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英文版房屋租赁合同范文英文版房屋租赁合同范本本租赁合同由下述双方于 年 月 日于中华人夷易近共和国北京市签订 This lease agreement, dated the day of ,2022, Signed in Beijing, Peoples Republic of China by the following parties.一、 出租人 (以下简称“甲方”)Landlord (hereinafter referred to as Party A)二、 承租人 (以下简称“乙方”)Tenant (hereinafter caused to the customers by Party B or caused in the Premises. Party B hereby warranties that it shall indemnity Party A for any losses caused to Party A by such claims.12.10乙方不得在房屋内放置易燃、易爆的物品其他危险物品。Party B shall not keep or store in the Premises any flammable or explosive substances or other dangero y shall notify the other party in writing of such force majeure event accompanying with the certification of the occurrence of the force majeure event issued by competent authority.13.2.9一方进入破产、清算、解散或任何类似程序,另一方可以终止本合同,但以善意管理费用或合并为目的的除外。One party may terminate this Lease Agreement if the other party launches the bankruptcy, liquidation, winding up or any similar procedure other than for the purpose of a bona fide reconstruction or amalgamation.13. 3 合同终止的后果 The result of the termination13.3.1 如本合同届满并且未由乙方续租,乙方须于届满之日的17点之前腾空房屋;如本合同因任何原因提前终止,乙方应于终止日后的三日内腾空房屋。如乙方未能在此期间腾空房屋,由乙方应按日支付房租,逾期十日以上(包括十日),乙方应按双倍房租支付。如因此给甲方造成经济损失(包括因未能向下一租户及时交付房屋而导致的违约金和租金收入),还应赔偿损失。If this Lease Agreement is expired without the renewal of Party B, Party B shall vacant the Premises by 5pm on the date of expiration; if this Lease Agreement is terminated in advance for whatever reason, Party B shall vacant the Premises within three (3) days after the termination date. If Party B fails to vacant the Premises within the aforesaid period, it shall pay rent for each day of delay. If the delay is over ten (10) day (inclusive), Party B shall pay the rent in double amount. If there is any economic loss caused to Party A including the penalty for not delivering the Premises to next tenant on time and rent loss, Party B shall compensate such loss.13.3.2乙方还应拆除装修和清理房屋(甲方同意保留装修的除外),以甲方交付之时的状态或双方共同认可的状态将房屋交还甲方(正常损耗除外)归还房屋时留在房屋内的所有设施、装修及物品均视为乙方放弃所有权,甲方可随意处置。如乙方未将房屋恢复原状,甲方可自行恢复原状,乙方需支付全部费用,可由甲方从保证金中扣除。Party B shall also dismantle the decoration (Except for the decoration that Party A agrees to retain)and clean the Premises so that the Premises will be returned to Party A in the same condition as when delivered to Party B or (fair tear and wear is excepted) Party B shall be deemed waiving the title of all facilities, decoration and staff left the Prem 3Word版本
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