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2021-2022学年辽宁省沈阳市中山私立学校高一英语上学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. He is ready to help others, seldom, _,refusing them when they turn to him.A. if ever B. if any C. if so D. if not参考答案:A2. It seems that people are becoming more and more selfish. How much happier life would be if we _to the values of the past!A. would return B. had returned C. return D. were to return参考答案:D3. This cake is _ that one. Which of the following is wrong? A. three times the size of B. three times so big as C. three times bigger than D. three times as big as 参考答案:B4. Did you spend a lot of time looking for the lost child?_. It took us half a month, but luckily we found him.A. My pleasure B. Definitely C. Not at allD. Dont mention it参考答案:B5. All of us must remember that we are here to add_ we can to life, not to get _ we want from it.A. that ;what B. what; which C. what ;what D .which that参考答案:C略6. The film is sure to win the award because it _ by most people.A. thinks well of B. is well thought ofC. is well thought D. is thought well参考答案:B略7. Do you know the factory, _ products are of high quality?A. which B. whoseC. that D. its参考答案:B17. Though bought several years ago, the car is still in good . A. situation B. condition C. standard D. position参考答案:B略9. As we grow up, we _ develop a set of our own values or beliefs, affected by society, our family and the education we receive, etc.A. constantlyB. finallyC. securelyD. gradually参考答案:D10. -The MP5 player cost me 10 dollars.-You only paid 10 dollars for it? That was a real_ _.A. exchange B. bargain C. trade D. business参考答案:B11. The teacher asked us_ in deep waterA.dont swim B.not swim C.not swimming D.not to swim参考答案:D略12. Why not try that?Do you think I can beat Mike?A. Are you joking? B. Whats up?C. Its hard to say. D. Dont mention it.参考答案:A考察常用语句。句意:- 为什么不尝试呢?-。你觉得我能打败麦克吗?A. Are you joking?你在开玩笑吗?B. Whats up?什么事?C. Its hard to say.这很难说;D. Dont mention it.别提了。根据回答“Do you think I can beat Mike?”可知说话的人明显赢不了Mike。让他去试试有点开玩笑。故选A。13. Your friend acts _ he were a trustworthy person but as a matter of fact he seldom keeps_. So remember not to trust him with anything important. A. even if; his promise B. as if; his words B. as though; his word D. even though; his promises 参考答案:C14. _ to computer games, he had no time to go over his lessons. As a result, he failed in all subjects.A. AddictingB. Being addictedC. Having addictedD. Addicted参考答案:D15. He fell off the bike _.A. while he were riding B. while riding C. while he is riding D. while on his bike参考答案:B二、 短文改错16. 短文改错(共1小题;满分10分)We have a party last Sunday. During the party, I made my way the bathroom and closed the door before me. A minute or two late, a little girl opened a bathroom door and walked in. I was still sit. “Dont you know if little girls arent supposed to come into the bathroom when a little boy is using it? I shouted. The little girl was shocked by my being at there. Then she started to cry. He quickly closed the door, ran to the kitchen, and tearfully complained to her parents and my grandmother. Most of the partygoer had overheard my loud remark and were greatly amused by it.参考答案:改错:1. have-had 2. way后加to 3. before-behind 4. late-later 5. a-the 6. sit-sitting 7. if-that 8.去at 9. He-She 10. partygoer-partygoers17. 阅读下列句子,修改句子中的错误。每个句子中有1处错误,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在句子右边的横线上写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉,并在句子右边的横线上写出该词并也用斜线划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在句子右边的横线上写出修改后的词。注意:每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。61. I suggested that we went out to eat and enjoy ourselves.62. If you want to swim in the river, ask permission first.63. Were obviously going to need her help and she is quite clearly.64. To solve the problem, we should first to go out to plant trees.65. His child is lost, for that he is to blame.参考答案:61. went改为go 62. ask permission加for 63. clearly改为clear 64. first to go去掉to 65. that改为which本项主要检测学生发现、判断和纠正错误的能力,进而考查学生的词法、句法及行文逻辑等方面的水平。61. went改为go 考查虚拟语气。suggest 作为建议时,从句要用虚拟语气should +动词原形。故went改为go。62. ask permission加for 考查动词短语。如果你想在那条河里游泳,首先要征得同意。ask for a permission请求允许,征得许可,请求许可。63. clearly改为clear考查系表结构。我们显然需要她帮忙,而且她也很清楚 这一点。系动词be后要用形容词作表语。故要用clear.64. first to go去掉to 考查谓语。为了解决这个问题,我们首先应该去植树。should do,要用动词原。故要去掉to。65. that改为which考查非限制性定语从句。他的孩子丢了,他应对此负责。be to blame for,for 的宾语是孩子丢了这件事。故要用which作为关系词,指代前
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