr brakfast? A. He goes Jo | | work. B. He puts bn hi4 clothes. C. He | | placticesl hi
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