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【英文读物】And Gone TomorrowChapter 1 in IFs College Science Fiction Contest Here is the best story submitted in answer to the theme question: What Will Life in America Be Like 100 Years From Now? . Written by an undergraduate at the University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, it pictures the America of 2054 as part of a world empire run by an Italian dictator and very similar to that of the ancient Caesars and the early Roman Empire. There is one language, one religion and customs and laws have changed to suit the times. But, basically, human nature hasnt changed and there is the omnipresent clash of faction against faction. The theme is that a dictatorship is the only perfect form of government. If there is a moral, it is that there is no permanent form of government.One of the requirements for entering IFs College Science Fiction Contest was that the contestant be a simon pure amateurnever having been published professionally. This is Andy Offuts first published story, and it has been accorded the same editing we give to professional manuscripts. No rewriting or revisions have been made. See November IF for complete announcement of this and the six other winners in this nation-wide contest.He sat down suddenly. He stared up at the man.Say it again, he muttered.He knew what the answer would be even before the man repeated it in that quiet voice.This is June 3, 2054. The fellow wasnt kidding him. He was serious enough. But a couple of minutes ago it had been May 15, 1954. He looked at his watch and grunted. Less than four minutes ago it had been 1954. Reality. Now it was June 3, 2054. There were four steel walls. There was a steel chair. There were no windows.He tried to take it calmly. But the unbelievable horror of being where he was and when he was and the man calmly repeating, This is June 3, 2054, screamed for release.No! No! Youre lying! Its impossible! He grabbed the mans tunic and drew back a doubled fist. His chair went over behind him.Then a stiff thumb jabbed him in the short ribs and he grunted and went down.This is June 3, 2054. You are still in Louisville, Kentucky. You are standing in a room adjoining the laboratory in the Time Building on 3rd Street at Eastern Parkway. This is the receiving room. My name is Kevin Ilaria. Youve come through time. Is that so impossible to grasp? Youre a thinking man. Educated!He looked up from the floor.Well?So Im a thinking man and an educated man. And what happens? Im sapped. Im shanghaied. Im walking down Confederate Place to my old fraternity house at 1:00 in the morning. Ive just had a row with my girl. Im heading for the fraternity house to see wholl go down to Hermans and get good and drunk with me. And somebody clobbers me. The next thing I remember Im sitting in a steel chair in a steel room without any windows. Just like this one. Theres a man standing there. A man with watery, myopic eyes under bushy brows and his hair parted in the middle. Hes Doctor Borley, of the University of Louisville Chemistry Department. Theres another man with him. A little fellow with thick glasses and a crew cut and eyes like the slits between closed Venetian blinds. Hes Doctor Schink, of the Psychology Department. Theyre talking about me.Umn hmn. Now youre beginning to sound normal. Doctors Borley and Schink are our agents in 1954. Do you know where you were?I told you. In some sort of steel room without winThe man made an impatient gesture with his hand. No, I mean where. You were in a steel chamber in the Daynolds Metals Plant. It stood on this spot in 1954. Two people knewknowabout that room.Doctor Borley and Doctor Schink?Im glad youve calmed down. Now we can talk.Jay wasnt quite ready to calm down. You stand there in that Roman outfit and talk about being calm. To me. To me, Jay Welch, a history major who took his AB from the University of Louisville in 1950. Jay Welch, average guy, who got into an average argument with the girl he pinned in 1950 and went for a walk to drown his sorrows and wound up one hundred years from wherewhenhe started. IThen you admit youve come through Time?I may as well.Ilaria cursed quietly. But youre not an average guy. You have a working knowledge of chemistry and biology and physics and history and a few arts and sociology and psychology and geopolitics and literature and the English language as spoken in AD 1954. You hope to be successful as a writer. Youre Public Relations Consultant with Duo-Point, one of the biggest corporations in your nation in 1954.Yes, Jay Welch said. And I make good money. Even better than a bus driver or a steam-fitter. So?So here you are. 1954s representative to 2054. Ilaria was only a man. He could not keep the flourish and the Hollywood grandeur out of his voice.Yes! And what happens tomorrow when I dont show up for work? What happens in a few days when peo
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