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英语教育专业论文项目设计利用趣味教学法来提高学生的英语能力姓 名:严平静学 校:周口电大学 号: 1041001270455指导教师:孙中明定稿日期:2012-11-24利用趣味教学法来提高学生的英语能力项目设计者严平静周口电大提交日期2012年11月24日课程名称:教学实践设计Developing Students, English abilityby Interesting Teaching MethodInvestigatorYan PingjingZhukou Radio & TV UniversitySubmitted on 24th Nov. 2012In fulfillment of the coursePractical Project DesignAcknowledgementI am mostly grateful to my tutor Sun, without whose support this project would not implemented.I am also grateful to my colleagues for their time spent on brainstorming.No amount of thanks will be adequate for my students without whose willing participation in the project implementation it would have remained on paper.本文是提高大多数学生英语能力的研究课题,结合本人在英语教学中的实践过 程,给出了详细的实验报告。本文的假设是:利用趣味教学法来提高学生的英语能力 能力。专门设计的四个星期的课堂教学实践活动证实了这个假设。在实践过程中使用了语意分析法、问卷调查法、集体讨论法等理论方法验证了这 个假设。关键词:趣味教学;提高;英语能力AbstractIt presents a detailed report of the project implemented to solve the problem that most students9 English ability is weak If is hypothesized that students English ability will be developed by interesting teaching method. This hypothesis is verified by a four-week classroom teaching with specially designed activities.Among the methods of scientific investigation used are analytic method, questionnaire survey and brainstorming and so on.Key words: interesting teaching mode, development, English abilityContentsAcknowledgmentIAbstract (in Chinese) IIAbstract (in English) IllContentsIVI. Introduction12 Problem13. Problem Analysis13.1 Analytical method23.2 Cause analysis23.3 Brainstorming34. Project Objective35. Project Hypothesis36. Project Rationale47. Project Design58. Project Implementation79. Data Analysis810. Project Evaluation11II. Conclusion11L IntroductionI have been teaching students in a primary School. In my teaching Fve found a problem that students,English is very bad, and there is no student who wants to answer the questions in the class. The atmosphere of the classroom is very nervous. I hope I can solve the problem.In China, the main way for students to learn English is the classroom teaching. But lots of problems still exist in the English teaching, especially in the teaching of speaking. The students get good marks in examinations but their ability to use English is poor. This phenomenon is prevalent. Besides some environmental factors such as inadequacy of learning time and teaching staff, large class, poor facilities, the main reason is that traditional education puts too much stress on grammar and word teaching. This paper claims that the traditional English teaching can not promote the development of the students ability, and the interesting teaching is beneficial for the English teaching.2. ProblemThe problem I have in my teaching is that most of my students can5t speak English fluently, and they don,t answer my questions actively. I want to know why they cant speak English well. Interesting teaching can make the class more interesting. Why dont they use?My urgent need is to find the answer to my problem, thus I will solve it and help my students to speak effectively. In my teaching, the problem was identified a really serious one.3. Problem analysisIn my teaching, the problem identified was really a serious problem. My preliminary research confirmed that there were main reasons that accounted for teachers teaching methods and students reluctance to speaking English.31 Analytical methodThere are 50 students in my class, and I cant give each student the opportunity to practice their reading ability. Therefore, itrs in common that the students can not get high marks in reading exercises in exams, but the others can be done well. The problem made me thinks the other side of the issue: some of my students do well in reading. But most of other students are poor in reading practice, this situation make me think of these.Why some students do well in reading practice, while others dont?Who are the some that do well in reading practice? And who are the others that dont do well in reading practice.Moreover, my students are in contrast with my colleagues students. This inspired me to make a chain of refractions what about my colleagues students? Is it also the causes that are poor in reading practice? If on the other hand all of my colleagues5 students like reading practice, then my problem is actually caused by myself, not by students. Probably that the style of reading practice. I asked my students wto do was poorly designed and the form was inflexible.So after problem analysis, I have reached this conclusion. The problem that my students dont like to do reading practice. So I designed the objective to research how to solve the problem.3.2 Cause analysisI think that it will be much better to use cause analysis to analyze my problem.In this situation, I asked myself a ser
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