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河北省秦皇岛市印庄乡大横河中学高三英语联考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. This restaurant wasnt that other restaurant we went to.A. half as good as B. as half good as C as good as half D. good as half as参考答案:A2. How did their teacher find the boy out?She _ him on the name list of the class.A. came across B. came down C. came about D. came up参考答案:A3. -At this time tomorrow over the Atlantic. -Oh, wish you a good journey.A. well be flying B. were going to fly C. well fly D. we are to fly 参考答案:A4. There will be more than 750 projects _, creating nearly 40,000 jobs starting this summer, including 15,000 in a Youth Conservation Corps.Astarted Bto be started Cstarting Dto start 参考答案:B 5. - Im worn out today. How can I wake up so early tomorrow morning ? - Thats easy. Set the alarm at 5 oclock, _ youll make it. A. but B. or C. so D. and 参考答案:D6. He did all he could to try to get the car to start ,but it _ work .A. wouldnt B. didnt C. shouldnt D. shant参考答案:A7. - Could you walk me to the railway station?-_.Ive got nothing to do anyway.A. It depends B. No problem C. Forget it D. Never mind参考答案:B8. -Oh, you sounded just like a native. - _. I still have trouble expressing myself.A. Well, not quite B. I dont care C. Yes, youre right D. Im glad you like it参考答案:A9. Everybody likes to work with _ is reliable and easy to get on with. A. whom B. who C. whomever D. whoever参考答案:D10. They might just have a place _ on the writing course - why dont you give it a try?A. leave B. left C. leaving D. to leave参考答案:B略11. He had no choice but to _ an excuse to explain his being late.A. make outB. make up C. make up forD. make over参考答案:B12. I wonder whether you can do me a favor._.A. Go ahead B. My pleasure C. You are welcome D. Never mind参考答案:A【命题立意】考查交际用语的用法。句意:我想知道你是否能帮我一下。说吧。A.Go ahead 表示同意对方的请求,根据情况可译为:说吧,做吧,开始吧,进行吧;B.My pleasure别客气,我很荣幸;C.You are welcome.不客气;D.Never mind .没关系。故选A。13. If you cant_ your shyness, youll never pass the intenriew.A take off B.get over C.break off D.give away参考答案:B14. As many as more than ten courses are provided, and were free to choose _ suits us best.A. whichever B. wheneverC. whereverD. whatever参考答案:A15. The news came as no surprise to meI _ for some time that the factory was going to shut downAknew Bhad knownChave known Dknow参考答案:B考点:过去完成时及其被动式试题解析:这个消息的到来对我来说没什么吃惊。工厂将要倒闭的消息我已经知道有一段时间了。空后for+时间段,是完成时的标志,而上一句中came为过去式,可见我是到过去那个时间已经知道了,故用过去完成时,故选B16. tuition fees, colleges charge postgraduates additional annual fees of about $ 2,000. ABesides BWith CExcept DExcept for参考答案:A二、 新的题型17. Its great fun with your favorite four-legged friend outdoors. But unfortunately for humans and pets alike, spending an abundance of time outdoors can have a troublesome downside: tick (扁虱) bites. “Tick season” actually takes up most of the year. _16_ The following safety tips may help you protect your pet from harmful tick bites.Lessen Your Pets Exposure to Ticks_17_ Usually they are particularly fond of tall grasses and brush. If possible, clear your yard regularly to create a safer environment for your pet to play in. If you think that your pet may be exposed to ticks, speak to your vet to discuss safe, effective products that may be able to prevent the attachment of ticks.Check Your Pet for Signs of TicksCheck your pet for ticks daily, especially if he or she has been playing outside or in a wooded or grassy area._18_ Run your hands along your pets body, feeling for small bumps (肿块) and looking for dark spots. Ticks can be black, brown, and can range in size.Know How to Safely Remove a Tick from Your PetRemoving a tick from your pet can be a terrible task, but its important to act quickly if you find evidence of a tick on it, as diseases can be spread from the creatures within a few short hours. _19_ Among them using the tick remover is the most commonly used one._20_A single bite from a disease-carrying tick can spread disease to your unsuspecting pet. Symptoms of diseases include fever, loss of appetite and reduced energy. If your pet shows any of these signs, seek veterinary (兽医的) help as soon as possible.A. Know the SymptomsB. Ticks can live in all types of environments.C. Wash away the ticks youve removed in the toiletD. Areas to check include most parts of the body.E. And summer months tend to see an increase in bites.F. After removing a tick from your pet, always clean the wound.G.
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