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感谢父母高二英语作文 感谢父母高二英语作文 When we are feeling sick and lying in bed, is parents will take care of us; When we test sent, it is parents encourage us; When we made a mistake, it is the parents education in the us to correct our mistakes. Thank my parents when I was frustrated, encouraged me, fort me, give me courage, let me set up confidence to face the difficulties bravely. Remember a math test, I only got eighty points. I returned home, sadly homework also do bad, eat not sweet. Mom saw my abnormal, kindly ask me why sat by my side. I YiWuYiShiBa exam told his mother the truth, I didnt expect that my mother did not criticize me, instead, fort I said: good kid, a failure is not equal to yourself is not good, do you want to analysis the reason, well know where mistakes, this is progress. Listen to the mother, I feel much more relaxed. Have words to say well who made the heart-inch grass, at a three chunhui. Therefore, in order to repay hard raising my parents, I must study hard now, when I grow up, find a good job, let parents abetted. Parents paid for me, I will thank you ten times, one hundred times, return them, let them give valuable. 当我们生病卧床不起时,是父母在无微不至地照顾着我们;当我们考试考差了,是父母的鼓励着我们;当我们犯了错误,是父母的教育着我们改正错误. 感谢父母在我受到挫折时,鼓励我、抚慰我、给我勇气,让我树立自信勇敢地去面对困难。记得一次数学测验,我只考了八十多分。我垂头丧气地回到家,作业也做不好,饭吃不香。妈妈看见我的反常,坐在我的.身边和蔼地问我原因。我一五一十把考试的实情告诉了妈妈,令我没想到的是妈妈不但没有批评我,反而抚慰我说:“好孩子,一次失败不等于自己就不优秀了,你要好好地分析原因,知道错误到哪里,这就是进步。”听了妈妈的话,我的心情一下子轻松多了。 有一句话说得好“谁言寸草心,报得三春晖”。因此,为了报答辛苦养育我的父母,我现在一定要好好学习,长大后,找一个好的工作,让父母安享晚年。父母为我付出的,我将十倍、百倍的感谢、回报他们,让他们的付出有价值。
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