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2020年湖北省恩施市鹤峰县第二中学高三英语模拟试题含解析一、 选择题1. . Now that weve discussed our problem, are people happy with the decisions ?A. taking B. take C. taken D. to take参考答案:C 解析:考查非谓语动词中的过去分词,语意是:既然我们讨论了我们的问题,那么人们满意所作的决定吗? The decisions和take之间是被动关系,故用过去分词。2. After school we went to the reading-room to do some reading, only to be told that it .A. was decorated B. had decoratedC. had been decorating D. was being decorated参考答案:D略3. In Davos, Premier Li delivered a speech in which he _ that peace must be treasured just like we treasure our eyes.A. urged B. proved C. insisted D. stressed参考答案:D【知识点】考查动词的用法。句意:在达沃斯,李总理做了一个报告,在这个报告中他强调和平必须珍惜就像我们珍惜我们的眼睛。Urge敦促;prove证明;insist要求;stress强调,重视。故选D。4. In less than two months, the world_ the UAE Asian Cup.A. was watching B. watchedC. will be watching D. has been watching参考答案:C【详解】考查时态语态。句意:在不到两个月的时间,全世界将会在观看阿联酋亚洲杯足球赛。介词短语“in+时间段”表示在多长时间以后,多用于将来和将来进行时。ACD三项都不表示将来,根据句意可知C项正确。7.Excuse me, what can I do for you? YesId like to place _ advertisement for _ used car in your paper Athe; a Ban; / Can; a D/; the参考答案:C略6. Ms Alice is considered a _ lady by us, for she often helps the poor she met with.A. selfish B. hopeful C. mean D. generous参考答案:D7. Your red coat looks so good. It stood out clearly _ the snow.A. across B. againstC. through D. over参考答案:B考查介词。A. across横穿;B. against 反对,对着; C. through 穿过; D. over超过。你的红大衣看上去这样的好。与白雪映衬着明显突出。根据句意可知答案为B。8. Who is the girl standing over there ? Well , if you know , her name is Mabel . A. may B. can C. must D. shall参考答案:C9. This pen _ so smoothly. I bought two packets for my son and his cousin.A. was written B. has been written C. is writing D. writes参考答案:D【详解】考查时态。句意:这支笔写起来很流畅。我给儿子和他的表弟买了两包。“这支笔写起来很流畅”这是一个客观的事实,用一般现在时,故选D。10. You can take the rest of the pie with you. _, I wish you would, since Im on a diet.A. On the other hand B. As a matter of fact C. As a consequence D. In addition to it参考答案:B11. Dad,I am not playing the piano as well as beforeTake it easyYou are just _()Aout of sightBout of controlCout of practiceDout of place参考答案:C爸爸,我钢琴弹得没以前好了别担心,你只是练得少了本题考查的是介词短语辨析out of sight看不见;out of control失控;out of practice疏于练习;out of place不合适根据句意,故选C12. Hearing the dog barking fiercely, away Athe thief fled Bwas the thief fleeing Cthe thief was fleeing Dfled the thief参考答案:D略13. As everybody can see, Tiananmen Square is bigger than Red Square in Moscow _10 times Aas Bby Cfor Dwith参考答案:B14. Cloning human beings is a _topic with some considering it a scientific development while others strongly against it.Aconventional Bcontroversial Ccontradictory Dconcrete参考答案:B15. Julie was good at German, French and Russian, all of _ she spoke fluently. A. who B. whom C. which D. that 参考答案:C16. _ pandas diets usually consist mostly of bamboo, they can also eat meat and they sometimes catch insects and small birds. A. Much asB. On conditionC. Providing thatD. The moment参考答案:A17. We have offered him the position, but I dont have the slightest idea _ he will accept it.A. howB. if C. whetherD. that参考答案:C二、 完型填空18. My parents owned a 500-acre farm in Montana when I was young.Life there was filled not just with fun and games but_21_as well.The lambing season was especially hard.Montanas freezing spring weather kept my parents watching_22_mamas at all hours of the day and night_23_a newborn lamb.It was during this time of new life that my favorite childhood memory_24_.One exceptionally_25_day,my mother spied a sheep trying to deliver her baby lamb and needed my_26_.My mother calmly held the sheeps head and_27_me to get hold of the lambs protruding(伸出)legs.I_28_and must have had a look of panic on my face.The little things were_29_not something I wanted to touch. But I_30_my courage and wrapped my fingers_31_them.I can still remember the_32_of the unexpectedly delicate legs.My heart beat in fear and excitement_33_I pulled with all my strength.The lamb was delivered!I was no_34_to seeing farm animals being born,but to have a_35_in it was something I will cherish forever.Im sure everyone got very_36_hearing me tell and retell my heroic story.Looking back,Im so glad that I didnt_37_t
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