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全国爱眼日大学英语作文 全国爱眼日大学英语作文 在日常学习、工作和生活中,大家都不可防止地会接触到吧,借助作文可以宣泄心中的情感,调节自己的心情。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?以下是的.全国爱眼日大学英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助。 The sight day is celebrated on each year on 6 June, but the day first memorated on May 5th, 1993, and it is first proposed by Wang yanhua, a professor ophthalmology in the Medical university of Tianjin. The professor Wang proposed the day for asking people to take care of their eyes, his proposal got high praise by the others. Then, in 1996, 12 ministries, involved in the National Ministry of Healthy, the National Ministry of education, the League Central Committee, China Disabled persons federation (CDPF) and other ministries jointly announced that the sight day listed as a national day, and memorated the day on June 6th. 每年的6月6日是全国爱眼日,但是最早的爱眼日是在1993年的5月5日,由天津医科大学的眼科教授王延华最先提出。王教授提议建立爱眼日是希望人们能够关爱自己的眼睛,他这提议受到群众的高度赞赏;这之后,在1996年,国家卫生部、教育部、团中央、中国残联会等等十二个部委联合发出通告将全国爱眼日列为国家节日之一,并确定每年6月6日为全国爱眼日。 This year is the 19th sight day, the 20xx official slogan is “Pay attention to eye health, prevention of diabetic retinopathy”. In China, schools and some institution will celebrate the day by holding some activities, like some hospitals will provide free clinic for the patients with eye disease. 今年是第十九个爱眼日,今年的爱眼口号是“关注眼安康,预防糖尿致盲”。在中国一些学校组织机构会在这一天举行爱眼日活动,比方,一些医院会为有眼科疾病的病人检查。 Aording to the latest survey, in china, the number of the students with short-sight is big and still increasing in a rapid speed, and most children have no awareness to protect their eyes. And they also have some bad habits which lead to short-sight and other eye problem. 据最近的一项调查显示,在中国,学生得近视的人数庞大且这个数目还在快速增长。许多的孩子都没有良好的保护眼睛的意识;而且他们还有着很多伤眼的恶习。 Have you do something right for your eyes? Or you are doing something bad? There are some bad habits hurt your eyes: firstly, smoking is bad for your eyes health. People usually know that smoking can cause respiratory ills, but few people know the worst problem that smoking causes is amblyopia. Secondly, alcohol is also an enemy for our eyes. Finally, people have many wrong ways of eyes usage, such as making your eyes overwork, reading books on bed and watching TV at a close distance. Therefore, if you have do the things above, please stop doing it! 你有做些保护自己的眼睛的事吗?还是你正好相反?这里列出几大伤眼恶习供你参考下:首先,吸烟对眼睛的安康有着很大危害。很多人都知道吸烟会导致呼吸系统疾病但是他们却不知道吸烟其实也会造成弱视。其次,酒精是眼睛的敌人。最后一点是,人们错误的用眼方式,像是用眼时间过长,在床上看书,以及近间隔看电视等。总之,如果你有以上恶习,赶紧戒掉吧!
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