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河北省沧州市常郭中学2021年高二英语联考试题含解析一、 选择题1. Economics is based on the _ that resources are scarce and human is selfish.A.identificationB.assumptionC.satisfactionD.conservation参考答案:A2. If they _ the beach , they _ yesterday .A. reached; will be killed B. have reached; have been killedC. had reached; were killed D. had reached; would have been killed参考答案:D3. Our company will organize a trip to Hongkong next month. I _ my mother there.Id rather you _. After all she has just recovered from her illness and she still feels weak.A. will take; wont B. am taking; dontC. will take; didnt D. am taking; didnt参考答案:D4. She could hardly resist _. A. to laugh B. laughing C. being laughed D. laugh参考答案:B5. Had it not been for the fact that about 30 pupils _ in the state of Connecticut a fortnight ago, their parents _ in deep sorrow now.A. had been killed, wouldnt be B. were killed, couldnt beC. would have been killed, mightnt be D. should be killed, wouldnt be参考答案:B6. This basketball team had lots of excellent players, so its fans never expected that it_ have failed in the final.A. must B. might C. ought D. should参考答案:D略7. The boy arrived at the hotel late because he _the bus for two hours. A. was waiting for B. had been waiting for C. has been waiting for D. had waited for 参考答案:B8. There was such a long queue for coffee that we _ gave up.A. eventually B. unfortunately C. generously D. purposefully参考答案:A9. Air quality in Beijing was rated as poor_ more than 5 million cars in the capital.A. except forB. regardless of C. due toD. in spite of参考答案:C10. Dont _ your father about it now; he is very tired.A. care B. bother C. set D. get参考答案:B11. It was foolish of him to his notes during that important test, and as a result, he got punished.A. stick toB. refer toC. keep toD. point to参考答案:B12. He has a great interest in _ history, especially _ history of the Tang Dynasty. A. the, the B. a;the C. 不填; the D. the;不填参考答案:C13. Im sorry that what I said just now has hurt you, but I didnt do it _.A. deliberately B. actually C. carelessly D. eagerly参考答案:A14. strike A. resist B. seaside C. visa D. fiction参考答案:B15. How did you_ the old valuable house?It used to be _my uncle. He left it to me in his will.A. take possession of; in possession ofB. take the possession of; in the possession ofC. take possession of; in the possession ofD. take the possession of; in possession of参考答案:C二、 翻译16. 完成句子1. 我们必须牢记:在英语方面取得成功就意味着课外投入额外的工作。We need to _ _ _ that to get ahead with English means putting in extra work outside of the classroom.2. 你意识到噪音污染给我们的健康和环境带来的负面影响了吗?_ you _ _ the negative effects that noise pollution has on our health and our environment? 3. 在实验室里做实验的时候,请遵守老师发出的指令。Please follow the _ _ by your teacher while doing experiments in the lab. 4. 他是演艺界冉冉升起一颗的新星。对他而言,前途无量,没有界限。He is a rising star in acting. For him, the sky is _ _ the limit. 5. 如果上周他没有被抓住作弊的话,他就通过考试了。He would have passed the exam if he _ not _ _ _ last week. 6. 在2008年四川省的汶川地震中有8万多人丧生,这一点至今仍然对我们有警示作用。Over 80 thousand people _ _ to the earthquake in Wenchuan, Sichuan Province in 2008, which is still alarming to us.参考答案:1. keep in mind 2. Are, aware of 3. instructions given4. no longer 5. had, been caught cheating 6. were lost17. 完成句子71. “They didnt take measures in time”, the expert said firmly and angrily, “otherwise the explosions _.” (happen) “他们没有及时采取措施,”专家坚定且愤怒地说道,“否则爆炸不会发生。”72. Soon after getting off his horse, the captain appeared at the second storey windows, _ nothing but trees. (see)下马不久,上尉就出现在二楼的窗口了, 从那里除了树木他什么也没看到。73. Rosalyn loves sports. She is proud _ competitions and to have broken a record by running 800 meters this year. (participate) 罗莎琳热爱运动。她为今年参加比赛并打破800米赛跑的记录而感到骄傲。74. _ should be no reason for treating ones neighbors as strangers. (occupy) 工作繁忙不应该成为“对面不相识”的借口。75. He went on a bus tour with a group of people, _ before. (travel) 他和一群人乘坐巴士旅行,这群人中的大多数以前从没旅行过。76. My son has been away from home for about 2 weeks. Im looking forward to _. (hear) 我儿子离家差不多两周了。我盼望着收到他的来信。77. I think that only in this way _
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