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选修Unit 2Fit for life重点词汇积累核心词汇写其形1_ vt. & vt. (使)加速,加快2_ vi. & vt. 鼓掌;称赞,赞许3_ vt. 拥有,具有4_ adj. 钝的,不锋利的;迟钝的5_ adj. 上瘾的;入迷的6_ adj. 对极重要的,必不可少的7_ adj. 潜在的n. 潜力8_ n. 疾病;恶心9_ adj. 合理的;明智的10_ adj. 不能的,无法的阅读词汇知其意1outcome n. _2theory n. _3chew vt. & vi. _4tablet n. _5surgeon n. _6counter n. _vt. _7revolution n. _8symptom n. _9complex adj. _n. _10bestselling adj. _拓展词汇通其变1_ adj.有益的,有用的_ n益处,好处v.有益于,受益2_ vt.拥有,具有_ nC(常用复数)所有物;财产U具有,拥有3_ n应用,运用;申请;涂抹,外敷_ vi.申请vt.应用;涂,敷_ n申请人4_ vt. & vi.联系,把联系起来;叙述,讲述_ adj.相关的,有联系的_ n联系,关系;亲戚5_ adj.有效的;实际的,事实上的;生效的_ n效果,作用;影响6_ n批准,通过;赞成,同意_ vt.批准,认可vi.赞成7_ n药剂师,药商;化学家_ n化学品;化学制品adj.化学的_ n化学8_ vi. &vt.循环;传播,散布;传递,传阅_ n循环,流通9_ vi.定期订购或订阅_ n订阅,订购;捐助10_ vi.流血,失血_ n血高频短语记得牢1_ 放出,发出2_ 同意,赞成3_ 测试,试验;参加选拔4_ 使筋疲力尽;使厌烦5_ 执行,实施6_ 阻止7fade away _8be cautious about. _9swell up _10mass production _11manage to do sth. _12be addicted to. _即学即用:用所学单词或短语的适当形式填空1The audience warmly_ (为鼓掌) the performers.2The _ (枯燥的) party finally came to life when the band arrived.3The country _ (拥有) rich deposits(矿床) of gold in the hills.4Therefore, how to improve the qualities of teachers to _ (加速) education reform and development has attracted more educators attention.5You should not be _ (上瘾) to computer games. You should pay more attention to your study.6What_ (吃惊) me was that she had changed so little.7The work she does is absolutely _ (至关重要的)8_ (恶心) often results from eating too much.9The school struggles to treat pupils as individuals and to help each one achieve their full _ (潜力)10I would appreciate it if my application could get your _ (批准)经典句型复现1Have you ever seen a doctor? _, what happened?你曾经看过医生吗?如果看过的话,发生了什么事?2If you open up any medicine cupboard or go to any medicine counter in the world, _ you will find aspirin and penicillin.倘若你打开世界上任何一个药柜或去任何一家药店的柜台,都很有可能找到阿司匹林和青霉素。3_aspirin proved vital for reducing fever and helping stop pain, but there are also other things that aspirin can help with.阿司匹林不仅被证明对于退烧和止痛是必不可少的,而且它还有其他用途。4Will you need to change the information or will you use it _?你将需要修改信息还是按照现在的样子使用?5_acupuncture began during the Stone Age, when stone tools called bian (砭) were used to press areas of the body.有证据表明,针刺疗法始于石器时代,那时一种叫“砭”的石器被用来按压身体部位。即学即用:完成句子1我想他很可能明天到达。(its likely that句型)I think _ he will arrive tomorrow.2太阳不仅给我们提供光还提供热。(not only.but also.的倒装句型)_ the sun give us light, _ it gives us heat.3那个女孩儿背着一个背包走在田间。(独立主格结构)The girl is walking in the fields, a backpack _.4这个拐角处过去有一个商店。(there be句型)_ a store on the corner.5我每天乘公交车去伦敦,住在这个村子里的大部分人都是这样。(as)I go to London by bus every day, _ living in the village.第一版块:高考考纲高频单词1possess vt.拥有;具有;支配(1)be possessed of 具有(某种品质或能力)(2)possession n. 拥有(pl.) 财产;所有物be in possession of. 拥有(主语为人)be in the possession of sb.be in ones possession (某物)被某人拥有come into ones possession 为某人所拥有take/come into possession of 占有;拥有(1) As the old saying goes,“A true friend is the best _ (possess)”一句多译(2)他拥有那家公司。_ (in possession of)_ (用the company作主语)_ (用he作主语并用possession短语)2vital adj.生死攸关的;生气勃勃的;必不可少的be vital to/for. 对重要It is vital to do. 做是重要的It is vital that. (should) do. 重要的是of vital importance 至关重要(1)As the College Entrance Examination is around the corner, I am occupied in preparing for it, which is_ (很重要) for me in future.2021四川双流一模(2)Skillful employees _ (对重要) the success of any company.同义句改写(3)
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