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江苏省盐城市职业高级中学2020年高三英语联考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. _ clear goals, we become stuck in daily routines until we become slaves of them.A. On top ofB. In the silence ofC. On account ofD. In the absence of参考答案:D【详解】考查短语辨析。句意:如果缺乏明确的目标,我们就会被困在日常生活中,直到成为它们的奴隶。A. On top of完全掌控;B. In the silence of在寂静中;C. On account of由于;因为;D. In the absence of缺乏;不存在。结合句意可知选D。2. Without you, I _ the first prize in the speech contest. Thank you, John.A. cant win B. wont win C. hadnt won D. wouldnt have won 参考答案:D略3. _ both sides accept the agreement will a lasting peace be established in this region.A. If only B. Only if C. Unless D. As long as参考答案:B 4. Hurry up, kids! The school bus _ for us!A. waits B. was waiting C. waited D. is waiting参考答案:D5. Bears _ fat stores throughout the summer and fall to have energy enough to last them through their winter sleep.Apack up Bbuild up Cbring up Dtake up参考答案:B考查动词短语。句意:熊在整个夏秋季节储存脂肪,以获得足够的能量来度过冬天的冬眠。A。pack up打包;B.build up积聚,逐渐增加,锻炼身体;C.bring up提出,抚养;D.take up占据(时间、空间),从事;根据句意,故选B项。6. In the flats Tom was the only man from _ bedroom the thief had stolen much money.A. whose B. whom C. who D. where参考答案:A7. Although my opinion, the old professor didnt come up with his own.A. against B. on C. for D. in参考答案:A考查介词的用法。句意:虽然这位老教授反对我的观点,但并没有提出自己的观点A项意为“反对”;C项意为“支持,拥护”;D项意为“依我看”。8. Thousands of foreigners were_ to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened.A. attended B. attained C. attracted D. attached 参考答案:C表示成千上万的外宾被吸引来参加上海的世博会。9. foot Apool Bfood Cfoolish Dcook参考答案:D 10. How strange it is _ the students are so quiet in the classroom!A. whereB. when C. whether D. that参考答案:D11. Having sent several mails to apply for jobs , Susan waited for a reply , but _ came . A. none B. neither C. nothing D. nobody 参考答案:A12. At no time _the rules of the game. It was unfair to punish them.A. they actually broke B. do they actually break C. did they actually breakD. they had actually broken参考答案:C13. _ early for his date, Mark spent time reading the newspaperAArriving BHaving arrived CArrived DTo arrive参考答案:B14. Only after Mary read her composition the second time _ the spelling mistake.A. did she noticeB. she noticed C. does she noticed D. she has noticed参考答案:A15. In America, it is often the judges, rather than the politicians _ make the big decision _ will effect peoples life.A. which; that B. which; whichC. that; who D. who; that参考答案:D试题分析:考查连词。 judges“法官”,因为先行词是人,所以排除指物的which,故排除AB;第二空是强调句型中的that,强调句型其结构是It was+被强调部分+ that+其他,判断强调句型的方法是把It was that去掉整个句子不缺成分,是成立的。故选D。16. Some bus drivers might feel sleepy while driving, can endanger passengers on the bus. A.who B.which C.what D.that参考答案:B17. -Volunteering is becoming popular in China.-Yeah, people are now aware that helping others is helping themselves.A. naturally B. increasingly C. splendidly D. successfully参考答案:B二、 完型填空18. 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。For most of us, success in school has very little to do with actual learning. The most important thing you have to master is how to play the grade games. 36 you think out your own strategies for getting high marks, everything 37_ up to you. You may be 38 to a well-known college or win a scholarship, not to mention gaining the 39 of your teachers and parents.But not everyone does well in tests. At 40 , it can almost turn into a 41 game of hit and miss. Some students havent mastered the 42 of test taking, some fear under pressure or need more time or another way to 43 what they know.Being a school 44 means learning the ins and outs of the school system. Then you have to work things to your 45 . Lots of students are already doing it without even 46 it. Getting high grades also 47 on knowing each teachers little characters. For example, I once had to 48 some extra scores on an important subject, so one day in 49 classes I talked to the teacher who was always hard on us. I told him how Id heard what a really 50 teacher he was, and how disappointed I was that Id have to graduate 51 having been in his class. I lied. But it 52 . I wasnt 53 of myself for what I did. But I considered it 54 of the grade game were pushed into 55 to aim at going to the best schools. 36. A. BeforeB. UnlessC. OnceD. While37. A, looksB. turnsC. opensD. brings38. A. permittedB. allowedC. agreedD. admitted39. A. loveB. admirationC. pleasure
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