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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Project 2 A Party第一课时(The first period) 一、教学内容:A部分二、教学目标:1. 在情境中帮助学生复习unit6单元主要词句,让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用unit 6单元的单词和句型。2. 以“Whose dress is this”为主题,让学生运用所学句型进行话题交流,提高语言运用的准确性和逻辑性。3. 培养学生的综合语言运用能力,让学生能综合运用unit6单元词句进行交流。三、教学重难点:1. 在情境中帮助学生复习unit6单元主要词句,让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用unit 6单元的单词和句型。3. 以“Whose dress is this”为主题,让学生运用所学句型进行话题交流,提高语言运用的准确性和逻辑性。四、教具准备:1事先板书好课题Project2 A Party2教学卡片和多媒体(PPT)。五、教学过程:Step One: Warming up由互相问候、做游戏来导入。学生很感兴趣,参与度高。1. Greetings2. Play a game:看到图片或文字,大声说出来;看到炸弹,大声说“Bomb”。Step Two: Presentation and practice.1、 T:Look at the calendar(日历).It is June 1st. What day is it? S: It is Sunday. T: Yes. It is a holiday. Do you know it? S: 儿童节。 T:Great! Its Childrens Day. Happy Childrens Day!2、 T: Our friend Tim want to organize a party to celebrate the Childrens Day. Now he asks you for help. Here are four tasks. If you can fulfill a task, you can get a sun. Can you help him?S: Yes.T: Great! Lets go!3、Invite friends(1) T: Look, Tim calls his friend Amy. Lets read after them.(a.跟读录音,学习对话 b.教师领读 c.学生自读)(2)T: Now, its your turn. Are you ready? S: Yes.(学生利用对话模板,与同学练习对话)4、Choose clothesT: Now, open your books and turn to page 69.Choose your clothes for the party and color it.(学生挑选派对服装,上色并裁减下来。)Step Three: Consolidation学生在教师的指导下和同桌互相问答练说,复习巩固句型。1. Guess the owners (1)T: Tim and Amy are playing a game-Guess the owners. They put their clothes together and mix them. Then they guess the owner of the clothes.(看图完成相关练习)(2)T: Do you understand the rules of the game? S: Yes. T: Good. Lets play the game in a group (34 students).(学生以34人为小组,一起做游戏。)(3) choose several groups to act .This is a / These are That is a / Those are Step Four: Homework1. 默写U6单元四会词句2. 介绍My clothes。六、板书设计:Project 2 A partyWhose dress is this?June 1Childrens DayInvite friendsChoose clothesGuess the ownersProject 2 A Party第二课时(The second period)一、教学内容:B部分及复习。二、教学目标:1. 在情境中帮助学生复习57单元主要词句,让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用57单元的单词和句型。2培养学生的综合语言运用能力,让学生能综合运用57单元词句进行交流。三、教学重难点:1. 在情境中帮助学生复习57单元主要词句,让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用57单元的单词和句型。2. 培养学生的综合语言运用能力,让学生能综合运用57单元词句进行交流。四、教具准备:1教学卡片和多媒体(PPT)。2教学挂图。五、教学过程:Step One: Warming up1. Show time 此环节寓教于乐,又复习了主要句型,学生很感兴趣。Sing or say a rhyme in groups.Ss: Choose a song or rhyme, sing or chant in groups, then have a performanceStep Two: Presentation.1. Introduce the clothes (1)T: Tim and Amy have already chosen their clothes. They are introducing their clothes to each other now.a.看图完成练习 b.跟读录音c.教师领读d学生自读(2)T: After reading, can you introduce your clothes for party to your friends now? And here are some sentences that you can use:1、Its spring / summer / autumn / winter. Its warm / hot / cool / cold.2、This is / These are my for the party.3、This is a / These are (用颜色描述服装)(学生利用所给句子,练习对话)Step Three: Ticking timeT: 1、Can you invite your friends?2、Can you choose the clothes for the party?3、Can you guess the owners of the clothes? 4、Can you introduce your clothes for the party?(完成一项任务得一个小太阳) If you get 4 suns,I will say “Well done!”. If you get 3 suns,I will say “Great!”. If you get 2 suns,I will say “Good”.If you get 1 sun,I will say “Not bad!”.(评评看,你能得到几颗星?)Step Four: Homework1. 复习Unit 5 Unit 7的单词。 2. 复习Unit 5 Unit 7的日常交际用语。六、板书设计:Project 2 A partyIntroduce the clothesIts spring / summer / autumn / winter. Its warm / hot / cool / cold.This is / These are my for the party.Project 2 A Party第三课时(The third period)一、教学内容:补充习题。二、教学目标:1、创设情景,通过让学生组队进行情景对话的方式,复习“打电话”和“问候身体状况”时的交际用语。2、用自由会话的形式复习68单元的内容,并让学生自己设计对话进行表演。 3、完成练习题。三、教学重难点:1、创设情景,通过让学生组队进行情景对话的方式,复习“打电话”和“问候身体状况”时的交际用语。2、用自由会话的形式复习68单元的内容,并让学生自己设计对话进行表演。 3、完成练习题。四、教具准备:1.补充习题。2.磁带和录音机。五、教学过程:Step One: Warming up1. Brain storm: Give the key words, say some words or phrases2. Show some topics and talk about what sentence we can use in these topics.Ss: Listing some sentences, then choose a topic to talk about.Step Two:Presentation and practice学生做补充习题,来对所学知识查漏补缺。教师做详细讲解,指导学生进行二次订正。A. Listen and judge. 1.指导学生观察每幅图片。并用所学句型师生问答。 2.听录音做题。 B Listen and choose. 1.教师结合图片向学生提出相关问题,也可以带领学生根据答句猜测问题。 2.播放录音做题。 C Listen and write D Look and say1.教师引导学生仔细看图,理解图意并尝试根据所给句子进行口头表述。ELook, read and choose.F. Read, choose and writeG. Read and answerStep Three:ConsolidationDesign a dreaming party. Give the students some useful phrases and sentence, introduce it in your group.Step Four: Homework1. 熟背Unit582. 默写58单元四会词句六、板书设计:Project 2 A partyA. Listen and judge B. Listen and choose. C Listen and write D Look and sayELook, read and choose.F. Read, choose and writeG. Read and answerProject 2 教学后记:本单元通过打电话邀请朋友参加时装派对来复习打电话用语。又通过制作服
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