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关于如何邀请朋友得英语口语对话关于如何邀请朋友的英语口语对于于话【导语】语言是交流的对于象,语言学习的比较好方法是“以练为本”。大家都知道“说”很重要,用跟自己生活没有关系的材料练习口语,根本不算“使用语言”。以下是由苏阳文斋整理了关于如何邀请朋友的英语口语对于于话,以真实的文秘工作和生活为背景进行“场景会话教学”,充分考虑了语言学习的自然过程,强调纯正的工作和生活用语,重在对于于话和交流,易于学习和掌握。让我们一起来学习吧。【篇一】如何邀请朋友的英语口语对于于话A: Good morning, Ms. Amis!B: Good morning, Mr. Smith!A: I want to have a few friends over for a dinner partyto celebrate my birthday. Would you be able tocome the next weekend, on Saturday?B: Id be delighted to, Mr. Smith. Saturday, did yousay?A: If thats all right for you.B: Im pretty sure itll be all right.A: Good, if you could come around six-thirty or sevenoclock, that would give us time to chat a whileover a glass of wine before dinner.B: That sounds fine. Ill be there around seven.A:早晨好,艾米斯女士!B:早晨好,史密斯先生!A:我想请几位朋友吃顿晚饭庆祝我的生日。时间在下周末,星期六。你能来吗?B:我很愿意来,史密斯先生。你是说周六吗?A:如果你方便的话。B:我可以有把握地说这个时间对于于我很合适。A:好。如果你能在6点半或7点钟来,我们在晚饭前将有时间喝杯酒聊一会儿。B:听起来是个好主意。我大约在7点左右到。【篇二】如何邀请朋友的英语口语对于于话A: I wonder if you have made any plans tomorrowevening.B: No, I have nothing on then.A: Mr. Zhang, our Managing Director, would like tohave the pleasure of inviting you to a cocktailparty.B: Thats very kind of him. Id be delighted to come.A: Itll be held at 6:00 p.m. at Zhonghua Hotel.B: Thank you. Ill be there.A:不知道你明天晚上是否已有什么安排?B:没有,没什么安排。A:我们的总经理张先生想邀请你参加一个鸡尾酒会。B:谢谢他的好意。我很乐意前去参加。A:酒会将于下午6点在中华饭店举行。B:谢谢。我会去的。【篇三】如何邀请朋友的英语口语对于于话A: Im phoning because I want to invite you to a partyat our new house.B: New house?A: Yes. We know youre very busy but wed like youto come.B: Yes, Id like to. When is it?A:This Friday evening.B: Im sorry, but Ill have something urgent to do thenext day.A: But you dont have to stay that long. How about it?B: All right, Ill come. When does the party start?A: Come any time after seven.B: Good. Im looking forward to seeing you againIts been a long time.A:Yes, it has. We all miss you. Dont forget the party.B: I have a good memory.A:我打电话是因为我想请你到我们的新家参加聚会。B:新家?A:是的.我们知道你很忙,不过我们很想让你来。B:好的,我很乐意去。什么时间?A:本周五晚上。B:很抱歉,第二天我有急事要办。A:不过你不必待很长时间,怎么样?B:好吧,我去。晚会什么时候开始?A:7点以后随时都可以。B:好。我盼望再次见到你,有很长时间没见了。A:是的。我们都想念你,别忘了聚会。B:我记性很好。2Word版本
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