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2020-2021学年浙江省温州市乐清白石镇中学高二英语上学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. Have you heard from Kate recently? No. but I was told that she _ a rich man for nearly a month.A. had married with B. had been married toC. had married D. was married with参考答案:B2. The teacher, with 16 girls and 18 boys of her class, _ an English movie when the earthquake struck. A. was enjoying B. were enjoying C. had enjoyed D. enjoyed 参考答案:A3. It is essential to _handle the relationship between development issue and environment issue. A. eventually B. contemporarily C. consequently D. appropriately 参考答案:D4. The manager _ one of the hotel workers of stealing the money.A. blamed B. scolded C. accused D. charged参考答案:C5. To look after dogs _is a little challenging but it is really worthwhile and rewarding. A. correctly B. exactly C. actively D. properly参考答案:D略6. I thought that his parents_the view that he would go abroad.A.opposed to B.didnt approve C.didnt agree D.didnt subscribe to参考答案:C7. I think the team of our class will be_to win,but you have to work harder. A.possible B.likely C.probable D.certain参考答案:B略8. Her concert was _ big success last night. ks5uI think it surely makes _ big difference to a new talent. A. /;/ B. a; a C. a; the D. a; /参考答案:B9. Although this medicine will cure you _ your illness, it has some side effects_ some people.A. for; in B. for; on C. of; on D. of; in参考答案:C10. Helen says she will leave the company if she _ for her carelessness.A. punishesB. is punishedC. will punishD. will be punished参考答案:B11. It wont be quite a long time _ your son is back, so dont be worried. A. that B. since C. before D. until 参考答案:C12. For forty years Jane Goodall _ the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals. A. helps B. is to help C. had helped D. has been helping参考答案:D13. -Lets go outing this weekend, shall we?-_. I love getting close to nature.A. I couldnt agree more B. Im afraid not C. I believe not D. I dont think so参考答案:A14. Last night Bruce was observed _ the building with two young men and take a taxi away.AleaveBleft Chaving leftDto leave参考答案:D此题考查observe sb.do sth.的被动语态,sb.is observed to do sth.15. It was such a_ job that I really felt_.A. tiring; tiring B. tired; tired C. tiring; tired, D. tired; tiring参考答案:C二、 短文改错16. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除: 把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改: 在错词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。With the development of science and technology, intelligent robots will be wide used in the future. At home ,robots will help people do some housework and taking care of the elderly, babies and patients. In addition to these task, robots will even be able to play the chess and do exercise with people. In factories, robots will be used to perform some dangerous jobs avoid accidents.Robots will change our future life by many ways, what will make it more color1 ful and comfortable. Therefore, we shouldnt depend on intelligent robots too much, for they were made to help humans rather than replace us. As helpers of we humans, robots should be used properly.参考答案:With the development of science and technology, intelligent robots will be wide widelyused in the future. At home ,robots will help people do some housework and taking takecare of the elderly, babies and patients. In addition to these task, robots will even tasksbe able to play the chess and do exercise with people. In factories, robots will be 去掉used to perform some dangerous jobs avoid accidents. toRobots will change our future life by many ways, what will make it more color1 ful in whichand comfortable. Therefore, we shouldnt depend on intelligent robots too much, for Howeverthey were made to help humans rather than replace us. As helpers of we humans, robots are usshould be used properly.【分析】本文是一篇记叙文。随着科学技术的发展,智能机器人将在未来得到广泛应用。然而,我们不应该过多地依赖智能机器人,因为它们是用来帮助人类而不是取代我们的。作为人类的帮手,机器人应该被正确使用。【详解】1.考查副词。副词修饰后面的动词used,故把wide改成wi
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