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【英文文学】Prologue to an AnalogueChapter 1Finnagles Law shows that many times we dont get the effect we planned on. But . theres an inverse to that famous law, too. The IWC program was a newscast by Bill Howard, and the news was particularly vicious that night.Bill, his big homely face leaning across a desk toward the viewer, talked in horrified tones of the pest-sub that had reputedly got stuck in the Suez and spread epidemic across Cairo.It was easy to assume, Bill told his audience, that the nations most interested in creating a crisis in the world right now had put the sub there to make an excuse to accuse us of the terror. It was undoubtedly really there, and was undoubtedly really of American make, and the epidemic was undoubtedly very real indeed, he said. The United Nations investigating team, due to go into the Canal Zone the next day and make their report to the world, would find that the epidemic was caused by laboratory-developed bacteria, carried in by an American-made sub. It would be at least as bad, if not worse, than reported.The question before the world, Bill said, was not whether bacteriological warfare had started, but who had started itand the fact that the sub carried United States markings and was of United States make did not at all answer the question.Bacteriological warfare had broken out and where it would strike next was anybodys guess.But let there be no mistake, Bill said. This is war.It was on that note that the station break came, and the thirteen witches, trademark of the International Witch Corporation, came on.Harvey Randolph, manufacturer of the Witch line of products, leaned toward the screen intently. He had just transferred his account to Burton, Dester, Duston & Oswald, and they had dreamed up a new-type commercial for the products.The thirteen witches were long-legged, slender dancing gals, in tall black witch caps and long black capes, crimson-lined, and very little else. Each had long hair that swirled as she danced.Randolph chewed his lip, watching them thoughtfully.They came on with what was almost a valkyrie cryWitches of the world, uniteto make it clean, clean, clean, Witch cleanNOW!Hm-m-m, thought Randolph. The cry struck rather sourly at the end of that this is war sentence from the newscast, he thought, but then that dramatic newscast-ending was rather unusual.The witches were singing a jingling chorus as they danced. No task is too big, no task is too small, they sang. Which Witch do you need? You should have them allEach witch, of course, displayed her particular product from the Witch linedetergent, soap, shampoo, cleanser, cleaning fluid.Witch soap or detergent.Witch cleanser upsurgent.Which Witch do you need? You should have them all.This was fairly average as commercials go, thought Randolph. The big BDD&O radical innovation would be next.It was. On the screen behind the witches appeared a map of the Suez Canal, and then a papier-mach model of the nose of a sub, and a dockside shanty, a gray pall hanging over them.As the witches turned and began dancing towards it, the deep voice of the announcer spoke over the muted jingle. Witches of the world, unite! If Nasser had enough Witches, he could solve the crisis which has us all in stitches.And the witches, in a united dance-step, approached the sub and shanty singing Make it clean, clean, clean, Witch clean, NOW! Each sprayed it with a Witch product, and as they sprayed the pall lifted, the sub and shanty showed shining bright, new-painted.Clean, clean, clean, chanted the chorus; Witch, Witch, Witch, clean, clean, clean. Defy dirt, defy disease.Keep Witch clean!Well, thought Randolph. And then again, Well.He wasnt quite sure, he told himself. The commercial came darn near being in poor taste, what with the crisis so near, and yet . it wasnt something to make you forget the product. By Geoffery, no! Youd think of Witch products quite a bit, after watching that one.He reminded himself to check the viewer reaction that would be available fairly early next day, as he switched off the TV.It was almost noon next day before Randolph reminded himself of the call hed planned to make to BDD&O. He got Oswald on the wire almost immediately.Randolph, here, he said. I called you about that new commercial. It seems a little drastic. Are you planning to use it again tonight?Use it? Were taking full credit, in a witchery sort of way! Oswald laughed. Never saw anything like your luck, Randolph. Ive got the entire staff tied up doing the follow-up for tonight. You neednt worry about libel, either. Weve got the whole legal staff turned out, going over every detail.It seemed pretty near the line to me, said Randolph, chewing his lip. He found himself a little puzzled over Oswalds tone, but not too much so. Any public
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