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xx考研英语画图作文写作框架整理 对于考研英语图画作文写作,已经在之前的文章中和各位分享许多关于这局部写作的。但是心得总归是心得,在平时的考研英语练习中真正的去才是王道。于是,决定为各位考生“放大招”:图画作文的写作框架。 (上图生动的描述了),在图中(站着/漂着/有.)。 The picture above foresees a bright (disturbing) future of + (名词) 上图预示了.光明(令人不安)的未来。 Indicated above is a picture that portrays + 名词 如下图,上面的图画描述了. As is shown above, in the sea floats a fishing-boat, catching fishes, with a number of sea creatures swimming in the ocean. On the contrary in 1995, there was only one fish, with many fishing-boats crowding in the sea. 如下图,在1900年的海面上有一艘船正在捕鱼,很多鱼在海中游。而在1995年的海面上却挤着很多搜船,也在捕鱼,海里却只有一条鱼。 The authors real purpose is not the fact itself, but to lead us to find what hides behind the iceberg. 作者的真实目的不是图画本身,而是要引导我们去探求在图画背后终究隐藏着什么。 The picture is so simple that it deserves little explanation, but only sensible readers can capture its essence. 图画如此简单以至于无需解释,但是只有敏锐的读者才能抓住其本质。 The picture, at the first glimpse, seems to be simple, but only a perating sight can pierce through its superficial meaning. 这幅图画起初看起来好似很简单,但只有具有洞察力的能看穿其浅薄的含义。 .is not only necessary, but also indispensable. .不仅必要,而且不可或缺。 Nothing is more important than. 没有什么比.更重要. .is not only harmful, but also damaging. .不但有破坏性,而且还是有危害的。(总之是有害的) We should emphasize the importance of . 我们应该强调.的重要性。 A is an indispensable part of B A是B的不可缺少的一局部 Sth. is the best interests of someone 做某事符合.的利益 Sth. consolidates its status as the . 某事在不断加固它作为.的地位 A recent study conducted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences /UNESCO/the Chinese Ministry of Justice revealed that. 一项由中国社会科学院/联合国教科文组织/司法部进展的研究说明. There phenomenon/change in .mainly results/arises from the fact that. .方面的现象/变化主要源于.的事实。 A number of factors can aount for the change in. 很多因素可以解释.方面的变化。 The disadvantages/side-effect overshadow/outweigh the benefits. (弊大于利) The benefits are in large measure canceled out by the problems. (弊大于利) The problems seems to be pale pared with the benefits. (利大于弊) The problems are dwarfed by the benefits. (利大于弊) The disadvantages cannot weigh against the benefits. (利大于弊) 针对图画作文的第三段写作,主要关注两点,一是对未来趋势的预测,二是对于问题的解决。在这一段假设是考生真的无话可说,可以考虑一些万能的段落。 例如:In summary, to maintain a sustained, healthy, rapid and coordinated economic development, achieve socialist modernization and a society where man and nature live as friends, and build a harmonious and dynamic society with democracy, rule of law, justice, honesty and decency, stability and order, we will encounter no fewer difficulties and problems, but we are confident in our ability to overe them and arrive at our set goal triumphantly. 总的来讲,为了维持一个可持续的、安康的、快速的和协调的经济开展,为了到达社会主义现代化和人和自然像朋友一样共生的社会,并且为了建造一个和谐的、有活力的、民主的、法治的、公正的、老实庄重的、稳固有序的社会,我们肯定会遇到很多困难和问题。但是,我相信我们有能力克服它们,最终会胜利地到达我们的目标。
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