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Unit 6 Im going to study computer science快乐学案He had a dream.He was going to be a warrior .(勇士,武士).Whats your dream?He was going to do somthing to achieve his dream,so he made the first step.What did he do? Then think about yourself,what can you do?Yesterdayisahistory,tomorrowisamystery,buttodayisapresent (gift).上课内容单词记忆:初记单词时需要记忆的内容是:1单词的外观特征,达到能够识别此单词即可。比如单词的长短,起始字母,特征(如中间有两个元音ee)等等。就比如我们认人,我们只要大致知道一个人的性别,高矮,胖瘦,老幼,服装,就能够知道是张三还是李四。而他到底身高1.83还是1.84米,体重是160斤还是150斤根本就不需要知道。随着日后对单词不断地重复,我们对单词的记忆慢慢加深,到那时你自然就会在不经意间记住很多单词的拼写和发音。2.联想记忆法dragon n. 龙记忆窍门 同上面一样的道理,将该词分解成 drag 和 on 两个字母组合,则可记成:长长的龙尾,拖拉(drag)在(on)地上season n. 季节,时节记忆窍门 将该词分解成 sea 和 son ,则可记成:季节是海(sea)风的儿子(son)tiny a. 极小的,微小的记忆窍门汉字“ 蜓”的拼音“ ting ”我们已经烂熟于心,它与 tiny 的词形只相差一个字母,则可记成:极小的(tiny)蜻蜓(ting)2单词的中文释义。这种记忆应当尽量准确,但是不必一字不差,意思准确即可。4.单词的应用。接下来拿出课本,我同学生一起记忆单词,互相听写。或者,我们一起回忆中文意思同时写出英文单词,可以适当出点错,让学生知道,每个人都是一样的,老师也有不会的地方,从而提高学生自信。Unit6单元同步1. make/let sb do sth 让某人做某事 2. 中考单选考点: a. 拿起,捡起 take up b. 占用,占据(时间,空间,精力等) c. 开始从事(一项事业、一种职业等),学习(某种知识、技能等); 语境分析法: a. Learning English takes up a lot of my time. b. That big table takes up too much room. c. My father took up gardening when he was 60 years old. 开始从事的意思 拓展:room 除了有房间的意思外,还有空间的意思,当作空间的意思时是不可数名词。 3. promise to do sth 承诺做某事 promise sb to so sth 承诺某人做某事 make promise to sb 向某人做承诺完成句子:我承诺帮她写作业。_.翻译句子:You must make a promise to me. 介词to也是考点之一 4. be able to do sth 能够做某事 注意:此短语和can do sth 的区别。can更多的是表示一种能力。be able to强调经过一定的努力之后能够做某事。 5. write down sth 写下,记录下 write down the wrod/ name 写下这个单词、这个名字 注意:当出现代词时,代词放中间,如write it/ them down. 6. have something to do with 关于;与.有关系 This problem has something to do with me. 这个问题和我有关。这和你有什么关系? 熟背例句:It has nothing to do with you. 这不关你的事。 7. make sure 确保;查明 make sure + n/ that从句我必须确保你的安全 e.g. Teachers must make sure that every student can finish their homework on time.我将要去弄清楚那里发生了什么 8. be sure about 确信;对.有把握 E.g. Are you sure about your answer? 9. at the beginning of 在.开始 介词at 一定要记清,单选题和完型填空都会考察介词短语。 10. grow up 长大 11. keep on doing sth 继续、坚持做某事 拓展:12. sb sth 拓展: send for sb 派人去请 send send out 发送,派遣,发出送某人某物 sth to sbe.g. I have to send for a doctor for Lucy because she has a bad cold. e.g. The sun sends out light and heat. 太阳发出光和热。 Our school sent out 10 teachers to Beijing to learn new teaching skills. 我们学校派10名老师去北京学习新的教学技巧。 翻译:学生上课不应该发短信。考察方式:我会将每个知识点弄成纸条,我和学生互相抽题目,进行角色互换,将抽到的题目进行讲解,(讲解内容包含:短语意思+造句)Unit 1Unit5语法知识点简单回顾(此部分通过几个题目大体了解学生在之前学习中哪个语法知识点较为薄弱,可作为下次备课的参考)UN1一般过去时的用法1.where _ he _volleyball last Sunday? On the playground.A.do;play B.are;playing C.did;play D.does;play2.Mary _ to school 10 minutes ago.A.went B.has gone C.goes UN2学会提问做某事或某事发生的频率。How often.?1.How often do you go to the movies? _.A.One. B.Tow days. C.Once a week. D.Long time ago.2._do you water the plantsTwice a day.A.How long B.How soon C.How often D.How much UN3形容词和副词的比较级、最高级1.Now telephones are very popular and they are much _ than before.A. cheap B.cheaper C.cheapest D.the cheapest2.Lucy is _ of the twins.A.outgoing B.more outgoing C.the most outgoing D.the more outgoing“两者中较。”应用“the + 比较级”3.The more careful you are,the _mistakes you will make.A. few B.fewer C.fewestUN4形容词和副词的最高级1.Beijing is one of _cities in the world.A.big B.bigger C.biggest D.the biggestUN5掌握动词不定式做宾语的用法1.-Youforgot_ (close)thewindowagain.-Really?Iwontnexttime.(09常州)2.Itisimportantforus_ _(take)actiontopreventA-Flu-H1N1spreading.(c)1.Lastweekourgeographyteachertoldus_moreinformationabouthowtoprotecttheenvironment.(08南京)A.getB.got C.toget D.getting(b)2.Theboypromised_lateforschoolagain.(08徐州)A.tonotbe B.nottobe C.notbeing D.beingnotHomework1.第六单元单词记住,下次上课直接进行相互提问。(可自行决定写几次,只要有把握赢过老师)2.练习题目 I.选择填空(25分)( )1.I dont mind you with your English.A.help B.to help C.helping D.helps( )2.I cant stand the terrible TV show.A.watch B.watching C.to watch D.watched( )3. Thatmagazine everyMonday.A.comes out B.comes up C.comes over D.comes true( )4.we should Lei Feng. A.learn from B.learn with C.learn to D.learn after
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