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初二英语第11单元测试卷 从A、B、C 中找出其划线局部与所给单词的划线局部 读音相同的选项,八年级 (上) 11单元 (B卷)。 1. health A. easy B. great C. heavy 2. yesterday A. day B. Wednesday C. play 3. sport A. forty B. forget C. doctor 4. was A. bus B. desk C. frisby 5. never A. exercise B. her C. term 以下每个单词都有三个注音,其中一个是正确的,将其 字母标号填入题前的括号内。 1.healthy A hi:lIi B. heilIi C. helIi D. helIi: 2.November A. n+uvemb+ B. n)vemb+ C. n&vemb+ D. n+uv+mb+ 3.hour A hau+ B. au+ C. h)+ D. h)u+ 4.never A. nev+ B. ni:v+ C.nev+ D. nev+: 5.vegetable A. vidNet+bbl B. vedNit+bbl C. vedNieitbbl D. vedNetbbl 将以下词组翻译成。 1. 对有害 2. 两个多星期 3. 上学迟到 4. 11月12日 5. 前天 根据括号内的要求,改写句子,每个空格内只填一个单词, 使句子意思完整与正确。 1. He was at school yesterday. (改为否认句) He at school yesterday. 2. Uncle Wang was at the factory yesterday morning. (改为一般疑问句) Uncle Wang the factory yesterday morning? 3. The twins were at Jims home yesterday evening. (对划线局部提问) the twins yesterday evening? 4. Han Meimei was at home yesterday evening. (用at school将原句改为 选择疑问句) Han Meimei at home at school yesterday evening? 5. Chen Fang was at the shop yesterday afternoon. (用tomorrow morning 作时间状语改写原句) Chen Fang going to at the shop tomorrow morning. 1. What day it today? It Sunday. 2. I ill. Please give me some medicine (药). 3. Dont late for school again. 4. you in or out yesterday evening? 5. She at home yesterday evening. 6. the twins late for school this morning? 7. Toms mother at work yesterday. 8. His friend out yesterday evening. 1. I him tomorrow evening. A. call B. calls C. am calling D. am going to call 2. Im sorry that. I hope youre better now. A. hear B. to hear C. hears D. hearing 3. Can you help homework? A. me with my B. I for my C. me for my D. me on my 4. Who is duty today? A. at B. in C. on D. for 5. Reading bed is bad your eyes. A. in . for B. in . at C. on . at D. on . for 6. Toms sister is ill in bed. He is looking her. A. at B. after C. for D. like 7. Her brother wasnt at school . A. this Friday B. last Friday C. next Friday D. Friday 8. His father often goes for a walk supper. A. after B. at C. in D. with 9. Watching TV much is bad your health. A. very . for B. very . to C. too . for D. too . to 10. Everyone here. A. are B. is C. am D. was 11. Youd better your homework today, and it to me tomorrow. A. to finish . to take B. to finish . to bring C. finish . take D. finish . bring 12. Wang Fei was ill bed yesterday. A. in B. on C. at D. to 13. What day today? A. it is B. is it C. its D. its 14. you here yesterday? A. Is B. Was C. Are D. Were 15. We eye exercises every day. A. do B. does C. are doing D. are going to do 16. The students basketball tomorrow afternoon. A. play B. plays C. are playing D. are going to play 17. Look! The children TV in the room. A. watch B. watches C. are watching D. are going to watch 18. you often late for school? A. Were B. Are C. Do D. Does 19. watch TV this evening? A. Are we B. Do you C. Shall we D. Are we going 20. was Tim away last month? About five days. A. When B. What time C. How long D. How often 先阅读以下对话,然后根据对话内容判断正 (T),误 (F)。 Sandy: Bill wasnt here yesterday. And he isnt here today. Whats wrong with him? Sue: I hear his mother is ill. He is looking after her at home. Lets go and help him to look after her. Sandy: All right. Lets. Sue: Hello, Bill. How is your mother today? Bill: She is fine. Thank you. Sandy: Hi, Bill. Why are you in bed? Bill: Mother was ill yesterday, and I am ill today. Dont e in, please. Sandy:Why not? Sue: Mumps? Oh, we dont want to have mumps. Sandy: We must go now. Good-bye. Sue: Get well soon. Notes: mumps 腮腺炎 1. Bill was ill yesterday. 2. Sandy and Sue are going to help him to do his homework. 3. Bill is looking after his mother now. 4. Bill is ill and he has mumps. 5. Sandy and Sue are going to look after him.
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