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名师归纳总结 精品word资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -学校英语广州版六年级下册第四模块其次单元第一节教学设计Module 4Unit 11 The Lion and the Mouse一、教学内容这节课学习的内容是Module4 Unit11, The Lion and the Mouse, Test二、教学目标(一)语言目标1. 能“四会”把握单词和短语,laugh,bite,if,lookfor,atlast,get out of;2. 进一步学习和巩固一般过去式,留意不规章动词的写法;3. 在 key words 的帮忙下复述故事, 学习才能强的同学能生动地叙述或表演故事;(二)语言技能目标1通过学习课文,能懂得、复述故事的主要内容;2能正确读写不规章动词的过去式,学习和巩固一般过去式;(三)学习策略目标1通过语言交际性训练,提高语言表达才能、思维才能和想象力;2学会借助插图或提示词复述故事;3通过小组合作活动培育合作才能;(四)情感态度目标1. 学会感谢和赞扬别人;2. 通过活动,培育同学阅读的爱好;3. 通过寓言的学习和表演,促进同学学习的积极性,使同学体验到用英语表达情感的乐趣,增强学习自信心;(五)文化意识目标通过学习本课的故事,让同学懂得人与人之间应当相互帮忙;三、教学重点1能“四会”把握单词和短语, laugh,bite,if,lookfor,atlast, get out of;2懂得本课所学的故事;3在 key words 的帮忙下复述故事,学习才能强的同学能生动地叙述或表演故事;四、教学难点让同学精确地运用语言、时态讲故事;五、教学策略1、借助讲故事、嬉戏、竞赛、图片、多媒体等出现新学问;2、创设情形等让同学懂得和操练语言点;3、加强小组合作, 培育同学在小组合作中获得更多的语言信息,提高学 第 1 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - -名师归纳总结 精品word资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -生语言的学习才能;六、教学过程(一) Leading-in1. Sing a songon p462. Chant on p46Two little bears lived in a wood. One was bad and one was good. One went waling straight to school. One went fishing in a small pool.One learned add-up and take-away. One spent all of his time on play.One helped mother when school was done.One chased little boys just for fun.Ifyou were a bear and lived in a wood. Would you be bad or would be good.从 chant里引出新单词if学习新单词 if二 Pre- task1. Play a game and review the irregular verbs.把同学分成 A , B 大组,让 A 组同学随便说动词原形,B 组要立刻说出动词的过去式并且拼读单词,然后A ,B 组对换;(这嬉戏帮忙同学复习动词 第 2 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - -名师归纳总结 精品word资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -过去式;)从这嬉戏老师引出单词bite,教新单词并板书; 三 While- task1Play a guessing game and guess what animals are they.老师用简笔画画出2 条尾巴让同学猜是什么动物; (狮子与老鼠)通过简笔画引出今日的课题The Lion and the Mouse;2. Free talk about the lion and the mouse.T: Children, Can you guess what happen with the lion and the mouse. The lion ate the mouse.The mouse wanted to kill the lion.老师引导同学自由地猜猜狮子与老鼠之间会发生什么事情; 这环节让同学发挥想象力,大胆推测狮子与老鼠的故事,也让同学练习英语口语;3. Listen and number the pictures.Listen the tape and number the pictures.(C)( B)( A )让同学听录音然后给图画编号; (让同学初步明白课文内容; )4. Watch and choose T or F.看“金太阳”,判定正误;1) One day a mouse was looking for something to eat. T2) The lion ate the mouse. F3) The mouse was in a net. F4) The mouse can bit the net. T 第 3 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - -名师归纳总结 精品word资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -5) At last,the mouse helped the lion. T5. Show the pictures and learn the new words.1) 看图,小组依据老师提出4W 争论故事内容;4W: When,Who, where, What happen2) 争论后老师提问4W ,从 4W 的答案里引出课文的新单词并学习新单词;T: When . P: One day. T: Who.P: The lion and the mouse. T: Where.P: In the forest.T: What happen.P:One day a mouse was looking for something to eat. The lion caughtthe mouse.The mouse said he would help the lion. The lionlaughed and let him go. The next week the mouse saw a lion again.The lion wasin the net. The mouse helped the lion .He bite the net. At last thelion got out of the net.老师通过图画一步步引导同学讲出故事梗概,并且学习课文的新单词;Look for, laugh, bite, at last, get out of3) The small can help the great.让同学懂得课文的主旨; 第 4 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - -名师归纳总结 精品word资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -四 Task.1. 跟录音机读;2. 分角色读;3. 四人小组分角色读并一起完成练习;on page 50a. Who did the lion catch one day.b. Did the lion eat the mouse up.c. Did the lion think the mouse was too small for a meal.d. Did the mouse think he could help the lion?e. Did the lion think the mouse could help him at first.f. Was the lion in a net one day. Could he get out of it.g. How did the mouse help the lion.h. Do you think the small can help the great. 五 Post-task1) Check and act out the story.(四人小组分角色表演课文; )2) Retell the story in groups.给 key words复述故事; One day, a lion c a mouse. The lion s the mouse was too s for a m . So he l it go. The next week the mouse m the lion again. The lion was in a n and couldn t get o . Themouse began to b the net. At l , the lion g out of the n . So the small can h the g .四人小组争论完成,这环节既能训练同学连贯说话,也能渗透写作教学;3) 总结本课所学的内容; 第 5 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - -名师归纳总结 精品word资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 六Homework必做:1. 誊写并记忆新单词;2. 做“活动手册”Unit11 ,Ex 1, 2,3. 熟读课文并尝试表演课文;选做:1尝试用 5 句话写出故事内容;Unit 11The Lion and the Mouselook forWhen* One day, awas. laughWhothe lion and the mouse biteWhereget out ofWhat happened.At last.教学反思 :. 1 、基础训练阶段英语课程的任务是通过各种教学活动,激发和培育同学学习英语的爱好,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,进展自主学习的才能与合作创新的精神,培育同学综合运用英语的才能;2、本节课,侧重于培育
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