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湖南省常德市市第二中学高二英语模拟试题含解析一、 选择题1. If you cannot have a good command of grammar as well as precise usage of each word youve learnt, it is _ for you to use English flexibly.A. out of troubleB. out of habitC. out of the limitD. out of the question参考答案:C2. _, the teacher asked whether anyone wished to ask a question. A. Finishing his lecture B. To finish the lecture C. Having finished his lecture D. Finished the lecture 参考答案:C3. _ the terrible weather, he insisted on going to look for his missing child.A. Thanks to B. In front of C. Along with D. Regardless of 参考答案:D4. We will give a gift to _ comes first.A who B whomever C whom D whoever参考答案:D5. By the time she returned home from England, her overall view of the world _ completely.A. changedB. has changedC. would changeD. had changed参考答案:D【详解】考查动词时态。句意:当她从英国回到家时,她对世界的整体看法已经完全改变了。根据上文By the time she returned home from England可知“对世界的整体看法改变”发生在“回到家”之前,即发生在“过去的过去”故用过去完成时。故选D。6. Mary is really good at taking notes in class. She can_almost every word her teacher says.A. put out B. put down C. put away D. put together参考答案:B7. _ , the old man is living a happy life. A. Taking good care B. Taken good care C. Having taken good care D. Taken good care of参考答案:D8. -Whats up? You look down.- I have piles of papers , but I type so slowly. A. to be typed B. typed C. to type D. being typed参考答案:C9. Who is _ the patient? Maybe his sister Ataking care Blooking for Cjoining in Dattending on参考答案:d略10. Before carrying out the plan, we must consider _ the new use of the drug needs further tests.A. when B. whether C. why D. that 参考答案:B11. _not clearly known how many animal species are in the danger of dying out. A. They are B. What is C. There is D. It is 参考答案:D12. Although we are wealthy today, we mustnt forget that many people _ a poor life. A. are livingB. have livedC. will liveD. lived参考答案:A13. I tried phoning Charlie last night, but I couldnt . A. get along B. get on C. get to D. get through参考答案:D略14. I dont know about you, but Im sick and tired of this weather. _. I cant stand all this rain. A. I dont care B. Its hard to sayC. So am I D.I hope so参考答案:C31. What I want is to buy a red tie to _ my shirt. A. fit B. match C. suit D. observe参考答案:B略16. That is the only way we can imagine _ the overuse of water in students bathrooms. A. reducing B. to reduce C. reduced D. reduce参考答案:B17. Jack fell in love with Catherine he met her in the university.Afor the first time Bfirst time Cthe first time Da first time参考答案:C略二、 完型填空18. I sat and waited for Kathleen to speak. “Annie,” she said, “A food bank that serves the elderly is asking for _36_. Id like you to organize the event.” “Well, errrsure.” As I stuttered(结巴地说) through my _37_ , all I could think was, “What? Why me?”I walked back to my office wondering where to _38_. This was a time _39_ the economy was fading. The rise in unemployment forced many of my coworkers to _40_ to survive. How could I ask them for more?That evening I drove home, depressed. Then I remembered once my father was out of work. Mom wrote a note to Jim, the milkman, asking him not to _41_ any more milk. Two days later Jim picked up the _42_ and left four liters of milk. He left a message, _43_, “Kids need milk.” The milk delivery _44_ as usual and Jim never collected a cent _45_ us.The memory of Jims _46_ fired my enthusiasm. Perhaps Id be in for a pleasant surprise.The next morning I _47_ signs about our food drive all over the cafeteria and on every notice board I could find. Each sign said, “Food drive to support the poor elderly! _48_ of non-perishable(不易腐的) foods are greatly needed.”Within a few days I had to locate empty office space to _49_ a large number of contributions we had _50_. One of my coworkers, Maggie, made the rounds with me every day from one department to another to pick up the canned goods and other _51_. Though over sixty, she _52_ manage to push our food trolley(手 推车) around like a woman half her age.I asked her where she got all the enthusiasm. She said, “With the unemployment rate touching 10 percent, I cant think of a better way to be _53_ for keeping our jobs _54_ so many have lost theirs. Sure money is tight. But when isnt it? People need food.”As
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