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XX考研英语高频短语 英语短语是浓缩出来的精华,更加精炼。牢记中的高频短语,对于考试中的阅读理解、完形填空等都大有帮助。网现搜集了一些考研英语高频短语,以助学习。 1. attach to (使)贴系,粘在上;(使)相关;(使)牵连;(使)依附 例句They attach to a server, then join one or more channels. 它们连接到效劳器,然后参加一个或多个信道。 2. make an attempt at 打算,试图 例句Change teaching concepts, try to make an attempt at projectized education; 转变教师教学观念,尝试工程化教学。 3. attend to 注意;处理; 听取;致力于 例句I have more pressing things to attend to. 我有更紧迫的事情要做。 4. attend on 照顾; 伺候;陪伴; (危险、风险等)伴随 例句Difficulties may attend on your voyage, but you can overe them. 航行中可能会出现困难,但你们是能够克服的。 5. attitude toward vt. 对.的态度,意见 例句Whats his attitude toward this business? Have you felt him out? 他对这事是什么态度?你摸底了吗? 6. attribute to 把某事归因于某人某事;认为某作品出自某人之手;认为某事物属于某人物 例句Use it along with an xlink: href attribute to establish a link. 将标签与一个xlink:href属性结合使用便可以建立一个链接。 7. on the average 平均而言;一般来说;通常;平均来讲 例句The austerity measures will have little immediate adverse effect on the average Moroan. 财政紧缩政策不会对普通的摩洛哥人产生直接的负面影响。 8. aware of 意识到,知道 例句We are aware of the potential problems and have taken every precaution. 我们已意识到潜在的问题,并采取了全面的预防措施。 9. at the back of 在前方背后;支持;在内心中 例句I sat at the back of the room. 我坐在房间后面。 10. in the back of 在后面(只在某一范围内) 例句Three people can sit in the back of this car. 这车的后座可坐3个人。 11. on the back of 紧跟着,在之外(常用以表示接二连三的灾祸) 例句I was riding on the back of a friends bicycle. 我当时坐在一个朋友的自行车后座上。 12. be on ones back 例句With ones back to the wall 必死之心 13. at ones back 支持某人 例句They have spent ten years at school being told there is one answer, its at the back and dont look, and dont copy because that is cheating. 在10年的学校生涯中,他们被教诲,答案只有一个,被印在了书的背后,不能偷看,也不能抄袭,因为那样是作弊。 14. turn ones back on sb. 不理睬(某人);背弃;抛弃 例句We never went back on our friends. 我们从不背弃我们的朋友。 15. behind ones back 背着某人 例句Back home, I still continue leaving those post-its to this day, hoping that someone will write their whereabouts on them as well. 现在,在家里,我依然在门上贴着便条,期盼着某人会在上面写上他们的行踪。 16. be based on 以为根底 例句We find her evidence to be based on a degree of oversensitivity. 我们认识到她提供的证据在一定程度上是出于过分敏感。 1. take the floor (在会议上)发言,参加讨论; 例句The chairman permitted me to take the floor. 主席允许我发言。 2. on business 出差; 因公; 例句I presume youre here on business 我想你是来这里出差的。 3. be busy with 忙于; 从事 例句Students be busy with studies, preparing for the forthing examinations. 学生们准备着即将来临的考试,学业繁忙。 4. last but one 倒数第二; 例句Its the last but one day in the athletics programme 那是田径比赛完毕的前一天。 5. but for 要不是; 例句Id have been lost but for you. 要不是你,我就走迷路了。 6. buy sth. for money 用多少钱买 例句I forget how much they paid for it. 我忘了他们用多少钱买的这东西。 7. be capable of 能够; 例句Servers and storage must be capable of resizing without impact to users. 效劳器和存储必须能够在不影响用户的情况下重新调整大小。 8. in any case 无论如何,不管怎样; 还有; 例句He thought her campaign would probably fade out soon in any case. 他认为不管怎样,她的竞选活动都可能会很快归于寂静。 9. in case 假使; 免得; 以防; 也许; 例句Write the telephone number down in case you forget. 把 号码写下来以免忘了。 10. in case of 万一,如果; 防范; 例句In case of difficulty, just call on me. 如有困难,找我好了。 11. in the case of 至于, 就来说; 例句I dread to think what will happen in the case of a major emergency 我不敢想在重大紧急情况下会发生什么。 12. in no case 无论如何不; 例句In no case will they look on passively. 他们决不会在一边看热闹。 13. be cautious of 留心,谨防; 例句We should be cautious of the plan. 制定方案时要慎重。 14. enter ones attention on 把某人的注意力集中在上 例句I center my attention on reading . 我集中精力读书。 15. be certain of 确信; 例句Brazil need to beat Uruguay to be certain of a place in the finals 巴西必须击败乌拉圭才能确保进入决赛。 16. at best 顶多; 至多, 充其量; 例句We can only finish half of it this afternoon at best. 今天下午我们充其量只能完成一半。 17. by chance 碰巧; 偶然地,意外地; 无意之中; 偏巧; 例句I met her by chance on the street. 我恰巧在街上遇到了她。 18. in charge of 主管,负责; 照料; 例句He is in charge of the school work. 他负责学校工作。 19. round the clock 昼夜; 日夜; 夜以继日; 日以继夜; 例句He often works round the clock. 他经常通宵达旦地工作。 20. in mon 共有; 同; 例句We happened to discover we had a friend in mon 我们凑巧发现我们有一个共同的朋友。
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