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内蒙古自治区赤峰市市翁牛特旗桥头中学高二英语联考试题含解析一、 选择题1. I wouldnt think it _ to ask him to _ the club-hell only refuse.A. worthwhile; join B. worthwhile; join in C. worth; join D. worth; attend参考答案:A【知识拓展】1.be worth doing sth.值得做某事。2.be well worth doing sth.非常值得做某事。2. Is it strange that Rose should marry Henry? I _ you kept it between you and me. A. prefer to B. would like C. feel like D. would rather参考答案:D3. As we all know, _ mankind has realized the walk in _ space. A. the; theB. /; theC. /; /D. the; /参考答案:C4. In some places, women earn money _ men work at home and raise their children.A. and B. when C. while D. though参考答案:C5. InBritainpersonalfireworksarentpermitted, sopeoplewilljust_. A. gounpunished B. dowithoutC. comeunsatisfiedD. liveimperfect参考答案:B6. _ she stopped asking questions, I got up and went out of the room. A. The instant B. For an instant C. On the instant D. In an instant参考答案:A7. _, 3 000 000 yuan ought to have been paid to the workers by months , but in fact , they usually get nothing home at the end of the year . A. All in all B. all the best C. In many ways D. In all 参考答案:D33. Eating too much fat can_heart disease and cause high blood pressure. A. contribute to B. 1ink to C. attend to D. devote to参考答案:A略9. The Internet has become increasingly popular, _ us to see as well as to hear all kinds of programmes. A. to allowB. allowingC. allowed D. having allowed参考答案:B10. After the huge fire in Jingan District , there are _ about fire prevention to the agency this year as last year.A. calls twice as many B. twice as many callsC. as twice many calls D. calls as many as twice参考答案:B11. We wanted to get back home before dark,but it didnt_as planned.A. make out B. turn outC. take on D. take off参考答案:B考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们想在天黑之前到家,但是结果并不像我们计划的那样。turn out意为“最后结果是”,符合语意。make out意为“辨认出,明白”;take on意为“呈现,具有(特征、外观等)”;take off“(飞机)起飞,(观念、产品等)迅速流行”。故选B。12. How are they getting on with their work? Everything goes well as _ . A. to be planned B. being planned C. planned D. planning参考答案:C13. -John has just been promoted to general manager of our company.-_. He is always devoted to his work.A. A little bird told me. B. Mind your own business.C. Good for him. D. Theres no way to tell.参考答案:C【详解】考查交际用语。A. A little bird told me.我听说的;B. Mind your own business.不要多管闲事;C. Good for him. 很好,真不错;D. Theres no way to tell.我不知道;句意:John已经被提拔为我们公司的总经理了。很好,他一直都很认真工作。根据句意可知后者赞同提拔John。故C项正确。14. Some old people dont like rocknroll because they cant _ so much noise.A. overlookB. tolerateC. resistD. ignore参考答案:B【详解】考查动词辨析。句意:有些老人不喜欢摇滚乐,因为他们不能忍受这么多噪音。A. overlook忽略;B. tolerate忍受;C. resist抵抗;D. ignore忽略,根据题意,故选B。15. Please give us a _ explanation _ why you have done so _ in geometry in school. A. specific; to; well B. concrete; for; good C. general; to; wonderful D. specific; to; good 参考答案:A二、 短文改错16. He felt no shame for what he had done; we thought his behavior was ashamed.参考答案:ashamed 改成shameful17. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear Mr. Dyson,I would like apply to become an assistant in your company.I will expect to get an Masters degree in mechanical engineering from Beijing University in 2016. In the past few years, I had got experience in designing new project.I worked in my holidays for a company designed engines for jeeps. I helped their design several parts of the new engine, it made me think I would like to work in a real inventors company.I would be grateful when you would consider employ me in your company.Yours sincerely,Liu Xue参考答案:1would like后加to 2will去掉3ana 4hadhave5projectprojects6designeddesigning或在designed前加that或which7theirthem8itwhich或在it前加and9whenif10employemploying解析:第一处:在like后加to。考查习惯表达。“喜欢做某事”用would like to do sth.。第二处:去掉will。考查时态。“期盼”发生在“现在”,故用一般现在时。第三处:ana 考查冠词。master的词首发音是辅音,故用a。第四处:hadhave 考查动词时态。由前面时间状语in the past few years可知用现在完成时。第五处:projectprojects 考查名词单复数。第六处:designeddesigning或在designed前加that或which。考查非谓语动词作定语或定语从句。这里a company与design是主动关系。第七处:theirthem考查代词。这里是作宾语,故用人称代词宾格them而不是物主代词their。第八处:itwhich考查句法。这里it前是逗号,逗号不能连接两个句子,故用which引导定语从句,代指前面整个句子。第九处:whenif考查连词引导状语从句。句意:如果您考虑雇佣我在你们公司工作我将不胜感激。第十处:employemploying 考查非谓语动词。“考虑做某事”用consider doing三、 阅读理解18. An earthquake is one of the most common natural disasters. It may cause great damage. So it is wise to learn
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