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教师专用题组【3年模拟】Passage 1$125, adult$63, childDeparts:Daily 5:00 pm from Federation Square, Corner Flinders & Russell StreetsReturns:10:30 pm11:30 pm approximatelyTravel PlanSouth-eastern Suburbs of MelbourneThe early part of the trip will take you through Melbournes suburbs. As the South Gippsland Highway approaches, the landscape becomes more rural with smaller townships and farming properties.San RemoSan Remo is the gateway to Phillip Island and the regions seafood capital. You will see local fishermen casting a line; sometimes even sharks are seen here.Phillip IslandNext you will cross the only bridge that connects Phillip Island to the mainland. While Phillip Island is famous for its Little Penguin Parade, it also boasts an amazing coastline with ideal surf conditions and a huge range of wildlife.Penguin ParadeNow youll head down to Summerland Beach to witness a Little Penguin magic. Youll most certainly fall in love with these little guys. Just as the sun sets over the ocean, the little penguins emerge from the sea and waddle up the beach to their homes.HighlightsTravel through the Gippsland regionFishing village of SanRemoDelight at the Little Penguin ParadeInclusionsEntry to the PenguinParadeExperienced DriverGuideTravel in an air-conditioned coachOptional add-onTour+Fish & Chips Dinner+Viewing Platform$160,adult $81,child1.How long will the trip last at least?A.5 hours. B.5.5 hours. C.10 hours. D.11.5 hours.2.What could most possibly make visitors most pleased?A.The view of Melbournes suburbs. B.The gateway to Phillip Island.C.The bridge at Phillip Island. D.The penguins at Summerland Beach.3.How much should a couple with a child pay to enjoy the most of the trip?A.$188.B.$241.C.$313.D.$401答案语篇解读本文为应用文,是一则有关旅游的广告。1.B细节理解题。本题题干意为:本次旅游至少持续多长时间?审题时注意题干中的“at least”。根据“Departs:Daily 5:00 pm.”和“Returns:10:30 pm.”可知本次旅游至少要持续5.5个小时,故答案为B项。2.D细节理解题。本题题干意为:最可能使游客感到极为高兴的是什么?题干中的“make visitors most pleased”与“Travel Plan”中最后一段中的“fall in love with”相对应,由此可知该段为本题的答案区间,根据该段的第一、二句可知本题答案为D项。3.D细节理解题。本题题干意为:一对夫妇带着一个小孩想尽可能多地游览景点会花多少钱?由题干中的“enjoy the most of the trip”(游览最多的景点)可知“Optional add-on”部分为本题的答案区间,根据本部分的价格介绍可知一对夫妇带着一个小孩想尽可能多地游览景点会花:$1602+$81=$401, 故答案为D项。Passage 2Postmen are all too used to keeping an eye out for the threat of dogs. But in a seaside town in North Wales,they have been forced to take cover from an unexpected threatseagulls. They have complained that the birds have become so terrifying that deliveries to some streets have been suspended. Yesterday residents of Abergele agreed the seagulls were fearless but said they were angry at losing their daily post.Debbie Roberts, who works as a safety adviser,lives where the attacks have taken place. “Last week,we noticed we hadnt got any mail for what we thought was a week,but its hard to tell because you dont always know if youre due any mail,”she said. “We put something on Facebook asking if anyone else had not had their post. One of my Facebook friends said a postman had refused to deliver because of the seagulls.”Royal Mail said that deliveries had been interrupted because of the postman experiencing attacks by seagulls as he delivered mail on his round there over the past few weeks,adding that the postman got peoples mail through whenever it was safe.“We know that these kinds of attacks do happen at this time of year across the country as they are nesting,”she said. Royal Mail apologized to the customers affected and promised to continue to monitor the situation every day,but in the meantime some are having to travel to neighbouring Rhyl to collect mail from the delivery office there. But he recommends preventing gulls nesting on roofs in advance by putting up nets, and if all else fails, walking with an umbrella up during worst-affected areas.1.What does the underlined word “suspended”most probably mean?A.Increased.B.Paused.C.Printed.D.Decreased.2.The residents of Abergele are not happy because .A.the seagulls are so terrifying B.the dogs are so threateningC.they dont receive their post on timeD.the seagulls are stealing their post3.Why did Debbie Roberts put something on Facebook?A.To know if anyone else had the same experience.B.To offer advice to deal with the seagulls.C.To avoid being attacked by seagulls.D.To answer questions about safety.4.Whats the main idea of the passage?A.Seagulls like to steal residents post.B.Postmens safety is threatened by seagulls.C.Residents of Abergele are afraid of seagulls.D.Daily post is delayed because of seagulls attack.答案语篇解读本文为新闻报道。在北威尔士的沿海城镇,由于海鸥常常袭击邮递员,当地邮递业务处于停滞状态。1.B猜测词义题。本题题干意为:画线词“suspended”最可能是什么意思?根据画线词所在句子前半句(他们抱怨说那些鸟儿如此可怕)可知,由于海鸥袭击邮递员,邮件的投递只好暂停,故推知suspend意为“暂停”。2.C细节理解题。本题题干意为:Abergele的居民因为什么不高兴?根据文章第一段中的“Yesterday residents of Abergele agreed the seagulls were fearless but said they were angry at los
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