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学习好资料欢迎下载新目标七年级下册英语Unit 7Its raining.教学设计(一)教学目标设计 :1、学问目标 :谈论天气和正在发生的事情;2、才能目标 :运用赏识策略培育同学合作意识和交际才能;目标制定依据 :1、对同学状态的分析 :同学对天气感爱好 ,情愿与同学谈论天气情形和想明白亲人和伴侣在干什么;、对教材的分析 :A、本课的学问点 : 1 sunny; windy; cloudy; raining; snowing; hot; cold; humid; warm, cool2 Hows the weather. It s raining.Whats she(he)doing.She Heiscooking.What are theyyoudoing.They Youare watching TV.B、新旧学问的链接和运用由在 Unit 5 I m watching TV.重点就是学习现在进行时;所以本课现在进行时是进一步巩固和运用;并通过正在画太阳或云以此可以引出天气的学习;教学预备:1、对课堂可能发生的情形的推测和计策:A、同学在复习现在进行时做动作时可能会拘谨,开头先勉励同学大胆表演,后面同学就会表演比较到位;B、玩猜词嬉戏时可能会显现失误,所以要多备几个词;2、课件制作在课件制作中留意使用动画表达现在进行时,让同学简单懂得; 使用气象图示让同学很简单懂得天气的情形;3、其他:为了更好地让课程走进同学的生活世界,用照片介绍电话交谈同多媒体结合更有效地调动同学的热忱;教学过程的设计 : 1、教学活动 : Step 1: warm upSing the song Rain, rain, go away.Step 2: pretaskT:What am I doing.学习好资料欢迎下载S:I am playing basketball watching TV, running, writing T:What is he she doing.S:He She is swimming dancing, cooking, playing soccerT:Look at thepictures. Letsplay aguessing game and guess what he or she is doing.Let s see who is clever.T: What are they doing.S: They are playing the drum reading, talking, walkingT: They are walking. What are you doing.S: I mreadingsinging,eating,runningDo actionswhilespeaking.T: Here are two of my photos. In the first photo, Im drinking. In the second photo, my friends are dancing. Can you say anything about yours.Ask students to introduce their photos Step 3: Whiletask 1T: Look. What am I doing. Im drawing. What am I drawing. Im drawing a cloud. Can you see clouds in the sky.S: Yes, I can.T: How is the weather. Its cloudy. Look at the pictures. How is the weather. Its sunny windy, raining, snowing.Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about weather. Step 4While task 2T: Look at the picture. How is the weather. Its sunny, so its hot.How is the weather. Its windy, so its cool. How is the weather. Its cloudy, so its warm.How is the weather. Its raining, so its hu mid.学习好资料欢迎下载How is the weather. Its snowing, so its cold.T: Lets play a guessing game like Lucky 52. One acts, one guesses. Step 5While task 3T: Do you know which citiesare they.They are Beijing,Shanghai,Toronto,Moscow , Boston. How is the weather in Beijing or other cities. Look attheweather map, pleasegivea weatherreporterlikea weatherman. Practicing by themselves, then let students give a weather report. Step 6Post taskT: I have a pen pal in Toronto. Im calling him now. Have a conversation talking the weather and what he is doing. Work in pairs and make up a conversationT: No matterhow the weather is,we are stillhappy. Let s singthe song together in Rabbit Dance tune.Raining, raining, its raining. Windy, windy, it s windy.How is the weather. How is the weather.T: At last, send you a sentence : Storms make trees take deeper roots. That s all.Step 7Homework1. Remembering the words and sentences by your heart.2. Makeup a conversationbetween you and your pen pal,talkingabout the weather and the events that you are doing.2、设计意图 :通过单元内容的整合,让课程面对同学生活世界;运用赏识策略培育同学合作意识和交际才能; 采纳歌曲猜动作和天气当气象员打电话等活动途径, 让同学积极有效参加, 为同学供应充分的自主学习和合作学习的时间和空间, 使同学在活动中相互影响,促进了语言实际运用才能的提高,同时关注了同学的情感, 帮忙他们建立成就感和自信心;增强了实践才能, 呈现了同学个性;5、开放式总结 :最终以和伴侣的电话交谈为总结,使同学通过交谈运用所学学问,并在活动中培育其交际才能;学习好资料欢迎下载教学反思 :本课通过歌曲、嬉戏、多媒体课件和活动等多种形式充分激发了同学对学习的爱好;老师的勉励性语言帮忙他们建立成就感和自信心;增强了实践才能,呈现了同学个性;同时对教学内容进行了较好的整合,使同学在学完有关天气和正在做的事情等教学内容之后以电话交谈的方式进一步巩固和运用所学的学问;有的同学依据谈话内容的需要而扩展了谈论主题,如谈到动物、伴侣等等;活动由于贴近生活所以学问简单被懂得和接受,同时同学在与伙伴的交往中学会了沟通;关注了同学全面和谐的进展;与“为了每一位同学的进展”新课程的核心理念相一样;新目标七年级下册英语Unit 7Its raining.教学设计(二)一、教学目标:1. 语言学问目标:Words: hot, cold, cool, warm, humidAdditional words: spring, summer, autumnSentence structures: How s it going. What are you doing. How s the weather.2. 才能目标 :Describe the different kinds of weather and differentactivities in different areas3. 情感态度价值观目标:训练同学善于观看天气,善于调整自己的心情;明白世界各地的天气情形,增加世界地域观念;知道大自然的力气是奇妙而宏大的,我们应当好好学习,立志学好科学学问,为长大后探究奇妙的大自然,打好基础;二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1复习有关天气的词汇,运用所学的词汇来描述天气;2) 描述在不同的天气情形中人们正在做的事情;3) 综合运用所学的学问, 完成短文, 描述某地的天气及某些人物正在进行的活动;2. 教学难点:1) 阅读短文 2b,提高同学们的阅读才能;2) 进行写作训练 3a-3c,培育同学们的写作才能;三、教学过程 . Warming- up and revision 通过师生互动沟通,使同学快速进入英语学习状态,同时快速复习天气情形与现在进行时,用时约5 分钟; 学习好资料欢迎下载1. Ask and answer about the weather.2. Ask and answer what sb. is doing. . Free talk(以 Pair-work的形式进一步运用现在进行时描述在不同天气下正在做的事情,用时约5 分钟;)1. Look at the pictures in 2a. Talk about the pictures witha partner. Hows the weather. What are the people doing. Make a model to the Ss.S1: Hows the weather in picture a.S2: Its sunny and warm. S1: Whats the girl doing.S2: Shes sitting near the pool and drinking some juice.2. Ss work in pairs and talk about the pictures.3. Let
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