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课后双卷练透提能得分点A卷单元语基巩固卷.单句语法填空1She hung (hang) up without saying goodbye yesterday.2Large amounts of water are (be) needed for the crops as a result of the dry climate.3Sooner or later you will be rewarded (reward) for your positive attitude towards your work.4The driver narrowly escaped being killed(kill) in the traffic accident.5He touched me with his finger,whispering (whisper) to me in my ear,“The teacher is coming”6No sooner had he arrived in Beijing than he went to visit his old friends.7They talked in a low voice so as not to be heard.8Butterflies feed on a sweet liquid produced by flowers,which bees and other insects collect.9Children must be educated to serve (serve) their country when they grow up.10He wrote the article to bring the fact to the attention of the public that driving after drinking is dangerous.选词填空Mr.King,who was 1.picked out from twenty drivers,works in a shop and drives a car for the boss.He drives carefully and can keep calm in face of danger.As he has 2.escaped from several serious traffic accidents,the boss pays him 3.a huge amount of money every year for his excellent performance.bring sth.to the attention of; suffer from; put upThe media 4.brings the environmental protection to the attention of people nowadays because people are 5.suffering from serious pollution every day.Li Jun,a journalist,6.put up many a poster everywhere to arouse peoples awareness of environmental protection.As far as Im concerned,we all should learn from him and do all we can to reduce pollution.完成句子1他刚下火车,他的女儿就跑向了他。No sooner had he got off the train than his daughter ran towards him2护士们不但要求加薪,而且还要求缩短工作时间。Not only do the nurses want a pay raise,but also shorter working hours.3我原打算给他一些钱,但是最后打消了这个念头。I had intended to offer him some money,but I gave up my intention at last.4我送给他一个礼物作为他好心帮助我的回报。I gave him a gift in reward for his kind help5在一个阳光明媚的早晨,我正坐在湖边读一本故事书,突然听到远处有人喊救命。On a sunny morning,I was sitting by the lake reading a storybook when I heard someone crying for help in the distance.6我站起来,向四周张望,惊讶地发现一个女孩正在水中挣扎着。I stood up,looked around and was astonished to find a girl struggling in the water.片段写作用本单元知识完成小作文完成片段作文词汇句式升级The Little Match Girl is a famous fairy tale written by (由所写) Danish writer Anderson.On a cold New Years Eve,a little match girl walked in the street,cold and hungry.However,she didnt want to go home because her father was very cruel to her (对她很残忍).As far as we know,the girl was so eager for warmth (如此渴望温暖) that she struck those matches.In the flame,she saw in surprise that delicious food was served (美味的饭菜被端上来).Unfortunately, no sooner had people come to the street than (人们刚走到街上就) they found the little girl dead.1.用本单元高级词汇替换加黑单词(1) hungry starved(2) want intend(3) surprise astonishment2按要求改写句式(1)用强调句升级句It was on a cold New Years Eve that a little girl walked in the street,cold and starved.(2)用倒装句升级句As far as we know,so eager for warmth was the girl that she struck the matchesB卷高考题型组合卷.阅读理解语篇类型说明文主题语境人与社会科学研究在深度睡眠中学习新词汇Learning New Vocabulary During Deep SleepSleeping time is sometimes considered unproductive time.This raises the question whether the time spent during sleeping could be used more productively,e.g.for learning a new language?Sleep research to date focused on the stabilization and strengthening of memories that had been formed during previous wakefulness.However,learning during sleep has rarely been examined.There is considerable evidence for wakelearned information undergoing revision by a replay in the sleeping brain.The replay during sleep strengthens the still weak memory traces and embeds (嵌入) the newly acquired information in the preexisting store of knowledge.If the replay during sleep improves the storage of wakelearned information,then firstplay,i.e.the initial processing of new information,should also be possible during sleep.The research group of Katharina Henke examined whether a sleeping person is able to form new semantic associations between played foreign words and translation words during the brain cells active states,the socalled “Upstates”It turned out to be that what they thought was reasonable.When we reach deep sleep stages,our brain cells progressively coordinate their activity.During deep sleep,the brain cells are commonly active for a brief period of time before they jointly enter into a state of brief inactivity.The active state is called “Upstate” and the inactive state “Downstate”The two states alternate (交替) about every halfsecond.New evidence for sleeplearning challenges current theories of sleep and theories of memory.The concept of sleep as an encapsulated (被概括的) mental state,in which we are separated from the physical environment is no longer reasonable.“We could disprove that complex learning be impossible during deep s
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