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全文可编辑word文档 页眉与背景水印可删除【考研英语】2021年2月江苏南京财经大学研究生招生考试英语练习题100道(附答案解析)第1题【单选题】This television program provoked a spirited debate in the United Kingdom. A、dispute B、issue C、lump D、prejudice【正确答案】A【答案解析】debate 辩论;辩论会;dispute 辩论;争吵。第2题【单选题】Many businessmen attended the Boao Forum (博鳌论坛)because they knew what _ from the forum. A、to get B、to be got C、got D、getting【正确答案】A【答案解析】英语中,许多动词(如know ,decide, tell sb., show sb.等)后可接疑问代词或疑问副词+不定式短语的结构来作宾语。题中knew what to get相当于knew what they would get。第3题【单选题】If I _ the money, I would have bought a much bigger car. A、possessed B、owned C、had D、had had【正确答案】D【答案解析】第一个had是过去完成时,第二个had表示“有”。第4题【单选题】Did you notice the _ on the doctors face when he heard that Kita had found the pearl of the world A、appearance B、expression C、description D、illusion【正确答案】B【答案解析】句意:当博士听说基塔发现了世界上最大的珍珠时,你注意到他那时脸上的表情了吗?expression 意为“表情,表现力”;appearance意为“外观,外表”;description 意为“描写,描述”;illusion意为“错觉,幻觉;假象”。第5题【单选题】Many species, for example, originate in small populations. A、轮廓; B、发源 C、器官 D、选择【正确答案】B【答案解析】originate vi. 发源;发生;起航。第6题【单选题】To _ new money the sport needs to be more entertaining. A、recur B、perceive C、inhabit D、generate【正确答案】D【答案解析】generate 使形成;发生;生殖;产生物理反应。第7题【单选题】Gang Xiao and Ben Schrag at Brown University, visualize the current by measuring subtle(细微的) changes in the magnetic field of an object and _. A、to shrink it to the size of a desktop computer B、to make it capable of measuring very weak changes in magnetic fields C、as well as revealing microscopic defects in anything from aircraft to banknotes D、converting the information into a color picture showing the density of current at each point【正确答案】D【答案解析】答案选D。空格前的by在句中引导两个在句法结构上并列的分词短语:一个是measuring subtle (细微的) changes in the magnetic field of an object;另一个就是converting the information into,即:通过测量一个物体的磁场内的细微变化和把信息转化成显示每一点电流强度的彩色图片而使电流显现。第8题【单选题】This is one of the most interesting questions that _ asked. A、have B、has C、have been D、has been【正确答案】C【答案解析】that指代questions,所以从句谓语需要用复数形式。第9题【单选题】The hurricane was incredibly devastating and left thousands homeless. A、forceful B、mighty C、destructive D、dangerous【正确答案】C【答案解析】devastating 毁灭性的。destructive破坏(或毁灭)性的。参考译文:飓风以其难以令人置信的破坏力使得成千上万的人无家可归。第10题【单选题】Both Tom and his brother take after their father not only in appearance but also in character. A、resemble B、assimilate C、follow D、reflect【正确答案】A【答案解析】take after 与.相像。resemble 像.,相似。参考译文:汤姆和他兄弟不仅长相像他们父亲,性格也相似。第11题【单选题】The decline in moral standards, which has long concerned social analysts, has at last _ the attention of average Americans. A、clarified B、cultivated C、characterized D、captured【正确答案】D【答案解析】本题的四个选项意思各不相同,但能与题句空格后的名词attention搭配并符合题意的只有一个。capture“捕获,吸引(注意力)”。根据题意,正确答案应选D。第12题【单选题】The decline in moral standards, which has long concerned social analysts, has at last _ the attention of average Americans. A、clarified B、cultivated C、characterized D、captured【正确答案】D【答案解析】本题的四个选项意思各不相同,但能与题句空格后的名词attention搭配并符合题意的只有一个。capture“捕获,吸引(注意力)”。根据题意,正确答案应选D。第13题【单选题】Congress assembles together in January. A、range B、restrict C、gather D、restore【正确答案】C【答案解析】assembles 集合,聚集;装配;收集;gather 收集;收割;使聚集;使皱起。第14题【单选题】My neighbours used to give me a hand in time of trouble, _ was very kind of them. A、who B、which C、that D、it【正确答案】B【答案解析】非限制性定语从句常用which引导, which表示前句话的整个含义.第15题【单选题】_ me to give you some advice. A、Purchase B、Essence C、Permit D、Bound【正确答案】C【答案解析】Permit 许可;允许。第16题【单选题】The problem is that such an impulse is hard to sustain. Across the country, many similar families were unable to maintain the initial boost in morale. For some, the hardships of life without steady work eventually overwhelmed their attempts to keep their families together. The divorce rate rose again during the rest of the decade as the recovery took hold.What will the current economic crisis eventually do to some married couples? A、It will force them to pull their efforts together. B、It will undermine their mutual understanding. C、It will irreparably damage their relationship. D、It will help strengthen their emotional bonds.【正确答案】C【答案解析】答案选 C。推理判断题。文章本段最后两句提到,工作的不稳定、生活的艰辛最终会使得一些美国人维系家庭的努力消失殆尽,危机过后的数十年中随着经济复苏离婚率再次上升。由此可见,目前的经济危机最终会伤害夫妻关系至无法弥补,故答案为C。A “会迫使他们齐心协力”是经济萧条初期会出现的情况,可以排除;B和D在文中均未提及。第17题【单选题】I am sure that you are asking. How does a rocket fly?If you want to know, get a balloon and then blow it up until it is quite big. Do not tie up the neck of the balloon. Let go! The balloon will fly off through the air very quickly. The air inside the balloon tries to get out. It rushes
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