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牛津中学英语8Aunit1 unit6学问点归纳牛津中学英语8Bunit1 unit6学问点归纳Unit1一.【精选词汇】重点短语1. the changes to Sunshine Town阳光镇的变化 the changes to的变化p8学问链接change n变. since 1995.化,常用复数 changes;e.g. Great changes have taken place2. inthe southern part oftown in the southern part of在的南部 south southern学问链接 east东部 eastern东部的 , west western, north northern3. in the past在过去 at present现在 in the future 将来;将来,留意这些短语中的介词和冠词;4. turn the place into a park tu把rn变in成to学问链接 Heat turns water into vapor热. into English.使水变成蒸气; Turn this sentence5. play cards and Chinese chess打牌、下象棋, e.g. It s pleasant to play cards and Chinese chess.6. water pollution 水污染 air pollution 空气污染, noise pollution 噪音污染p9学问链接 Water pollution was a problem before.7. used to dump its waste ni to water used to do s过th去常做某事,留意否定式、疑问式的形式学问链接 used to do sth否定式 used not to do sth或 didn t use to do sth疑问式 Did sb use to do sth.或 Used sb to do sth.There be和 used to合用的形式为 There used to be;根 据 要 求 进 行句 型转 换: She used toteach history. 否 定式 : She used1牛津中学英语8Aunit1 unit6学问点归纳teach history. 或 She didn tteach history. 疑问式:she teach history.或 Did sheteach history.用法拓展 be used to do sthbe used for doing sth被用于做某事, e.g. Stampsare used to send letters.Stamps are used for sending letters.be/become/get usedto sth 习惯于某事, be/become/get used to doing sth 习惯于做某事, e.g. Mygrandma used to live in the city but now she has got used to the country life. used to getting up early.8. in some ways在某种程度上;在某些方面 in this way 以这种方式Tom is9. feel a bit lonely from time to time from timaet ttoimtiemsesometimes有时;不时地学问链接 a bit形容词原级或比较级a little 形容词原级或比较级,有点 a bit of不行数名词 a little 不行数名词e.g. a bit of water alittle water用法拓展 not a little very 特别, not a bitnotat all 一点也不10. throw away 扔掉“动词副词 ”结构, e.g. throw it/them awayp1011. have an interview with sb interview sb 采访某人;对某人面试;与某人面谈p12学问链接Myparents have had an interviewwithmyteacher. Theyinterviewed 20 people for the job. There are a number of interviews withsome famous football players.12. the best model I have ever seen我曾见过的最好的模型p17学问链接 the形容词最高级名词单数sb have/has ever don,e 某人曾做过的最的the most wonderful film that he has ever watched他看过的最出色的2牛津中学英语8Aunit1 unit6学问点归纳竞赛用法拓展 ever 通常用于疑问句中或否定句中;e.g. Have/Has sb ever done sth. Nobody ever stepped in this cavern没.人曾经踏进过这地窖; ever since自从起到现在 用于现在完成时 ,for everforever永久;永久地13. move into the new flats mov搬e 进into, move out of搬出p1814. lend me a book lend sb slethnd sth to sb把某物借给某人,是 “借出”;P19学问链接 borrow sth from sb 向某人借某物,是 “借入”;15. a recent photo 一张近期照片, writeabout the changes to MoonlightTown p2116. a tourist attraction 旅行胜地 attraction n. 吸引;憧憬的地方 attract vt.吸引 attractive 有吸引力的 It has become a new tourist attraction. and charm attracted Colette s attention.词汇解析Hepburn s beauty1. 常见的交通工具: bike/bicycle,bus, double-decker双层巴士 , coach 长途汽车 ,tram 有轨电车 , taxi, train, underground, light rail 轻轨, plane, hot-air balloon热气球 ,aero done滑翔机2. Using a dictionary: The words in a dictionary are in alphabetical order from“ A” “ Z” . This helps us find the words we want quickly. If two words starts with the sameletter, we look at the second letter to decide the alphabetical order. If the first two letters of two words are the same, we look at the third letter, and so on. e.g. The word“ ball” comes before the word“ banana”.3. centuryone hundred years世纪;百年; 某世纪用序数词;如: 21 世纪 thetwenty-first century ;“在某世纪 ”用介词 in,如: in the 20th century 在 20 世纪;二.【重点句型】3牛津中学英语8Aunit1 unit6学问点归纳1. Eddie, have you seen my food. Yes, I ve just eaten itp. 62. You ve changed, Eddie. You were kind. Now you re not. I don t want to play with you any more.3. You vcehanged too. You always wanted toplay withme. always过去式 used to do sth4. Coaches have been in use/service in Beijing since 1958.hahvaevebeen in usebeen used5. I moved here with my family when I was two years old and have lived here since then.p86. Have you ever moved house. move搬ho家use7. We lived till 1965, when I got married.结ge婚t magrreiet/dbe married to sb与某人结婚学问链接marry sb 与某人结婚, e.g. She married a football player.marry sb to sb 把某人嫁给某人, e.g. He married his daughter to an actor. get/be married tosb 和某人结婚,e.g. Yao Ming got married to Ye Li on 6 August, 2007. 表示“已经结婚”用 have/has got married,表示“已经结婚多久 ”用 have/has been married for时间段或 since时间点; e.g. They have got married. They have been married for 5 years.不能说成 They have got married for 5 years.用法拓展 marriage n.婚姻 e.g. They will celebrate their fiftyyears of marriage next month.8. Has Sunshine To
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