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XX考研英语大作文解析 英语二大作文为曲线图表作文(如上图所示),图表所呈现的趋势背后的原因为主要分析任务。考生应该以三段论的模式构建全文。 第一段对图表呈现的现象进展简明的描述:从xx年到xx年,我国博物馆的数量越来越多,从xx年的4165个增加到xx年的4697个;同时参观博物馆的人数也呈稳步上升趋势,从6378十万人次上升到7811十万人次。得出结论,人们越来越重视知识拓展及增加精神粮食。 1)Based upon the data of the chart, it can be seen that the number of * has been on a steady rise. In the year of., 主题 was only about *, while, within no more than two years, it went up to * in .年. Whats more, an increasing number of visitors e to musuems as time goes on. 注意:因为数据准确到个位,所以在描述数据的时候直接写阿拉伯数字就可以;再者,参观人数是以十万人次为单位,所以6378十万人次写成637.8million. 2)得出结论 So we can draw a conclusion that . 第二段对背后的原因进展分析,该段也是主题段落。本段可围绕随着经济的开展及生活水平提高,人们需要更多的知识充实生活; 通过不断的课外学习,能增强人们对世界的认识等写。博物馆对人们越来越重要。 It is no difficult to e up with several possible factors aounting for the trend. At the top of the list, . Aording to a recent survey, about 55% respondents think that * has bee necessary in their life. In the second,. Last but not the least,. 第三段在全文的根底上给出建议,进一步加强人们学习及参观博物馆的意识,提高国民综合教育水平等。 Considering what has been argued so far, we could safely e to the conclusion that the trend is . So it is advised that. 笔者认为,本次作文的难度属于相比照拟低的,广阔考生多数可以轻松上手。只要平时有所准备,不要出现太多的语法错误,字数符合要求,分数还是很容易得到的。
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