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江西省九江市新华学校2022年高二英语上学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. She was so _in her job that she didnt hear anybody knocking at the door at all. A. attracted B. absorbed C. drawn D. devoted参考答案:B2. If I _you yesterday, I would have done things differently.A. were B. had been C. was D. am参考答案:B3. - May I have a word with you? I wont _ much of your time.- Sure.Atake out Btake offCtake on Dtake up参考答案:D试题分析:考查动词短语。A拿出;B脱掉,起飞;C呈现,雇佣;D占据;从事。根据语境判断说话人表示不会耽误对方很多时间。故D选项正确。句意:-我可以和你说句话吗?我不会占用你很多时间的。-当然可以。考点:考查动词短语。4. The flowers _ sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature. A. to smell B. smelling C. smelt D. to be smelt参考答案:B5. Do you know Annas telephone number?- _. As a matter of fact, I dont know any Anna, either.A. I think so B. Im afraid not C. I hope so D. Id rather not参考答案:B6. Nowhere else in the world _ more friendly people than in China. A. you will find B. can you be able to find C. you may have found D. can you find参考答案:D略7. . A teachers job isnt easy _.A. to be don B. to do C. for doing D. of doing参考答案:B略8. I want to buy a pair of shoes. Can you give me some advice?The store at the corner has an excellent _ for fair dealing.Areputation BplaceCshopkeeper Dbenefit参考答案:Areputation“名声;名誉”,have a reputation for.“有的声誉”。9. -Who is the man_ to the teacher?-A model worker_ our schoolA. talks,visits B. talking, is visiting C. talking; visiting D. talking; visited参考答案:C10. - Come on, please give me some ideas about the project.-Sorry. With so much work _ my mind, l almost break down.A. filled B .filling C. to fill D. being filled参考答案:B11. Only in this way to make improvement in the operating system. A.you can hopeB. you did hope C.can you hopeD. are you hope参考答案:C12. _the danger from another attack of earthquake, people had to overcome a shortage of food, drinking water, medicine and almost everything.A. As far as B. As well as C. As long as D. As much as参考答案:B13. I think my friend Tony is _to win the tennis game next Monday.A. likely B. possible C. probable D. maybe 参考答案:A略14. She gave us some tickets _. A. free of a charge B. free of charge C. free of the charge D. free of charges. 参考答案:B略5. He hasnt slept at all for three days. _ he is tired out. A. There is no point B. There is no need C. It is no wonder D. It is no way参考答案:C略16. - Why didnt you tell him about the result of the test?- He rushed out of the room _ I could say a word. A. before B. untilC. when D. after参考答案:A17. We have been told that under no circumstances _ the telephone in the office for personal affairs. A. did we use B. we can use C. we could use D. may we use参考答案:D二、 完型填空18. Before I came to China, I had been somewhat unlucky in love. Days before my _16_for Shanghai in 2016, my cousin made a _17_without the slightest bit of irony(讽刺),“Youll fall in love in China.”I met my husband at a Chinese _18_.It was an embarrassing place to meet him approaching me _19_I attempted to lift free weights. He spoke English poorly, trying to correct my form. I more or less _20_him, figuring such a relationship was _21_as we had little means to communicate. But I was very much _22_.He ran after me for the next couple weeks and his persistence(坚持不懈)_23_won me over, and I was head over heels in love with him.The challenges we faced were _24_deciding where to live, _25_over visas, dealing with my parents doubts. In time, these problems got settled without too much work on our part. When others would _26_on how tough it must be to marry someone from a foreign country, I quickly made my _27_,trying to convince my questioner that marrying cross-culturally is really no different from _28_within ones own circle.Our son was born in the spring of 2018. He was a very easy baby to care forhe cried little and slept well at night. My struggles in caring for a newborn were unimportant _29_the other pressures I faced. By Chinese tradition, I was _30_from taking the baby outside until he was 100 days old, for reasons I still dont fully understand.Since giving birth, Ive learned that compromise(妥协)is more _31_than it seems. If you give up too much of yourself, you may _32_resentful(怨恨的). If you compromise too little, you may be _33_in a frequent battle. In a relationship, our values or
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