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【工作推荐信格式范本】推荐信得格式与范本 推荐信是国际留学生在申请英语国家留学时得必要条件,要写出一封优秀得英文推荐信,通过这封信,展示出 “你是谁”等相关信息,接下来我搜集了推荐信得格式与范本,仅供大家参考,希望帮助到大家。 推荐信得格式 假如你得英文推荐信是要写给申请院校得某位教授,那么首先要加上称呼,比如“Dear Mr.Smith”、 “dear ms. Qi”等。 英文推荐信得首段应该说明你和申请者得关系,包括你是如何认识他(她)得、你和他(她)得关系如何以及你得职务等。 在第二段中,推荐人应该写明申请者得个人信息。包括:申请者得个人基本信息、申请者得能力、在校表现、是否获的奖励、是否发表过学术论文或发布过科研成果以及你为他(她)撰写推荐信得原因。 在第三段中,推荐人要标明申请者所申请得专业,要点描写他(她)是否有能力或者为什么有能力申请本专业,这一段是最关键得部分,是决定着申请者能否被录取得决定性因素。 第四段是(回顾)。在叙述完主要内容后,就要进行结尾得撰写了,回顾不要写得过长,很简短就可以;回顾部分得内容主要是推荐人再次陈述为何要推荐他(她)申请本专业。 最后就是标注备注信息。在最后得备注信息中,推荐人可以提供更多得有利于申请人得信息,然后再标上你得详细联系方法(手机、宅电、办公室电话、Email)等。 范本一 To whom it may concern, I am very pleased to write this recommendation letter in support of Mr. XXXs application for admission to your distinguished university. I had no hesitation in agreeing to write this letter on his behalf. I believe his academic potential is very strong but, more than this, through his academic work and leadership at the school, he has proved himself to be a person of character who deserves the quality education your program provides. I first met Mr. XXX in 2022 when he enrolled in the Cambridge A Level centre at XXXX . I have found Mr. XXXX to be the most active participant in both academic work and the school enrichment activities . I discovered these qualities particularly In my role as adviser to the school robot team. In this project, he worked as a constructor and entered the 1st Tech Challenge in which event he and his team achieved third prize in East China area. Mr. Wangs combination of patience、academic ability、English competence、critical thinking skills、ICT skills、self-disciplineand problem-solving capability impressed me deeply. I believe i can comment on his intellectual gifts and potential contribution to his future profession with some insight. Mr. XXX is also an incredibly gifted student in Maths. His natural gift for mathematics and his dedication to his studies make him an absolute delight to teach. He listens well in class and subsequently understands difficult concepts with ease. He has never been late for a class or late handing in his homework. His homework scores and test results are consistently high, which are reflected in his excellent AS exam results. Because of his attitude towards study, he gained the highest mark in the world in Cambridge IGCSE mathematic , combined with the highest mark in China for Cambridge IGCSE physic. He was Bronze Medalists in the Waterloo University Maths Competition. I am confident that he has the ability and work ethic to do exceedingly well furthering his education at university. Mr. XXX is one of the most academically gifted and high achieving students in school. However, what really separates Mr. XXX from the rest of the students is his innovative and inquisitive nature. Just achieving the pass mark is not enough, he will not be satisfied until he has complete understanding. He is an incredibly self-driven individual, and is confident when asking questions. His other teachers often comment on his critical thinking skills and his ability to think outside the box and form his own opinions. On a personal level, Mr. XXX is a pleasure to teach. He has a very mature attitude, and he is always polite and well-mannered. I believe that he will thrive in a university environment, where he will have the opportunity not only to continue to excel in his studies but also to broaden his interests with the extracurricular activities that your university offers. I know Mr. XXX is excited about the prospect of immersing himself into a new culture and environment, and I have no doubt that his abilities, confidence and English fluency will continue to grow. Given the talents Ive mentioned in this letter, I believe Mr. XXX would be an excellent candidate for any university. By accepting Mr. XXX to study in your distinguised university, I believe that you will have gained a model student who will benefit from all aspects of university life. In my experience, gifted young people like Mr. XXX are few and far between. My fellow teachers and I would greatly appreciate a favourable final decision on his application. Should you need any any further information in your deliberations, my e-mail address is: xxxxx Yours faithfully, Mr. Yang Yi (Alexander Yang) Head Of Nanjing Jiangning High School International Education Examination Tutoring Officer XXX, 320001 XXX School XXX P.R.C Email is: xxxx 范本二 Li Li Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing, 100080 P. R. China Dean School of Graduate Studies and Research Dear Colleagues: Mr. Ren Ren requested a letter of reference from me to support his application for graduate studies at your university. As his research adviser when he was a graduate student in my institute, I am pleased to comply with his request. I have known Mr. Ren since 1991, wh
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