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“妈妈你看见我的勺子了”英语对话 引导语:这是关于勺子的对话,以下是分享给大家的妈妈你看见我的勺子了吗英语对话,欢送练习! A Mom, help me with the bowls, please! I cant hold them. 妈妈,拜托帮我拿一下碗,我抓不住了。 B Be careful, honey. 宝贝,小心点。 A Have you seen my spoon, Mom! 妈妈,看见我的勺子了吗? B Look in the fridge, honey! 在冰箱里找找,宝贝! A No, not there. 不,不在那儿。 B Youve put it there by yourself, and you are always absent-minded. 是你自己放的,你总是很健忘。 A Sorry, Mom, I dont like it either, but its just me. 对不起,妈妈,我也不想那样啊,但那就是我啊。 B Everybody, I have found it. Look, its in Barbies mouth. 我找到了,看,勺子在芭比的嘴巴里叼着呢。 A Come on, Barbie.Oops! 快过来,芭比。天啊! B Whats up, honey? 怎么啦?亲爱的! A Who added pepper to the meat? Its too spicy. 谁在肉里面加了辣椒?太辣了。
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