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河北省唐山市第五十三中学高三英语月考试题含解析一、 选择题1. Its so hot here. Somebody _ the windows, please!A. shall open B. will open C. opens D. open参考答案:D2. It is uncertain _ side effect the medicine will bring about, although about two thousand patients have taken it. A. that B. what C. how D. whether参考答案:B3. When to danger and conflict, men tend to increase blood pressure, nervous or anxiousAexposed, felt Bexposed, feeling Cexposing, felt Dexposing, feeling参考答案:B4. I will treasure the encounter with the famous director who may _my life. A. remarkB. accelerateC. transformD. contribute 参考答案:C5. Class regulations require _ is the last to leave the classroom _ off all the lights. A. who; should turn B. whom; shall turnC. whomever; turns D. whoever; turn参考答案:D6. “The Bailu Plain” directed by Wang Quanan is _ most moving film and I really want to see it for _ second time.A. a; a B. the; a C. the; the D. the; a参考答案:21. 选A。考查冠词的用法。最高级前面可以用a也可以用the,用a表示“非常”的意思,用the表示比较;序数词前用the表示顺序,用a表示“又一,再一”。本句的意思是“王全安执导的白鹿原是一部非常感人的影片,我真的想再去看一次”。【解析】略7. This western restaurant is my favorite one. I regard it as other restaurants. A. more superior than B. superior to C. more superior to D. superior than参考答案:B略8. _ I put on, Im never dressed properly for the day. I believe thats the reason Im often sick. A. However B. Whatever C. Whichever D. Whenever参考答案:B略9. Do you still remember when we went to Nanjing?I cant remember now but sometime last summer? Amight it be Bcould it be Ccould it have beenDshould it have been参考答案:C10. Well arrive in _ European country in half _hour.A a; an B an; an C a; a D an; a参考答案:A11. So how do I join? Do I have to fill in an application form?_. Why dont you ring up? Ive got the number here. A. Not necessarilyB. Not reallyC. No doubt D. No wonder参考答案:A12. The fact that Beijing is the capital of China is familiar every student.A. to B. as C. with D. for参考答案:A13. _ very confused,the little girl looked up the information in the book to find out the answerABeing felt BFelt CFeeling DTo feel参考答案:C14. Things have changed quickly over the past decade and life in the country is much better than _used to be Athat Bwhat Cit Done参考答案:C32. The deer was lucky that it just missed _ .A. catching B. to be caught C. being caught D. to catch参考答案:C略16. Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane_. A. takes off B. is taking off C. has taken off D. took off参考答案:B17. At assembly, our monitor made a speech, swearing to try our best to study well_ us students. A. in memory of B. on behalf of C. in honor of D. in favor of参考答案:B略二、 完型填空18. It was early in the morning and I couldnt stop looking at the woman a few feet away from me on the beach. I had come to watch the 21 and she was getting on my nerves.The woman endlessly tapped on the screen of her cell phone 22 appreciating the beautiful sunrise before us. It was really 23 great beauty was right before her and she didnt even 24 .I noticed her on the 25 the day before when she was sitting next to my family. She just sat there baking in the sun with her cell phone in hand, and never 26 . Now she was in front of the finest 27 and she was still looking down. Thats a sad way to 28 , I thought.Then an inner voice spoke to me, “Youre just as distracted from looking at the sunrise as she is. Shes only distracted by her phone 29 youre distracted by your 30 to look over and judge her.” When I looked away from the lady, I 31 something: I could relax and 32 enjoy the masterpiece before me, and I didnt have to 33 about her.Stop 34 other people. There is always at least one more fact, which we know 35 about, in every persons 36 . For all I know, the grandchild of that woman was in hospital and she was 37 checking her phone for an update. 38 maybe she was getting emails about a big financial decisionwhy did I care?Stop looking for peoples 39 . Only by doing that, well be in a better position to see the beautiful things that are 40 right in front of us.21AshowBgameCvideoDsunrise22Ain fav
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