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以信息技术为“桥”,构建多元化的英语课堂 摘要:英语教学是一门艺术性很强的实践活动,在教学中恰当运用多媒体,充分调动了学生学习英语的积极性,培养了学生的交际能力和实际运用语言的能力,提高了课堂教学的艺术性,达到提高英语教学效果的目的。关键词:信息技术;小学英语;任务式学习活动一、案例缘起与背景(一)课堂教学改革的要求传统英语课堂的教与学的方式存在诸多问题,如教师中心、教材中心、讲授接受、生硬模仿、机械记忆、枯燥训练等,学习方式单调,训练模式固化,学生生命自觉和自主活力难以有效激发,课堂学习方式急需优化。新课程倡导自主、合作、探究学习,鼓励学习方式多样性、多元化、立体性、灵活性和针对性,需从学习目标、学习内容、学习资源、课堂结构、师生关系、课堂生态等全方位进行课堂重构,实现课堂的“活、趣、效、美”。(二)学生特点和学科基础本课授课对象为小学五年级学生,其学习兴趣、学习方式、个性特质明显分化,独立思考、多元学习能力持续提升,团队交往、合作交流意识显著增強。学生已储备一定英语知识,具备一定的语言能力。在三、四年级的Sports、Days of the week等话题,他们已学会play football/table tennis/chess/games read books 关于活动的词汇,熟悉了What do you do on?等句型的用法。学生既对活动类课题熟悉和感兴趣,又具备了必要的学习基础。(三)信息技术融入课堂的实践笔者曾参与深圳市“数字课堂”改革实验,对信息技术构建多元化英语学习课堂进行了近3年的探索。以信息技术为“桥”,把互联网、大数据、云计算等现代化手段引进课堂,对各种学习方式进行取舍、架构、链接、活化,初步构建了线上线下结合、课内课外结合、教与学结合、多元学习方式结合、面向全体与尊重差异结合的小学英语课堂教学新样态。实践证明,基于信息技术的多元化学习,可以优化课堂生态,丰富学习资源,增强过程体验,促进合作交流,即时评价反馈,增加信息流量,激发学习兴趣,提高学习效率。二、案例主题与分析Grandparents是深圳牛津版教材五年级上册Module2 Unit4 的课题,本单元的主要内容是学生询问同学、朋友等与家人经常一起做什么,并学会用always,usually等频度副词描述自己做某事的频率。重点句型是What do you usually do with ?I always/usually/often/sometimes/ never 本单元拟用三课时完成,本课为第一课时,具体分析如下。学习主题:Daily life with grandparents.学习内容:基于主题与情景的对话What do you usually do with your grandparents?I always/usually/often/sometimes/neverwith my grandparents.学习目标:(1)运用移动学习工具和资源,在情景中听懂、会读、会说always,usually,often,sometime,never等5个频度副词;(2)用I always/usually/.with my grandparents来描述自己和(外)祖父母的生活;(3)用形象记忆法记忆生词,线上线下表达、交流、分享观点与即时评价。教学重点:正确运用I always/usuallywith my grandparents描述自己和(外)祖父母的生活。教学难点:always等5频度副词的正确发音、理解和记忆。教学组织:依托现代信息技术,在教师组织和引导下,通过情景、活动、任务、故事、对话、交际、游戏等多元化学习形式,掌握always等5个频度副词的读音、意义与用法,熟悉句型What do you usually do with your grandparents?I always.with my grandparents.三、案例过程与评述(一)大数据预习诊断,联系新旧知识的“引桥”Teacher(T):Good morning, boys and girls!Student(S):Good morning,Miss Li!T:Before we start our new class, we are going to check your homework yesterday in “好学区”. From the big data, I found you have some problems in Question 2 (76%)and 4 (73%), “sometimes”and“never”. Who wants to be the little teacher to teach us about these two words?S1:(带读)sometimes,never.All student(A) :(跟读)sometimes,never.S2:(带读)sometimes,never.A :(跟读)sometimes,never.T:(出示生词卡,教师范读)Read after me:sometimes,never.A:sometimes.never.T:OK! Next learning, please pay attention to the pronunciation of these two words.(板书:sometimes,never)T:Now,lets look at the learning aims of the class.S:Yes.评述:本环节为课堂热身。课前,教师布置学生预习课文,完成5道程度副词拼读练习。经“好学区”平台统计,学生对sometimes,never读音有困难的分别占24%和27%,对其余单词读音掌握的占95%以上。通过学生小老师带读、教师范读等方式,解决问题的同时达到了课堂热身效果。技术平台为学生无障碍进入新课搭建了一座很好的“引桥”。(二)chant游戏,登上课堂新情景的“桥头”T:(展示学习目标)At the end of the class,you will be able to spell, read and use “always,usually” these 5 frequency adverbs.And you will also be able to talk about your daily life with grandparents. Are you clear?S:Yes.T:Now, Im going to introduce new friends to you. Lets see, who are they?T:(展示图片)Look, who is she?A:She is Miss Fish.T:Can you guess what is her job?S:I think she is a teacher.T:How do you know that?S:Because there is a book in her hand.T:Well done! You have sharp eyes.T:Then,who is she?S:She is Sherry.T:(带读phonics韵文)Please follow. Who is she?She is Sherry/Yunish/ Josh. She runs to English class/likes English class very much(带读韵文,先后认识Sherry, Yunish and Josh,并学习本课重点语音/sh/)A:(齐读韵文): Who is she?She is Sherry. She runs to English class.Yunish.likes English class . Josh.having English class . sh-,sh,-shT:sh-,sh,-sh. Class begins now. What are the children talking about?Lets watch.A:(观看视频)T:Who can tell me what the children are talking about?S1:They are talking about “Grandparents”.S2:“Their daily life with grandparents”.T:Yes! They are talking about their daily life with grandparents. So today we are going to learn Unit 4 Daily life with grandparents. Follow me.(板书并带读)A:(齐读)Daily life with grandparents.评述:本环节为新课导入。教师首先明示本课的学习目标,然后通过图片和师生对话,认识Fish,Sherry,Yunish,Josh四位主人公。接着,运用一组图文并茂带“sh-”的韵文,师生轻松愉快地chant (吟唱),既巧妙地认识了新朋友,又自然地强化了重点语音/sh/的读音,成功地把学生带进新主题、新情景“Daily life with grandparents”.(三)任务式学习活动,畅游多元化学习的“立交桥”Task1:listen, circle and talk.T:This time,please open “全景课堂”,and finish Task1:listen and circle.Would you please read the dialogue again,and circle the “keywords”(關键词) in the text.You must finish it by yourselves. Are you ready?Lets go.A:Yes! (学生自主阅读、圈注)T:(教师巡视指导)OK, times up. Now, lets talk about it.Ill be Miss Fish , who can try to be Sherry?(学生举手)T:What do you usually do with your grandparents,Sherry?S1:I always live with my grandparents. I usually go to the park with my grandparents.T:(板書:Name/Frequency adverb/Activity)T:What do you usually do with your grandparents, Sherry? All together.A:I always live with my grandparents. I usually go to the park with my grandparents.T:(板书:Sherry/ always/ lives/ with grandparentsSherry/ usually/ goes to the park/ with grandparents)T:Good job! Pay attention to the “keywords”: always/ live with my
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