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Pinnacle Infant Formula Training Presentation沛沛澳金装婴幼儿奶粉产品介绍|lHistory 历史背景lQuality产品质量lFormulation奶粉配方l100% Australian made 100%澳洲制造Why Pinnacle?为什么选择沛沛澳?|1. HISTORY历史背景 Over 30 years in the Australian Healthcare industry 超过30年澳洲医疗卫生行业 Health Clinic 健康诊所 Medicinal Products 草本药物产品 Experience 医疗经验|Where does your milk come from?你的奶源来自哪里?|Three ways to make Infant Formula奶粉生产的3钟工艺1. Dry Blend 干法混合 Imported milk 进口奶源 No guarantee it is Australian milk不能保证澳洲奶源 Low quality milk 一般品质牛奶 Increased bacterial count 更高的细菌感染风险 Separation occurs 溶解不均匀Short shelf life 货架期短|2. Dry-Wet Blend 干湿混合法 Imported milk 进口奶源 Spray dried twice两次喷雾干燥 Low nutrition低营价值低 Highly processed多次加工 Average quality普通的产品质量|3. Wet Blend 湿法喷雾混合 100% Australian Milk100%澳洲奶源 Fresh within 24 hours 24小时新鲜牛奶 Highest quality 最高品质 High natural nutritional levels 最天然营养价值 Quality taste质感奶香口味 Homogenised 均匀颗粒 Long shelf life 更长的货架期|Pinnacle Gold Infant Formula is made from fresh milk:沛沛澳奶粉产自新鲜的牛奶 Sourced from farms in northern Victoria and processed within 24 hours of milking. 源自维多利亚州北部24小时内完成挤奶加工过程 Victoria is renowned for having some of the best dairy produce in Australia 维多利亚州是澳洲最好的乳制品发源地 From Australian dairy farms naturally suited for dairy farming due to its suitable weather conditions 地理位置和气候优势 From cows raised in pasture-based systems. They graze all year round on rich, green pastures 全年自由放牧,嫩草为食 Herbicide and pesticide free 不含除草剂,杀虫剂|3. FORMULATION 产品配方lWHAT to include in infant formula?奶粉配料中包含什么营养成分?Governed by the Chinese Standard 国标GB10765 (0-6 months) and GB10767 (6-36 months)lStandard ingredients基础的配料成分 + Optional Ingredients that are found in human breast milk母乳中存在的可选择性营养成分|3. FORMULATION - Ingredients Unique premium formulation Highest quality infant formula Contains all allowable ingredients as per Standard Higher nutritional value Optimal health for baby Nutritional profile is higher than most brands金装元素:乳铁蛋白,低聚果糖,低聚半乳糖,叶黄素,左旋肉碱,胆碱,肌碱,牛磺酸,核苷酸,ARA+DHA,B胡萝卜素|3. FORMULATION - Ingredients|3. FORMULATION - Ingredients| 3. FORMULATION - Ingredients| - Pinnacle Gold vs No.1 Australia Brand 沛沛澳VS澳洲销量第一品牌营养成分比较|4. 100% Australian Made lMade in Australia by Australians 产品由澳洲本地人在澳洲生产制造lStrict quarantine laws and export controls 严格的检验检疫制度和出口品质控制保证lBest dairy in the world 世界上最好的乳制品生产国家lNZ comparison 跟新西兰的乳制品比较|Why Pinnacle? 为什么选择沛沛澳?lHistory 历史背景lQuality产品质量lFormulation奶粉配方l100% Australian made 100%澳洲制造|Australian Farm 纯净的牧场|Thanks!谢谢大家!
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