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九年级英语期末复习Units 1-14词汇专项训练 I.用所给词的适当形式填空A组1.What we learn will become a part of us and change us, so we need to learn (wise) and well.2. -Can you tell me how (pronounce) the word?-Sure.3. You can learn new words by (make)word cards.4. (have) conversations with friends really improves speaking skills.5. At first, its too hard for me (study)English grammar.6. The white (build) was set up three years ago.7. Greg was a(n) (luck)boy. Many people offered him help.8. Jenny thinks the (perform)is really exciting.9. He likes to wear something (different)?10. Staying with them made me (comfortable). I decided to leave.B组1. Is he afraid of (speak)in public now? He used to be shy.2. He studies very hard and got good (score) in the exam.3. Dont keep (silence) in class, you must be active in everything students do.4. Mr Wang advised me (talk) with my son in person and we can talk about our (person) affairs.5. Because of the heavy rain, we failed (fly) to London on time and we were late.6. Students (require) to be polite to their teachers.7. Would you mind giving her a chance (introduction) to us all.8. To everyones (surprised), having a conversation with that great man changed his life.9. Many times I thought about (give) up my English. Its too difficult for me to learn.10. (hang) out with friends is a happy thing for her on weekends.C组1. She has been (do)this for four years now.2. He used to (get) up at 9: 00. But now he is used to (get) up at 6: 30.3. Smoking is (harm )to health.4. His words made a (different) to the last decision.5. Have you (hear)of shark fin soup?6. The low number of sharks will bring (dangerous) to the ocean life.7. His advantage should be put to good (useful).8.We can (use) the old jeans to make bags.D组1.Its (help) to read the map before you travel to a new place.2. Sally is a good girl and she is the (friend) to others in our class.3. A rainbow usually (appear) in the sky after the rain in this area.4. What causes his ?He looks seriously (ill).5. Thats a big (decide)my parents have made.6. Its not easy for me (understand) the native speakers if they speak too quickly.7. If one can (connect) what he or she needs to learn, he or she will not get bored.8. In order to study better, you need (develop) your study skills.II.根据句意,括号内所给词及所给汉语提示完成句子。A组1. One third of boys in my class (参加) the running race last week.2.Please (关掉) the TV. Its too noisy.3. The doctor says fruit juice (对有害) childrens teeth.4. If ou dont work hard now, youll (为付出代价) it later when you fail your exams.5.They had a picnic (在顶部) the hill.B组1. Last month they (采取行动) to prevent water pollution.2.Insects are fairly low on (食物链).3. One of his fingers was (切掉) in the accident.4. (的数量) trees has increased in the past few years.5. Helen (不再) practices the piano.C组1. Dennis (study)English for four years before he (go) to the USA.2. Wu Dongs parents (not have ) any news about him for three months until he (call)them yesterday.3. Henry (collect) more than 100 foreign stamps beforehe (join)the stamp collecting club.4. By the time I (get) home, my father (leave) for New York.5. (memorize)900 English words when I (be) ten.6. He (say)that he (learn) some French before.III.根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词或词组填空,有的需要变换形式。A组 traffic blouse widely grass handbag find out according to allowed taught forms 1. is made of silk and it feels very soft.2. The cow eats but gives us milk.3. English is spoken and used all over the world.4. There is much money in her lost so she is very worried.5. The is very busy. You should be careful when you cross the road.6. These traditional Chinese art try to show love and happiness.7. the weather report, it will be rainy tomorrow.8. Children are to sing and dance in this school.9. They didnt who the desk was cleaned by.10. I am not to study with my friends because my mother thinks we talk instead.B组crispy basket popularity salty enjoyedknock value suggestion worth lyric 1. The of computer has risen around the world at
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