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名师归纳总结 精品word资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -高一英语第一学期短语期末学问点总结重要短语复习1.runinto2.acoupleof3.Stepup thesearchfor sb./sth. 4.go missing5.showgreatinterestinsth.6.dueto7.turnup 8.get ready for sth. 9.put onones favorite CD 10.begin with/ start with 11.according to 12.the full moon13.pull back the curtains 14.do research on sb.15.fly over 16.rule out thepossibility of 17.look into 18.make up a story 19.in an inverted pyramid format20.in charge of 21.make a speech 22.outer space 23.launch a spaceship into space24.the former Soviet Union 25.collect samples 26.dream of doing sth. 27.carryout 28.pick sb. up e true 30.human beings31.a space shuttle 32.be connected to1. 有时撞见2.一双,一对3.加紧,加快搜寻4.失 第 6 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - -踪 5.对某事表现出极大的爱好6.由于,由于7.显现,露面,到达8.为某事作好预备9.播放某人宠爱的CD 10. 以,开头 11.依据,依据 12.满月 13.拉开窗帘14.对某人或某事进行讨论15.从头顶 上飞过 16.排除,的可能性17.调查 18.编故事 19.以倒金字塔的格式20.负 责,掌管 21.发言,演讲22.外层空间,外太空23.发射飞船到太空24.前苏联 25.采集样本26.理想,憧憬做某事27.实行,执行,贯彻28.接走某人 29.成为现实,实现30.人类 31.航天飞机32.与,有联系33.make a comic strip 34.conduct a survey 35.be divided into 36.instead of37.point out 38.belong to 39.in return 40.shake hands with sb. 41.introduceoneself42.intendtodo sth.43.in, order44.drawconclusions 45.makerecommendation 46.base sth. on sth. 47.remote areas 48.give sb. an idea of 49.onaverage 50.find ones way to 51.land bridge52.break off 53.be responsible forsth. 54.leave out 55.vote on sth. 56.busy doingsth. 57.plenty of 58.spend timedoing59.gowhite-waterrafting60.incase61.go on a trip 62.even if 63.becauseof 64.after sunset 65.begin with/start with 66.refer to 67.be concernedabout33.编写连环画34.进行一次调查35.被分成,部分36. 代替,取代37.指出 38.属于 39.作为回报,作为报答40. 与某人握手41. 自我介绍 42. 准备做某事 43. 按,次序 44. 得出结论 45. 举荐 46. 以,为基础 / 依据 47. 边远地区 48. 给某人,印象 49. 平均50.来到某处 ; 流人,进人51.大陆桥 52.断开 53.为某事负责54.遗漏 ; 省略 55.就某事投票56.忙于做某事57. 大量的 58.花时间做某事59.进行急流漂60.以防万一61.去旅行 62.即使63. 由于 64.日落之后65.以,开头66.提到,谈到67.为,担忧68.scare away 69.take a photo of 70.travel on camels/by camel 71.write areplytosb.72.can twaittodo 73.lookforwardto doing 74.risk ones life75.remind sb. of/about sth. 76.see/watch the sunrise/the sunset 77.at dawn78.see the race of 79.in total silence 80.look out for 81.take a river cruise82.draft a travel plan 83.fill in 84.be away on business 85.take turns to do86.upto87.inall/intotal88.travelina cable car 89.be tired of 90.betouched with 91.leave out 92.make use of 93.be confident of/about 94.a touristspot 95.on entering 96.a great deal of 97.as a result 98.have an effect onsth.99.attheage of17 100.searchfor101.make a discovery 102.as well as68.吓跑 69.给,拍照70.骑骆驼旅行71.给某人写回信 72.迫不及待做某事73.希望做某事74.冒生命危急75. 提示某人做某事76. 看日出 / 日落 77. 清晨时 78. 看到,迹象 79. 缄默不语 80. 查找 81. 乘船观光 82. 起草旅行方案 83. 填满 84. 出差 85. 轮番做86.多达 87.总共 88.坐缆车旅行89.因,而厌烦, 厌烦做,90.带有,颜色91.遗漏,省略92.利用 93.对,有信心 94.旅行景点95.进入 96.很多的 97.结果,由于,由于98.对,有影响 99.在 17岁 100.查找,搜寻101.发觉 102.和; 也103.fallill104.attenda class105.dieofheart trouble 106.have sth. todo with sth./sb. 107.in advance 108.base on 109.prepare for 110.match sth. withsth. 111.pay off 112.make a great contribution to 113.would rather do sth.114.dream of doing sth. 115.in the 1920s 116.be curious about sth. 117.deal withsth. 118.experiment with sth. 119.take an interest in sth. 120.in onesthirties 121.pay little attention to sth.122. catch the readers attention123. makea noteof124.wina NobelPrizeforsth.125.in control of 126.sail atfull speed 127.thanks to his research 128.be known as 129.lead sb. to aplace103.生病 104.听课 105.死于心脏病106.与做某事/ 某人,有关系107.事先 108.依据,基于109.为,某事作好预备 110.使,与,相搭配111.付清 112.为,做出宏大奉献 113.宁愿做某事114.理想做某事115.在 20世纪20岁月 116.对某事感到奇怪117.处理某事118.用,做试验 119.对,感爱好120.在某人三十几岁时121.几乎不重视某事 122.吸引读者的留意力123.做笔记 124.因某事而获诺贝尔奖125.掌握,治理126.全速航行127.由于他的讨论 128.作为,而出名129.领某人到某处精品小编为大家供应的高一英语第一学期短语期末学问点,大家认真阅读了吗?最终祝同学们学习进步;高一英语必修一五单元语法学问点总结高一英语 Unit5重点词汇讲解
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