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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上外研版英语八年级下册阅读理解试题及答案B1技能进阶阅读训练营ACome here for more exerciseThere are 100 members in this fitness center(健身中心), 60 men and 40 women. They all like playing sports and want to keep healthy, so they come here to get more exercise. Almost every one of the men like playing basketball, and they think its very interesting. But only nine women like it, most women like volleyball. There are 45 men and 23 women playing baseball well. They all think its very exciting. Three women of them dont like ball games at all. They only like dancing and Yuga. All the members in this center like swimming very much. Many people have fun swimming in the pool every day. There are five new swimmers, and they still need the coaches. Tony is one of them. He only has five swimming classes, and he still needs another seven. Then he can swim freely like the other people. The womens favorite sport is dancing, but the mens favorite sport is basketball and baseball. What sport is your favorite? Dont stay at home to watch TV or play computer games all day. Come here to exercise and youll be happier and healthier. 根据短文内容判断正误。正确的填“T”,错误的填“F”。( ) 1. Only nine women in this fitness center like playing basketball. 细节理解题( ) 2. There are 45 men here can play volleyball well. 细节理解题( ) 3. Three women of them only like dancing and Yuga. 推理判断题( ) 4. There are thirteen swimming classes for the new swimmers. 数字计算题( ) 5. This fitness center only has ball games and swimming. 细节理解题来源: 原创 体裁: 记叙文 词数: 198 难度: 中等1-5 TFTFFBA different way of life Different people live in different ways in the world. For example, the Amish(阿米什人) people lead a very special and different way of life from ours.The Amish are famous for not driving cars; they dont use electricity(电) power, either. They still burn woods(烧柴). Can you imagine the life without phones, TV sets, fridges, or even computers?The Amish have their own education. Children dont go to school anymore after the 8th grade. After that, boys have to learn things on the farm, and girls have to learn cooking and housekeeping. They also have to marry the same kind people. They dont go to hospitals or see doctors from the outside world. They dont take pictures because they think taking pictures is proud(骄傲) in their culture. Single(单身的) women should wear black hair covers, and married women should wear white ones. Brides(新娘) dresses are often blue or purple. You wont find any buttons or pockets on their clothes.Its hard to believe that there are still people living in an inconvenient(不方便的) way. However, believe it or not, there are over 200,000 Amish in the United States. You might want to take a look at their daily life and wonder how much energy(能源) we waste every day.根据表格内容,选择最佳答案。( ) 6. What does “ours” mean at the beginning of the reading? 细节理解题A. our people.B. our country.C. our educationD. our way of life.( ) 7. From the reading, we know that the Amish _. 细节理解题 A. dont drive but call others with phones B. might still ride on horses C. see doctors in modern hospitals D. only take pictures for children( ) 8. From the reading, what can we know about Amish women? 推理判断题 A. They wear purple dresses when getting married. B. They wear black dresses when getting married.C. They wear white dresses before getting married. D. They wear dresses with pockets when getting married.( ) 9. About the Amishs children, _? 细节理解题 A. they dont study at school until Grate Eight. B. boys must learn things on the farm after eight years old. C. girls must learn how to do housework well. D. they can marry anyone they love. ( ) 10. For the reading, the writer means _? 主旨大意题 A. The Amish should teach us their way of life. B. We should throw away our cars, phones and computers. C. Their clothes are more beautiful than ours. D. We should save our energy in our daily life. 体裁: 记叙文 词数: 233 难度 较难非常解读Heads-down Tribe (1). _. These users are called the “Heads-down Tribe(低头族).” Heads-down Tribe members can be seen everywhere now, not only in the streets but also on the buses or trains. Most of them are young people. (A). They hardly care about whats happening around them. They only pay attention to the technology products in their hands. (2). _, but they always kept their heads down to use their mobile phones when they waited at the station waiting room. (B). And their children didnt know what they should do. If the children are younger, they may be lost in the crowded people. (3). _. Thats why more and more traffic accidents are happening every day. Many families lost parents or children, and they cant find happiness any more. (4). _. Heads-down Tribe members who use a smart phone or a tablet PC while driving will be fined(罚款), because
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