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全文可编辑word文档 页眉与背景水印可删除【考研英语】2021年3月陕西西安体育学院研究生招生考试英语练习题100道(附答案解析)第1题【单选题】A great number of houses would have to be removed to make way for the new amusement park. A、take the place of B、give space for C、build up D、work out【正确答案】B【答案解析】make way for 让路,让地给.。give space for 让地方给。参考译文:必须拆除很多房屋来给新游乐公园腾地方。第2题【单选题】Economic factors aside, the imbalanced distribution of educational resources also affects fairness of education. A、unjust B、impartial C、uneven D、improper【正确答案】C【答案解析】imbalanced不平衡的,不均衡的。uneven不均衡的。参考译文:除经济因素外,教育资源分配不均同样影响到了教育的公平性。第3题【单选题】The government has called for an independent inquiry into the incident. A、requirement B、examination C、analysis D、investigation【正确答案】D【答案解析】inquiry 调查,质询。investigation 调查。参考译文:政府要求对这一事件进行独立调查。第4题【单选题】We have to modify our plan a little bit. A、reduce B、suffer C、adjust D、utilize【正确答案】C【答案解析】modify 修改,修饰;更改;adjust 调整,使适合。第5题【单选题】This thesis led to a radical change of labor policies. A、temporary B、terminate C、essential D、reserve【正确答案】C【答案解析】radical 根本的;essential 基本的;本质的。第6题【单选题】The ISU wont finally approve the new system until it meets in June but already UK Sport, the British Governments sports body, has expressed reservations. I remain to be convinced that the random selection system would offer the guarantees that everyone concerned with ethical sport is looking for, says Jerry Bingham, UK Sports head of ethics.The attitude of those concerned in the UK to the new rules proposed by ISU can be best described as_. A、indifferent. B、reserved. C、enthusiastic. D、positive.【正确答案】B【答案解析】答案选B。根据本段第一句话可知英国对他们提出的新规则是持保留态度的。第7题【单选题】I failed in the final examination last term and only then _ the importance of studies. A、I realized B、I had realized C、had I realized D、did I realize【正确答案】D【答案解析】“only +状语”放在句首时,主句用倒装语序,只把助动词、情态动词或be放在主语前。此句为一般过去时,在主语前加助动词did,谓语动词用原形。第8题【单选题】A pretext was the last thing that Hastings was likely to want. A、最后,哈丁斯好像需要一个借口。 B、哈丁斯可能不需要任何借口。 C、最后,哈丁斯可能想要的那个东西就是借口。 D、借口好像是哈丁斯想要的最后的东西。【正确答案】B【答案解析】答案选B。that Hastings was likely to want是一个that引导的定语从句,是对the last thing的修饰。而且在本题中特别需要注意的是不能直接根据句子翻译为:最后需要的东西,句子表达的是一种否定的含义,最后才需要的也就是说他可能不需要任何借口。因此本题答案为B。第9题【单选题】You dont have to _ me of anything. A、transform B、upset C、spoil D、persuade【正确答案】D【答案解析】persuade 说服,劝说;使某人相信;劝某人做(不做)某事。第10题【单选题】Decibels(分贝) measured in water are different from those measured on land. A noise of one hundred-twenty decibels on land causes pain to human ears. In water, a decibel level of one-hundred ninety-five would have the same effect.Which of the following is discussed in the paragraph? A、The same noise level produces a different effect on land and in the ocean. B、Different places may have different types of noises. C、The decibel is not a suitable unit for measuring underwater noise. D、Different ocean animals may have different reactions to noises.【正确答案】A【答案解析】本段第一句话就直接给出了答案。第11题【单选题】The farm is set right next to a beautiful flood plain and the property is home to trees that have lived for thousands of years. All of the villages throughout Botswana(博茨瓦纳)have their own chief who controls a certain amount of land. We had the opportunity to sit in on a meeting with the chief of Katchikow, which we called it “Catch a Cow.” In the meeting we discussed starting a hydroponics farm in his area. He seemed to be all for it and said that it was gods plan that the project we were helping with had come to his area.The chief of each village _. A、is called Katchikow B、supports the idea of hydroponics farm C、has a certain amount of land D、has a meeting each week【正确答案】C【答案解析】答案选C。细节理解题。根据所考关键词chief迅速锁定本段介绍chief的内容。每个村庄都会有一个自己的首领,而每个首领都拥有一定量的土地。第12题【单选题】Those attacks can range from indiscriminate viruses to corporate spying and efforts to gain _ data from banks A、sensible B、sense C、sensitive D、sensibly【正确答案】C【答案解析】相关句子部分的意思是:从银行、信用卡公司或个人获得敏感的数据。四个选项的意思分别为:明智的;感觉;敏感的;容易感知地。第13题【单选题】Cost was a key _ in our decision. A、philosopher B、innovation C、quality D、element【正确答案】D【答案解析】element 元素;要素;原理;成分;自然环境。第14题【单选题】We rely more than any other major economy on the goods and services that we export, the investment that we attract and we make abroad. A、英国对商品和服务出口以及对投资和引资的依赖比世界上其他主要经济更甚。 B、英国比世界上其他主要经济更依赖商品和服务出口的投资、引资。 C、英国对出口的商品和服务以及对投资和引资的依赖比世界上其他主要经济更甚。 D、英国对商品和服务出口以及对投资和引资的依赖超过了世界上任何其他经济大国。【正确答案】D【答案解析】答案选D。本题主要考查经济的专业术语。原文中的economy指“经济大国”,是近几年才出现的一种用法。第15题【单选题】On a September day in 1991, two Germans were climbing the mountains between Austria and Italy. High up on a mountain pass,they found the body of a man lying on the ice. At that height(10,499 feet,or 3,200 meters),the ice is usual
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