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David McCullough, Jn为韦斯利高中毕业生演讲你并不特别Dr. Wong, Dr. Keough, Mrs. Novogroski, Ms. Curran, members of the board of education, family and friends of the graduates, ladies and gen什emen of the Wellesley High School class of 2012, for the privilege of speaking to you this afternoon, I am honored and grateful. Thank you。王博士、Keough博士、Novogroski女士和Curran小姐;教冇委员会委员和毕业生的亲 朋好友;韦斯利高中2()12年毕业班的女士先生们;冇机会能在这个下午对你们演讲令我感 到十分荣幸与感激,谢谢。好,进入主题吧!So here we are. commencement lifes great forward-looking ceremony(And dont say, What about weddings? Weddings are one-sided and insufficiently effective Weddings are bride-centric pageanty. Other than conceding to a list of unreasonable demands, the groom just stands there. No stately, hey-everybody-look-at-me procession. No being given away. No identity-changing ponouncement. And can you imagine a television show dedicated to watching guys try on tuxedos? Their fathers sitting there misty-eyed with joy and disbelief, their brothers lurking in the conemuttering with envy. Left to men, weddings would be, after limits-testing procrastinatio n, sponta neous,almost in advertent. duri ng halftime on the way to the refrigerator. And then theres the frequency of failure: statistics tell us half of you will get divorced A winning percentage like thatUl get you last place in the American League East. The Baltimore Orioles do better than weddings。)毕业典礼一生命中重要的前瞻性仪式。别问说,“那婚礼呢? ”婚礼是单方面的,而且效 率不高。婚礼是以新娘为中心的盛会,除了同意一长串无理的要求外,新郎只能呆站在一旁。没有庄严的、“大家 看着我”的过稈;没有像新娘被长辈送出的仪式;没有改变身份的宣告。你们能想象一个专 门看男人试穿燕尾服的电视节H吗?他们的父亲坐在那里,泪汪汪的眼中透看喜悦和不可置 信的神情;他们的兄弟躲在角落,羡慕地喃喃B语。对男人来说,在挑战极限的拖延丿二 婚 礼就像白发性地,几乎是无意识地,在球赛中场休息时间去冰箱拿饮料。然而,婚姻的失败 率如下:统计数据显示,现场观众有一半会离婚;这样的胜率会让你荣登美国联盟东区的炉 主。巴尔的摩金莺队的胜率都比婚姻成功率來得高。But this ceremony commencement. a commencement works every time From this day forward. truly. in sickness and in health, through financial fiascos, through midlife crises and passably attractive sales reps at trade shows in Cincinnati, through diminishing tolerance for annoyingness, through every diffeence, irreconcilable and otherwise, you will stay forever graduated from high school, you and your diploma as one, til death do you parto但这个仪式一毕业典礼,总是能圆满结束。从今天开始一确实如此;无论你生病或健康; 经历过财务困境、中年危机;在辛辛那提贸易展遇见还算迷人的销伟代表一家长逊虹了解我的意思;对恼人Z事的容忍度越来越低;历经过每次的改变、H我矛盾和其他种种;你从高中毕业这个事实永远不会改变,你的文凭一生都会与你相伴。No, commencement is lifes great ceremonial beginning, with its own attendant and highly appropriate symbolism. Fitting, for example, for this auspicious rite of passage, is where we find ourselves this afternoon, the venue Noimally,I avoid cliches like the plague, wouldnt touch them with a ten-foot pole, but here we are on a literal level playing field. That matters. That says something. And your ceremonial costume shapeless, uniform, one-size-fits-all Whether male or female, tall or short, scholar or slacker, spray-tanned prom queen or intergalactic X-Box assassin, each of you is dressed, you511 notice, exactly the same And your diploma but for your name, exactly the same。不,毕业典礼代表生命中一个伟大仪式的开始,它有其本身的附加价值和高度的象征意 义;例如彖征让我们在这个下午找到自己定位的美妙仪式。通常我会像避瘟疫似地避免陈腔 烂调,闪得远远的,但现在我们处于平等的竞技场上;这点很重要,它代表某些意义。你们 的毕业礼服一毫无造世、外观统一、尺码相同;无论男女、高矮、会不会读书;无论是晒成 一身古铜色的舞会皇后或Xbox的星际刺客;你会发现,每个人的穿著都一模一样。而你们的文凭除了名字以外,其它完全一样。All of this is as it should be, because none of you is special 0You are not special You are not exceptional. Contrary to what your u9 soccer trophy suggests, your glowing seventh grade report card, despite every assurance of a certain corpulent purple dinosaur, that nice Mister Rogers and your batty Aunt Sylvia, no matter how often your maternal caped crusader has swooped in to save you. youe nothing special。这一切本应如此,因为,你们没有任何人是特别的。你并不特别,你并非与众不同;尽管你有U9足球奖杯、辉煌的七年级成绩单;尽管你确信世上必定有肥胖的紫色恐龙、 亲切的罗杰斯先生(著名儿童电视节目主持人)和古怪的Sylvia阿姨;无论女蝙蝠侠曾奋不顾 身地救过你多少次;你依然没什么特别。Yes, yoiTve been pampered, cosseted, doted upon, helmeted, bubble-wrapped. Yes, capable adults with other things to do have held you, kissed you, fed you, wiped your mouth, wiped your bottom, trained you, taught you, tutored you, coached you, listened to you, counseled you, encouraged you, consoled you and encouraged you again. Youve been nudged, cajoled, wheedled and implored YoiTve been feted and fawned over and called sweetie pie. Yes, you have And, certainly, weve been to your games, your plays, your recitals, your science fairs. Absolutely, smiles ignite when you walk into a room, and hundreds gasp with delight at your every tweet Why, maybe yoifve even had your picture in the Townsman! Editors 叩grade: Or The Swellesley Report!是的,你被骄纵、溺爱、宠爱、保护、呵护;是的,忙碌不堪的大人抱着你、亲吻你、 喂养你,替你擦嘴、擦屁股;训练你、教导你、指引你、辅导你、倾听你、规劝你、鼓励你、安慰你,并一再地鼓励 你。你们被轻拥在怀里,好言哄诱和恳求;你们被赞美讨好,还被称为甜心派。是的,你确 实有。当然,我们曾参加你的比赛、戏剧演出、演奏会、科学展览;当然,当你走进房里时, 每个人都臨出微笑;对你贴出的每一则twig讯息发出千百次兴奋的惊叹。为什么?也许 你的照片曾登上Townsman(韦斯利高中校内刊物)And now youve conquered high school. and, indisputably, here we all have gathered for you, the pride and joy of this fine community, the first to emerge from that ma
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