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全文可编辑word文档 页眉与背景水印可删除【考研英语】2021年9月北京外国语大学研究生招生考试英语练习题100道(附答案解析)第1题【单选题】I have bought two ballpens, _ writes well. A、none of them B、neither of them C、neither of which D、none of which【正确答案】C【答案解析】因为是two ballpens, 并且定语从句的谓语writes是单数概念.因此,C是正确选项。第2题【单选题】Until recently, the “science of the future” was supposed to be electronics and artificial intelligence. Today it seems more and more likely that the next great breakthroughs in technology will be brought through a combination of those two sciences with organic chemistry and genetic engineering. This combination is the science of biotechnology.According to the passage, the science of the future is likely to be _. A、electronics B、biotechnology C、genetic engineering D、nuclear technology【正确答案】B【答案解析】答案选B。本题问的是未来的科学是属于什么的?本段最后一句给出了答案,属于生物科技,所以选B。第3题【单选题】Late one Sunday afternoon in September 1999, Oseola McCarty, an elderly cleaning lady passed away in the little wooden frame house where she had lived and worked most of her life. It may seem like an ordinary end to a humble life, but there was something quite exceptional about this woman. In the summer of 1995, McCarty gave $ 150,000, most of the money she had saved throughout her life,to the University of Southern Mississippi in her hometown. The money was to help other African Americans through university. She had started her savings habit as a young child when she would return from school to clean and iron for money which she would then save.This woman shocked and inspired the world because _. A、she had managed to save so much money B、she gave her money to African Americans C、she gave her life savings to help others through university D、she only spent money on cheap things【正确答案】C【答案解析】only是绝对词,在选项D中出现,根据经验排除D;对照原文第一自然段最后一句话there was something quite exceptional about this woman说她有些特别的地方,接着第二自然段就讲In the summer of 1995, McCarty gave $ 150,000, most of the money she had saved throughout her life,to the University of Southern Mississippi in her hometown.她把大部分积攒的钱捐献给了家乡的大学,A和B表达都不全面,答案是C。第4题【单选题】The decline in moral standards, which has long concerned social analysts, has at last _ the attention of average Americans. A、clarified B、cultivated C、characterized D、captured【正确答案】D【答案解析】本题的四个选项意思各不相同,但能与题句空格后的名词attention搭配并符合题意的只有一个。capture“捕获,吸引(注意力)”。根据题意,正确答案应选D。第5题【单选题】Is that how you _ me for my help? A、dismiss B、permit C、restore D、reward【正确答案】D【答案解析】reward 奖励;奖赏。第6题【单选题】Watching me pulling the calf awkwardly to the barn, the Irish milkmaid fought hard to hold back her laughter. A、check B、keep C、stop D、retain【正确答案】A【答案解析】hold back 抑制,控制。check克制,抑制(做某事或表露感情)。参考译文:看见我笨手笨脚地把牛牵向牲口棚,那位爱尔兰挤奶女工竭尽全力克制自己不笑出声来。第7题【单选题】The devastating floods and droughts that imposed a recurrent tax of suffering on the farmers on longer occurEgyptian agriculture has been transformed,and industry is benefiting from power generated by the dam. A、过去不断给农民带来灾难的旱涝两灾,现在不再发生了。埃及的农业得到了改造,工业也用上了水坝发的电。 B、过去不断给农民带来灾难的不但有旱涝两灾,还有税收。但是现在埃及的农业得到改造,工业也用上了水坝发的电。 C、过去不断给农民带来灾难的旱涝两灾,现在不再发生了。埃及的农业得到了改良,水坝发的电也用在了工业上。 D、过去不断给农民带来灾难的不但有旱涝两灾,还有税收。但是埃及的农业得到了改良,工业也给水坝发电带来了很大的好处。【正确答案】A【答案解析】答案选A。句子中tax of suffering属于比喻,把suffering比作是强加在人们身上的tax,而并非真正的征收税收。根据这一点可以排除B和D项,同时根据句子中的and可以得知前后应该是并列的,也就是说agriculture和industry是并列的,同时翻译的时候也应该是并列的,这样不但符合句法也让句子结构更合理。第8题【单选题】The little boys face, his look of fear and desperation, his cries for helpthe choice was made in our intrinsic love for children. A、那孩子的脸,那脸上恐惧和绝望的表情,他那呼救的声音,我们固有的对孩子的爱就为我们拿定了主意。 B、那孩子的脸,那脸上恐惧和绝望的表情,他那呼救的声音,我们固有的对孩子的爱使我们做出了选择。 C、看一看那孩子的脸,那脸上恐惧和绝望的表情,听一听他那呼救的声音,我们固有的对孩子的爱就为我们拿定了主意。 D、看到那孩子的脸,脸上害怕和绝望的表情,听到他那呼救的声音,我们固有的对孩子的爱就为我们做出了选择。【正确答案】C【答案解析】答案选C。本题考查的知识点为增词或减词。原文是三个名词词组,译文为了行文的需要,加了“看一看”和“听一听”。第9题【单选题】Many things make people think artists are weird. But the weirdest may be this: artists-only job is to explore emotions, and yet they choose to focus on the ones that feel bad.This wasnt always so. The earliest forms of art, like painting and music, are those best suited for expressing joy. But somewhere from the 19th century onward, more artists began seeing happiness as meaningless, phony or, worst of all, boring, as we went from Wordsworths daffodils to Baudelaires flowers of evil.By citing the examples of poets Wordsworth and Baudelaire, the author intends to show that_. A、poetry is not as expressive of joy as painting or music B、art grows out of both positive and negative feelings C、poets today are less skeptical of happiness D、artists have changed their focus of interest【正确答案】D【答案解析】答案选 D。事实细节题。根据题干信息我们定位到第2段,该段可以分成两部分:第一部分是前两句,事实并非一直这样(艺术家将焦点投向消极的情感),最早的艺术形式是最适合表达快乐的;第二部分提到了华兹华斯的水仙花和波德莱尔的恶之花为例。按照议论文的论点论据的关系特点,首先提出论点然后以论据论证这个观点的正确性。本题举例部分为第2段第3句中as引导的时间状语从句,该句主句部分以及上文第2句就是论点所在。第3句句首but一词暗示了“改变”。D是论点的概括。第10题【单选题】But Ellen re
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