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2020-2021学年浙江省绍兴市上虞崧厦镇中学高一英语月考试题含解析一、 选择题1. I hate _ when people talk with their mouths full.A it B that C these D them参考答案:A2. The old city _ in ruins when the war was _.A. lied; in the end B. lay; at an end C. lain; by the end D. laid; at the end参考答案:B3. The earth became so violent that it was not clear_ the shape would last or not. A. if B. how C. whether D. why参考答案:C略4. -How do you find the lecture by Mr. Lee? - _. A. Its a fine day. B. Very boring C. In the conference hall D. By bicycle参考答案:B5. All his free time is _ by charity work, but he feels it meaningful. A. put up B. given up C. picked up D. taken up参考答案:D6. In the dancing party, my dress is out of _, so I feel a bit embarrassed.A. orderB. dateC. controlD. reach参考答案:B【详解】考查介词短语辨析。句意:在舞会上,我的衣服过时了,所以我觉得有点尴尬。A. out of order秩序混乱;B. out of date过时;C. out of control失去控制;D. out of reach够不着。根据空后so I feel a bit embarrassed可知,此处指“衣服过时了”。故选B。7. Have you made an apology _ him _ breaking his window? Yes, I have. A. for; to B. to; to C. for; for D. to; for参考答案:D8. In order to continue to learn by ourselves when we have left school, we must _ learn how to study in the school now.Ain all Bafter allCabove all Dat all参考答案:C9. With the fast development of agriculture, the people, in _ village she taught 10 years ago, have lived a happy life.A. whom B. whoseC. which D. who参考答案:D10. Only when you leave your parents for college education _ how much you love them.A. do you realize B. you realize C. you will realize D. will you realize 参考答案:D略11. My father made me a promise _ he would buy me a present if I got a good mark A. when B. which C. that D. if 参考答案:C略12. What do you think of teaching?I find it fun and demanding. It is a job_ you are doing something serious but interesting.A where B which C that D what 参考答案:A13. We managed _ to the airport in time.A. gotten B. to get C. get D. getting 参考答案:B14. Are you free tomorrow? Shall we go _to enjoy ourselves?A. to downtown B. downtown C. to the downtown D. the downtown参考答案:A15. Shall we go skating or stay at home?Which_ do yourself?Ado you rather Bwould you ratherCwill you rather Dshould you rather参考答案:B考查sb.would rather do sth.二、 短文改错16. 下面短文中有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个的单词。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写上该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10 处,多者(从第11 处起)不计分。Dear Jin Jing,Your problem is common one among middle school students. Maybe the following advices can help you .First in all, believe in yourself. Your greatest problem is that you lack self-confidence. The first thing you must do it is to smile at your classmates. One smile speaks loud about your wish to make friends than any word. Your smile will show that you are friendly to him. Next, trying talking with a student who is as shy as you or who share the same interests with you. You can discuss your studies with a classmate and you can also talk about your hobbies. Unless anyone is in trouble, you should be ready to help him or her. Once you have confidence, you can make as many friends as possibly.Yours,Lily参考答案:Dear Jin Jing,Your problem is common one among middle school students. Maybe the following aadvices can help you .First in all, believe in yourself. Your greatest problem is advice ofthat you lack self-confidence. The first thing you must do it is to smile at your 去掉classmates. One smile speaks loud about your wish to make friends than any word. Your loudersmile will show that you are friendly to him. Next, trying talking with a student them trywho is as shy as you or who share the same interests with you. You can discuss your sharesstudies with a classmate and you can also talk about your hobbies. Unless anyone is Ifin trouble, you should be ready to help him or her. Once you have confidence, you can make as many friends as possibly. possibleYours,Lily1 One指代problem是可数名词,用a修饰,泛指“一个普遍的问题”2 Advice是不可数名词3 词组:first of all首先4 后面有than应该是比较级5 Make friends交朋友6 用them代替friends7 这是祈使句,用动词原形8 定语从句的谓语和先行词一致,先行词是a student,用单数谓语9 考查连词:当有人处于困境,你应该帮助他。用when10 As as p ossible尽
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